Guide to combat sites

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Imported from this forum thread

  • you have your brand new scanning frigate with some probes?
  • you are not interested in running missions/mining/trading to earn some money?
  • you can salvage and have destroyers at lvl1?
  • you want to earn some money with exploration?

Then this little guide might be something for you.

It's far from complete, but it may give you some advice what to do and what not to do.

It doesn't cover DRONE SITES - I just hate them and the angel sites give better loot+salvage.

This guide is about making a little money (up to 10mio/hour) with only astrometics 1, destroyers 1, mechanic+survey 3 (for salvaging) and eventually science 4 (for tractor beams). I'm writing this cause I didn't find a single website that explained the exploration sites that can be done with a frigate or destroyer - an hour in the ingame EXPLORATION channel didn't help either... no one could help me, so I decided to collect some data and put it on the forum here.

To sum it up:

  1. First you scan down some anomalies/signatures.
  2. Then you kill the NPC's inside.
  3. While you do this, you bookmark a wreck at every site or if it has more than one room, in every room.
  4. Then you come back and salvage everything.
  5. Keep in mind that wrecks stay there for a maximum of 2 hours.
  6. There is no 6!
  7. Rinse and repeat until you have the skills to join worhmhole(WH) ops or until there is war or something. Smile

A note about scanning and WAR (and wormholes).

These are the IVY League Wartime Rules and they clearly state that no radar/gravimetric/exploration sites may be done while the UNI is at war. Magnetometric sites are not mentioned but "exploration" covers them all so don't do them while at war (you have other things to do then, anyway).

If you want to do them and not want to participate in the war - just drop UNI for a while until we are at peace again.

Scanning is allowed - and since Wormholes are the only thing that is allowed while we are at war - scan for them!

If you find one: warp to it and enter the name here: or look there: While at war, you can be engaged at any time by a WarTarget(WT) - so best thing is to train for a covops ship(lvl4) +cloaking(lvl4) - If you are far away from that, you should always be at 0m to a station while scanning so as to be able to dock immediately - and have the local channel open all the time to see if there are WTs incoming.

Ships to use

NOTE: If you are using a ship fitted for long range fighting, you might have to use some different tactics.... I use short range because many NPC's spawn directly on my top and to kill cruisers, orbiting them close and fast is not bad to avoid ALL of their damage. Smile


Probe High Slots:

  • core probe launcher/8 core scanner probes
  • salvager1

Mid Slots

  • analyzer1 (as soon as you have the skill)
  • codebreaker1 (as soon as you have the skill)

Low Slots

  • no lows, no rigs

ADVANCED SCANNING: (til i can fly covops)

Probe High Slots:

  • sisters core probe launcher/8 sisters core scanner probe
  • salvager1

Mid Slots

  • analyzer1
  • codebreaker1

Low Slots

  • 200mm reinforced rolled tungsten plate
  • 200mm reinforced rolled tungsten plate (to tank while I loot the rare magneto/radar sites that spawn rats and to protect the 50mio of scanning equip a bit from hisec suicide gankers)

You only want to use something like this in a quiet place... in or near a trade hub it might attract suicide gankers. But never feel safe with a frig worth 100k with modules worth 60mil Wink - know what your are risking for 15% more scanning strength...


thrasher High Slots:

  • 7x200mm autocannon/emp S (grouped in 4+3)

Mid Slots

  • 1mn ab
  • medium shield extender I
  • medium shield booster I

Low Slots

  • damage control I
  • overdrive injector system I

NOTE: I grouped in 4+3 cause some small frigs (hijackers, ...) pop from 3 guns if at close range, so i can take out 2 at once... for bigger ships, pressing 2 keys (F1+F2) isn't soo hard Wink - If you know what you're after and you won't get anything that instapops with only 3 guns you can group them all together - I'm too lazy and prefer to press F1+F2 together. Wink


thrasher High Slots:

  • 4x salvager I
  • 3x small tractor beam

Mid Slots

  • 1mn afterburner
  • small capacitor battery

Low Slots

  • 2x cargo expander (not really needed)[/url]

For your info (about shiptypes, what damage they do and so on)

ANOMALIES: this guide will cover these types, angel cartel only (cause they give better loot than drones, and only drones+angel can be found near the HQ)

STATIC COMPEXES: there is only one static angel complex(lvl2-> frig+destroyer) SIGNATURES:

  • UNKNOWN: Combat sites.
    • unknown sites can be wormholes too, but i wont cover them at all in this guide since its for soloplay and relatively new players.

the rest of cosmic signatures are not part of this guide cause they are pretty simple - you scan down a site, you loot/salvage/mine it, done.

  • GRAVIMETRIC: Hidden asteroid belts
  • MAGNETOMETRIC: Archaeology/Salvage profession sites
  • RADAR: Hacking profession sites
  • LADAR: Gas Cloud sites

rats do rarely spawn in magnetometric/radar sites or are already there. they are 3-5 easy to kill frigs. no idea about ladar/gravimetric but there might be spawns too.


they are found with only one probe and are at 100% and warpable after the first scan just bookmark all you want to visit and come back with your fighting ship - if you only want to do those you can fit a probe launcher on your fighting ship cause they take no skill to scan them down (other than the ability to launch probes) they are not deadspace, so you can use a MWD.

Angel Burrow - spawns only frigs

2 examples:

4 hijacker -- 3 thug -- 1 ambusher -- 4 hijacker -- 1 raider

4 rogue -- 3 rogue -- 2 outlaw -- 3 rogue -- 1 raider

Angel Den - spawns frigs-cruisers

thanks to Lir O´Trog for the data:

2 X Heavy Missile Installation 6 X Gistii Hunter 3 X Gistior defacer 2 X Gistior defiler 3 X Gistior Shatterer 3 X Gistior Trasher 2 X Gistium Breaker 3 X Gistium Crusher 2 X Gistium Depredator 2 X Gistium Predator

NOTE: he did it in a cruiser - if i look at the summary of ships this might not be recommended for a destroyer. but well, i have to try it on my own if i find this site - ill write down the groups then, too (if i can handle them Wink ).

Angel Folorn Hideaway - spawns frigs-cruisers

4x ruffian 1x nomad -- 3x nomad 1x ruffian 1x preadtor (cruiser) -- 2 shatterer (destroyer) 2 depredator (cruiser) 1 predator (cruiser) --- 3 depredator (cruiser) 2 predator (cruiser) --- just orbit the cruisers at 500 with AB on and they wont hit you at all, kill them last. approach the 2 destroyers in the 3rd group, kill em quick and get back to orbit. its way easier than the worst ANGEL REFUGE if you have some practise Smile

Angel Forsaken Hideaway - spawns frigs-cruisers - complete data missing

3 raider 2 seizer -- 3 trasher 2 arch gistii hunter -- 4 hunter 4 trasher -- 4 seizer 4 arch gistii impaler -> INCOMPLETE

no way to break through the last group in a destroyer

Angel Hidden Hideaway - spawns frigs-cruisers

7 outlaw 1 predator + 1 sentry (ignore it for now) -- 3 defiler -- 2 depredator -- now kill the sentry (trigger) 3 hijacker 2 depredator -- 4 hijacker 1 haunter -- 4 rogue 2 depredator

Angel Hideaway - spawns only frigs

2 hijacker -- 2 outlaw -- 3 hijacker -- 2 thug


2 rogue -- 2 outlaw -- 2 rogue -- 1 ambusher

or something like that.

Angel Refuge - spawns frigs+destroyers

now this one is a little more tricky... there are some really different types of spawns. some you can do easily with the setup i use for fighting:

missile (kill first) defense (kill second) 2x rogue -- 3x outlaw -- 3x ruffian -- 1x shatterer (destroyer) -- 2x haunter (destroyer)

but you can also get this (or something in between) - this is the worst i got in 20 or more runs: you have to warp out and restack shields/cap (or repair armor) if you get these before the fifth wave cause you will be killed otherwise... well i have not seen any EW other than target painting in all my sites so that shouldnt be a problem (no warpscrambler or webber yet, in other words)

missile (kill first) defense (kill second) 3x thug -- 3x ruffian -- 1x defiler (destroyer) 2x hunter (range frig) -- 3x impaler (range frig, missiles) 2x shatterer (destroyer) -- 3x defiler (destroyer) 2x ambusher (range frig, missiles)


since i dont cover drones yet i think there is only one static complex at the moment...

ANGEL CREO-CORP-MINING this is found via a beacon in space - one should be in hardbako(1jump from HQ) if i remember correctly every gate here needs the key that is dropped from a guarded structure.

- deadspace syncronization HQ for second room key - creocorp main factory for third room key

short writedown what i experienced: (not a too big deal if you are in a destroyer)

ROOM1 - spawns frig-dest - open for frig-dest - key from deadspace syncronization HQ

5 thug + 1 hijacker (AGGRO on warp in) -- 2 hijacker (AGGRO after 1st group was killed) -- 1 hijacker 2 outlaw 1 ruffian 4 thug (shot to AGGRO) -- 3 thug 2 outlaw (shot to AGGRO) -- 1 nomad 1 thug (shot to AGGRO) -- 2 thug 1 ruffian 3 sentry stations (aggro if you shoot the KEY station. they cant do alot damage so nevermind) --- now the deadspace syncronization HQ -> key -> jump

ROOM2 - spawns frig-cruiser - open for frig-dest - key from creocorp main factory

1 hijacker 2 nomad 1 outlaw 1 rogue 1 ruffian (all AGGRO on warpin) -- 1 outlaw 1 thug 1 depredator (AGGRO while flying to something else, i turned and shot them) -- after that i shot something and had stageaggro from: 4 hijacker 3 outlaw 4 rogue 1 ruffian 5 thug but that was no problem at all in a destroyer --- 3 sentries -- now the creocorp main factory -> key -> jump

ROOM3 - spawns frig-dest - open for frig-dest

2 rogue 1 ruffian -- after that i shot the nearest and got almost stageaggro from: 10 hijacker 4 nomad 4 outlaw 2 rogue 2 ruffian 3 thug 1 predator was not really a problem -- 3 hijackers 6 sentries -- after that i could kill the "deadspace control station" loot was only 500k, and you cant salvage more than stage1 cause you need the keys to progress, otherwise this would be salvaging heaven


they are scanned down with 4 probes, if you still dont know how, check the guides... they start with a acceleration gate. if you want to have an idea with what ship you can fly into those:

  1. warp to them after you scanned them down
  2. check if your ship+fitting+rigs is worth <10mio, if not, dock, come back in a pod and continue at 4+7.
  3. eject
  4. activate the gate you now see all the shiptypes that may enter it - but since you are in a pod you cant
  5. reenter your ship, if you cant, align somewhere in space and try it again right after you did align
  6. no six
  7. come back with the ship that fits, destroyer in my case Wink

Angel Hideout - spawns frig-cruiser - open for frig-destroyer


4 thug AGGRO on warpin, rest spawns every some seconds 2 hunter 1 defiler 3 nomad 2 impaler 1 defeater (web)


1 hunter 2 impaler 2 nomad 3 raider 3 defeater 2 marauder some AGGRO on warpin, rest spawns shortly later -- Drug Lab (trigger after 25% shield or something) -- 4 frigates (do always spawn, last is trigger) -- faction frigate (does not always spawn)

there is another type of spawn for this: spawns arent much different, only more scattered around (50km+) cruisers hit harder this time but since they are all away they take some time to get to you

Angel Lookout - spawns frig-dest+elitefrigs - open for frig-BS

was afraid of this cause it is open for BSs but there was no need to be afraid, did it in my first try without a single warpout (in a thrasher)


1 angel light missile battery 3 gistii hunter 1 gistii outlaw 4 gistii thug 1 gistor defacer 5 shatterer - five didnt aggro on warpin (2thug, 1outlaw, 2shatterer) - no need to warpout in first room with a little kiting - no spawns, no webbers, no scramblers


1 shatterer 2 haunter 1 defiler AGGRO on warpin -- 4 thug AGGRO on approaching -- 3 shatterer 3 ambusher 1 ruffian AGGRO on shooting grp2 or i was to close -- 3 ruffian 1 impaler AGGRO on approaching -- 2 arch gistii nomad AGGRO on approaching -- angel control center: no loot

Angel Watch - spawns ??? - open for up to battlecruiser - angel silver tag needed -INCOMPLETE!!!


70 km away, aggro on jumpin:

3 arch gistii nomad (target painters) 4 ambusher 2 raider 1 gistum communications officer (target painter)(trigger)

spawned on first hit: 2 seizer 3 trasher 1 gistum communication officers - all at 30-50km (trigger)

spawned on first hit: 1 arch gistii hunter 1 ambusher 2 shatterer 60km 1 gistum communications transmitter (trigger) 1 gistum depredator 90km

spawned on first hit: 4 defeater 4 raider 4 impaler 4 shatterer half of them was 30?km away, other half was 60something. had no time to note it all

while i warped out, some cruisers spawned, 4 if i counted correctly. no way to kill that all in a destroyer. stopped here, sorry Very Happy definately NOT a site for less than cruisers. this was the first of 2 rooms and i couldnt do it Sad i suggest a cruiser/battlecruiser for this one

Angel Vigil - spawns at least cruisers - open for up to battlecruiser - some key needed - INCOMPLETE!!!


10 sentries 7 cruisers as initial spawn in the first room. this is NOT for destroyers Very Happy


escalations are something like followup missions. you get them when you spawn and/or kill a faction spawn - sometimes (like 1/10 for me) you see a popup telling you something, after that you have a location in your journal under the expeditions tab. for me it was 5-15 jumps away usually and gave me 24 hours of time to complete.

so check your journal under expeditions everytime you had a popup or killed a faction spawn. if you got one:

  1. travel to the system
  2. warpin to the location
  3. BOOKMARK the location or the very first wreck. the bookmark you get in your journal is only for the system! if you leave the site and didnt bookmark something there, you cant go back since once you are in, the bookmark in you journal is gone.
  4. youll find one or even more faction spawns there, so it might be well worth the travel time (got a 60mio T2 implant from one of those e.g.)
  5. have fun!
  6. this time there really is no 6 Razz


  • to keep this thread somewhat clear, send me your corrections of the combat sites via PM or evemail. ill check them and put everything new in
  • if anyone has collected data about

>drone cosmic anomalies >drone static plexes please PM too, ill be glad to put them in.

encouraging/discouraging: + you can start making some money here with only Astrometrics1 and a good frig, you can actually make quite some money with a destroyer and another destroyer fitted for salvaging

+ no need to grind standing up for some agents.

+ for me its more exciting to scan things down and do them rather than doing the same missions over and over again

+ there is a chance of a faction spawn that might drop really good/expensive loot

+ for those basic sites, you dont really have to be worried about EWar. some frigs are target painting which should be your primaries, but i havent seen any webbers or warp scramblers yet - so its really forgiving mistakes, just like lvl1-2 missions.

- faction spawns in those "simple" sites wont drop really good things, im not sure if they drop anything good since i only got one spawn

- you have competition - not alot with the cosmic anomalies, but it gets worse on looting sites (magnetometric/radar) or on combat sites that have to be scanned down

- to be somewhat effective you should be some jumps away from the uni HQ (less other Unistas hunting for the same stuff)

- to be really effective you should be far away from the HQ (im 15jumps away and i noticed an increase of 100% to 500% in population in the last 2 weeks, so that might not be far enough Wink

- this lessens your ability of quickly joining fleets alot!

- you should have your racial industrial skill at least at 1 - you wont be able to sell anything to a reasonable price in the uncrowded systems you are looking for - hauling to HEK or RENS is the way to go.

- ...after you have done everything some times its the same grind like missions, too...

some things you have to think about that arent covered in this thread since its for beginners only

  • if you want to make more money out of that for longer than the 2-4 weeks of peace we might get, you will have to go to lowsec or even 0.0, with missions you can stay in hisec
  • there are rats waiting at the lowsec looting sites (salvaging, archaeologoy, hacking) - you need some specialized ships and shouldnt be afraid of losing them
  • missions are more profitable. period.