Third-Party Game Guides

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There are a lot of EVE game guides on the market that claim to make you great at PvP, a Trillionaire in isk and various other things. There are both free & Purchasable guides available & finding good honest reviews of these guides can be difficult. Below is a list of guides & reviews from EvE Uni members who have used these guides. Please note however, this is not an exhaustive list and reflects the views of the individual users, not the Uni as whole. It must also be noted that, EvE University is in no way affiliated with these guides & the views expressed below are from individual users.

Why would I pay real money for a guide

As with most mainstream games, players want to maximise their potential be it through making in game currency to improving performance & EvE is no exception. People will often turn to guides as a way of learning these techniques to get further faster. As a result of this, the creation of guides both free & paid are plentiful. Deciding whether to purchase a guide can be tricky as there are often outdated guides still for sale and weeding out these can be difficult, so without further ado here are the reviews

EVE Online ISK Guide


This free guide contains methods for making ISK useful for any pilot, from Alpha clones to veteran Omega pilots.

EVE Billionaire


This guide is advertised as a way to become an EvE billionaire. From user feedback it would appear this guide is outdated & hasn’t been updated for some time.

Isk the guide


This is the official eve online guide. The guide is available online for free but Is also avaialbe to purchase as a hard copy version. The guide looks great first of all and is huge with helpful information. The thing about this guide is that it is a very useful reference guide and gives some good tips. Overall a good guide with great references and tools. However there is nothing in this guide that you couldn't find on the EvE University or official EVE online wiki.

EVE MMO Game Guide


This is similar to isk the guide in that it has a lot of references to eve. Most of the strategies in it are fairly well known. Unfortunately it is also similar to EVE billionaire in that it is inactive & hasn’t been updated in some time.



This guide is made by some of the best pvpers in the game and has some really useful videos. There are free videos to try out as well as a forum to talk to pro pvpers and ask questions. You can actually go and pvp with the creators of this guide where they will give you tips in the field. However it does require a subscription fee while all the others are a onetime price.

EVE PRO Guides


This guide is made by a pro pvper who has some absolutely incredible tricks and tips. He has instructional pvp videos that are the fastest way to get good at pvp. The videos are brief and to the point. The price is cheap, this guide is probably worth a lot more and the creator actively responds to questions and requests. It isn't too easy to find bad things about this guide but things that could be improved upon is the amount of content, whilst what is available is usefull and to the point, there isn’t a lot of it. Overall the strategies in this guide are very useful and is highly rated.


Rating the guides 0-10, 0 being inactive and 10 being perfect I would give them:

  • EVE Online ISK Guide - 9
  • EVE Billionaire - 0
  • ISK the guide - 6
  • EVE MMO Game Guide - 4
  • EVE is EASY - 8
  • EVE PRO Guides - 9.5

Most of these guides have free content to try out so I you are interested in purchasing a guide it would be advisable to try looking at that and deciding for yourself.