Chari Shakai

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Chari Shakai is a level 2 agent in Amarr COSMOS at beacon "Civic Court Plaza" in Aphi.

This agent gives five courier missions. You will need 500 m3 of cargo space so an exploration frigate is the best fast transport ship to use. All missions are in high security space and there is no combat involved.

No Sincerer Love (1 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 800x Chanounian Wine (400 m3)
Rewards random small storyline module BPC (3 run)

Mission briefing
Good day, traveller. My name is Chari Shakai, and I'm one of the Nurtura corporation's chief distribution agents here in Aphi. We have one of the largest agricultural operations in the whole of New Eden, and the size of our sprawling commercial empire means that sometimes things tend to get lost in the cracks. That's where freelancers such as yourself come in.

If you've spent any amount of time in Araz at all, you have no doubt heard of Lord Methros. He is one of the local figures of power in this constellation, and his needs are often extravagant. The Lord is throwing a grand feast for his son this evening, and they are in desperate need of some Chanounian wine for the proceedings. If you can get this shipment over to Munory as soon as possible, I am likely to have more work for you.

Simple courier mission. The mission can be completed remotely but accepting next requires you to travel back to the agent.

No Sincerer Love (2 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 80x High-Tech Small Arms (0.8 m3)
Rewards random small storyline BPC (3 run)

Mission briefing
Good to see you again, <Character>. I was just looking for someone speedy and efficient to handle a certain matter for me that's just come up.

One of our plantations on Koona II has just suffered a small uprising. It appears the grimy shags were unable to keep their baser instincts in check, so they decided they'd try to stage a little coup. The plantation is owned by Lord Methros and sublet to us through an agency run by the area's magistrate, so it is extremely important that this little communal temper tantrum be quelled quickly and efficiently.

I need you to take a shipment of weapons to the ACN Studio at Koona IV. Get this done within 10 minutes and you will be handsomely rewarded - and the wrath of some important people averted.

Simple courier mission. The mission can be completed remotely but accepting next requires you to travel back to the agent.

No Sincerer Love (3 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1000x HighFrozen Plant Seeds (500 m3)
Rewards random small storyline module BPC (3 run)

Mission briefing
I have another mission of some importance for you, <Character>. It appears that a Blood Raider chapter has been staging strikes against the Amarr Constructions Production Plants in Zimse. Their requests for imperial aid have fallen on deaf ears time and time again, and since they've taken no measures to align themselves with any of this constellation's local lords they're sitting dead in the water, so to speak.

In their unwillingness to play the politics game they've opted to make a deal with us for hasty delivery of various foodstuffs, and rumor has it they're hiring independent contractors, some of them pod pilots, to protect their areas. Looks like they're preparing for a siege. Poor, silly bastards.

Anyway, one chooses one's own fate. They want a siege, they can have one as far as we're concerned. I have here a shipment of frozen plant seeds that was scheduled for delivery yesterday but was missed by the pilot assigned to it. Their cutoff point for the deal is in three hours. Get this shipment over there as soon as possible, so the poor fools stand at least some chance of surviving their self-imposed winter.

Simple courier mission. The mission can be completed remotely but accepting next requires you to travel back to the agent.

No Sincerer Love (4 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 500x Dorga Roes Seeds (500 m3)
Rewards random small storyline module BPC (3 run)

Mission briefing
The situation with our plantation on Koona II has just gotten worse, <Character>. Apparently the small arms we sent weren't enough; the slaves somehow managed to intercept the shipment as it was planetbound and kill a large contingent of our hired guards. Things down there are growing dire. The filthy animals apparently have delusions of grandeur; they've been sending coded messages intended to "illuminate" us as to the "error of our ways" and "make us see the true Spirit." We may need to take drastic measures soon.

What we have down there now is something akin to a trench warfare situation. The two camps have holed themselves up on opposite sides of the plantation and are engaging in sporadic skirmishes, but with no real losses on either side. Our people are running out of food, however, so we need to have some edibles air-dropped down to them post haste.

But therein lies the rub. Due to a recent reallocation of resources, we have nothing in that system that can be brought down to their location quickly enough to remain edible after extreme environmental changes such as the ones brought about by the hyper-suborbital crossover. We therefore need you to head over to Munory as fast as humanly possible and grab some of the dorga roes found there; they're the only thing we can think of at the moment able to withstand the journey. Bring them back to Koona as soon as possible.

Please hurry. A number of brave and upstanding soldiers are depending on you for their lives.

Simple courier mission: Pick up items from place A, deliver them to place B. The mission can be completed remotely but accepting next requires you to travel back to the agent.

No Sincerer Love (5 of 5)

Type Courier
Objective Deliver 400x Kameiras (400 m3)
Rewards random small storyline module BPC (3 run) + 0.53% Amarr faction standing gain

Mission briefing
I've just received word from Central. It's bad. It's really bad.

Apparently, the latest news from Koona II indicates that things aren't going so well down there. There's a sand storm raging down there at the moment, but through it we've been getting intermittent transmissions displaying horrible things: guards being disemboweled, their throats being slit, their eyes scooped out. I've had my reservations about blanket judgments in the past, <Character>, but I no longer care what anyone tells me. Matari just aren't human. They're driveling, putrid beasts, and they need to be kept on the tightest of leashes, lest their obscene nature ooze through the holes in their thinly woven semblance of fake humanity.

Our CEO has pulled some strings at the Trade Registry, and through them he has managed to procure what we need. Fight monsters with monsters, I say. A detachment of Kameiras awaits you at the Noble Appliances Factory at Chanoun VIII - Moon 10, freshly landed in this constellation. Let the drooling beasts choke to death on their blood as they look at the faces of their own. Only fitting, one should think.

Chanoun, then Koona. Go to it, and may the Lord be with you.

Simple courier mission: Pick up items from place A, deliver them to place B. The mission can be completed remotely but accepting next requires you to travel back to the agent.