Recruiting corporation members

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(Page title: Recruiting corporation members)

Once you have established a corporation, in most cases you will need to add some members. The exception is a one-person corporation which may be used, for example, to avoid high tax rates which are charged in NPC corporations.

Applications to corporation

There are two ways a member can join a corporation:

  • They apply to the corporation and their application is approved
  • They are invited by the corporation and accept the invitation

Unless you have turned off the ability to apply to your corporation, anyone can apply to join by clicking the button at the bottom of the corporation information window. They will have a small, optional, open text field to tell you why they wish to join.

When a member applies you (and anyone holding the Personnel Manager role, which includes Directors) will receive a notification. You can turn these off if you want to by clicking on your notification feed, selecting the gear for settings and unchecking the box next to (look up wording, its weird).

You can view all the applications to join your corporation under the Corporation window, followed by Recruitment > Applications to Corporation. If you click on one of the applications you can see what information, if any, they have entered in their application. You will have the options to either 'Send invitation' or 'Reject'.

If you choose to Reject the application you will be given and option to make some amendments to the rejection mail, if you wish to tell them why their application was unsuccessful.

Choosing the option to 'Send invitation' does the same thing as using the (check wording) button at the top left of the window, and it sends the applicant a notification that they have been invited to join a corporation. They can view the invitation under Corporation . Recruitment > My Applications and choose whether to Accept or Reject the invitation.

Background checks

Corporation adverts