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Rail Megathrons with FAX support are used by goonswarm under the name Baltecs as a battleship doctrine. afaik the doctrine is active since spring 2018 and still active (certainly some changes to the fitting). It's usage has varied over time, currently (end of 2021) it's not much used probably due to battleship prices and lack of suitable objectives for such a doctrine. Example battlereport of the doctrine: (Reports where the doctrine gets stomped also exist.) Explanation of the doctrine's name: I leave it to others if the explanation of such a doctrine should be part of the article. The pc gamer article could also be a nice piece of trivia for the megathron. Erwin Madelung (talk) 14:45, 22 December 2021 (UTC)

I don't know whether we should include lots of details about the Baltecs doctrine, but I like the idea of including a note on the doctrine's unusual history with a link to the PC Gamer article in the Notes section. It also looks like the page could do with some fixing of typos, and a clearer and more helpful brief set of notes about skills. I agree with your earlier removal of the old, very general, section on tactics. I'll try to give it a little attention now. Uryence (talk) 16:09, 22 December 2021 (UTC)