Security missions

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Security missions missions that involve combat. Usualy these missions are given by security agents but mining and distribution agents can in certain cases, such as storyline missions and COSMOS missions, give missions that behave like security missions.

Structure of a security missions

When you receive an mission offer you will be given some basic info on the mission. On right side of the mission offer you can see the mission objective, enemy faction, possible ship restrictions, target system with warning on low sec space and rewards. It is important to at least look at the enemy faction as you are almost quaranteed to lose standings with this faction. On left half of the mission offer is the mission briefing, a lore fluff for your mission. This usually won't give you much details on the mission but sometimes there are hints such as "fit a fast ship, you will need to burn a long distance", "harder than usual combat" or "I will be updating your objectives on the fly".

In the mission offer you should pay special attention to the mission objective, enemy faction, possible low srcurity route warning and possible special ship restriction (says "This mission contains special ship restrictions").

Once you have accepted the mission you should prepare your ship. It is common to adjust your fit based on the mission. The usual adjustment is swapping resist modules to match the damage of the enemy faction. Sometimes it is also good idea to fit modules to counter incoming EWAR: Extra capacitor to coutner neuting or sensor booster+scripts to counter ECM and damping.

The mission itself is loceted in system given by the agent. In this system you will be able to see a warpable mission location in space, in right click menu and in top left corner of your screen.

The missions usually consist of simple things that you need to complete:

  • If you encounter a locked acceleration gate kill every NPC ship in space to unlock it.
    • In few instances the gate requires a key to activate. Trying to activate the gate will say what is needed.
  • If killing everything doesn't work take a look at the mission briefing and objective. Often you need to destroy a specific structure. The structures aren't visible in most overviews so you will need an overview that shows "large collidable structures".
  • Mission often have various triggers. that cause new enemies to spawn. The most common trigger is to attack or kille certain ships. it is often important to avoid triggering triggers to often to not get overwhelmed.

Once you have completed the objective of the mission the mission icon will turn into a green checkmark. Note that if the mission required items to be retrieved you still need to grab them. You can then return to the agent and receive your reward.

Mission levels

Security missions go from level 1 all the way to level 5.

  • Level 1 is where most new players start. Most, if not all, level 1 missions can be done in a basic frigate frigate, Only the most basic piloting skills are required.
  • Level 2 mining missions can be done in a cruiser or in a destroyer piloted by a more skilled pilot. These missions generally expect that you are continually improving your piloting skills and learning how to fit out new ships.
  • Level 3 missions require a battlecruiser. These missions go faster if you have trained for better ships and at least some Tech 2 fittings.
  • Level 4 missions require a Battleship with full T2 tank fitted. These missions can be time-consuming, but they offer large rewards.
  • Level 5 missions are designed for groups of players or capital ship and are exclusively located in Low Security space.

Loot and salvage

Security missions almost always involve killing rats. This creates the opportunities to loot and salvage wrecks.

The worthness of loot and salvage rises with mission leve. Generally missions with large number of battleships are the only ones worth looting and salvaging but there are exceptions.

If you plant to loot and/or salvage the mission you should consider investing in a mobile tractor unit (MTU). The MTU is a personal deployable structure that will tractor wrecks from 125 km range around it nd store all the loot. Drop an MTU when when you start killing and bookmark the location. Once the mission is completed you can return in a salvaging ship and warp to a nice cluster of wrecks.

Certain missions have very low chance of having a faction ship present. It is very much recommended that this ship is killed and looted as they can drop faction modules, implants or blueprint copies.