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Battle Ventures

Remember when you were a kid and pretended Bananas were guns? Welcome to the EVE Version! Battle Ventures! Or…the Battle Bananas!

Yes, Ventures can fit weapons. In fact, they can fit them surprisingly well, with a 4k EHP tank, and up to 125 DPS with T2 Blasters. While some may view the "Battle Venture" as a trolling doctrine, there are few pilots who will react to being slowly chewed apart by these little yellow pests as anything other than an amusement. You may be surprised the fights you get even in a large swarm of these ships. Everyone loves a Battle Venture fleet.


Make no mistake, Battle Ventures is a “gimmick” doctrine – there is no situation where this doctrine has any advantage over any doctrine built on combat hulls (except fun!). However they should still not be underestimated. A blaster fit Battle Venture with all V skills puts out close to 125 DPS with Void ammunition, which in enough numbers can potentially take down Battleship sized targets

As an FC you should avoid anything close to an even numbers fight, and focus on isolating and ganking lone targets


  • Fun
  • Cheap
  • Accessible
  • …that’s kinda it…


  • All the obvious ones
  • Additional issue to bear in mind is Ventures have an AWFUL lock range (19km with max skills). You’re unlikely to be able to lock anything much outside of tackle range – making gate camping without a dedicated gate camp ship almost impossible

Fleet Composition

The base fit is effectively a poor man’s Magic Merlin. MWD and Shield Extender in the mids, with the fleet using the third mid for a selection of scrams, points and webs to cover all options (similar to Punisher fleets)

High slots use Blasters by default, as the highest DPS short range weapons system, however any short range weapon (Pulse Lasers, Autocannons etc..) can be substituted here depending on a pilot’s skills. As all players can fly the Venture hull by default, this makes for a very inclusive fleet

T2 Blaster Banana

T1 Blaster Banana

Damp Banana

The tackle module slot can be exchanged for an EWAR module of your choice on a couple of ships. Multispectral ECM can be devastating if you get lucky, but its success chance is pretty poor. For a more guaranteed impact, try fitting sensor dampeners, to stop ships from kiting you out from range

Paper Scout

As your aim is to gank lone targets, ships which are ratting or running missions are a great target. For this, combat probes are essential. You can bring a dedicated ship for this (an exploration ship, or a T3D), or take advantage of the innocuous appearance of the Venture and fit a few Ventures with probes. Yes. it'll take you a bit longer to probe them down given the lack of bonuses, but at the same time, who would expect Venture fleet to warp into your mission pocket?