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Collection of sources of info on currently occuring storylines.

Minmatar City Ships

Leak in Thukker Mix Reveals Next Gen City Ships

EZA-FM IV – Leisure Group publication Eagle's View published extensive documentation and video evidence of a major Thukker city ship project, late last night. The anonymously sourced evidence confirms suspicions that Thukker Mix and Core Complexion are collaborating on the construction of new city ships using technology recovered from several expeditions into the Rogue Drones regions. The source, claiming to be an engineer, says their leak was motivated by concern about the poorly-understood technology, which has a record of behaving unpredictably.

Timestamps on the digital documents date the start of the project in YC111, though research missions in the Rogue Drone region had apparently been ongoing for several years prior. Construction is stated to have commenced in several Great Wildlands deadspace pockets during YC114. Eagle's View has told the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx that their investigation into the ultimate disposition of the "city ships project" is continuing.


Zainou Biohazard Containment Facility and Aliastra Warehouse stations in Semiki were breached.

Potential Rogue Drone connection. Attack was done with Rogue Drone based virus. Attack may have targeted Rogue Drone tech held in facility.
Potential Triglavian connection. Attack may have targeted Triglavian items held in facility.
Potential Drifter connection. Capsuleers reported unusual Drifter activity in system. CONCORD says "Capsuleer exaggerations and hyperbole do not inform or shape CONCORD policy and are not the subject of this conference."

Potential connection to old storyline Lai Dai Scientist in Coma Following Cybernetic Attack

Initial event: Semiki Zainou Biohazard Containment Compromised; Lai Dai Under Suspicion

Follow up: Semiki Situation Deteriorates; Ishukone Watch Releases Initial Findings

"One of the areas infiltrated by [alleged perpetrator] Steine Vailakkel appears to have been our rogue drone disposal facility, and our experts, as well as consultants from Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries [IKAME], confirm that a great deal of the base code resembles an infectious rogue drone subroutine. However, the subroutine has been extensively modified, and standard countermeasures have proven ineffective,"

Ishukone and CEP Battle SARO in CONCORD Assembly Over Dangerous Research Materials

CONCORD Press Conference on Drifters Disrupted by Shouting Match Between Scope Journalist and Amarr Inner Circle Member

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Billboard Takeover Edition
Semiki Station Networks Undergoing Compartmentalized Purge after Corrupted Remote Sites Cleared

Following successful joint operations in Semiki by the Ishukone Watch and Wiyrkomi Peace Corps to clear a number of in-system remote communications sites and navigation transponder beacons of corruption, a comparmentalized purge of station networks is ongoing. The situation aboard the Aliastra Warehouse and Zainou Biohazard Containment Facility stations has been officially declared "contained" and it is reported that "steady progress is now being made as the process of removal of outstanding malware infection continues". Aliastra Corporation has hailed the co-operation and assistance it received from involved Caldari State corporations as "remarkable and in the best tradition and spirit of the positive relations possible between the Caldari and Gallente peoples".

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition
Semiki Network Attack "May Have Been a Cover for Intrusion into FIO Data" Claims Whistleblower

Villore, Essence – A powerful network intrusion attack in Semiki was primarily aimed at penetrating a Federal Intelligence Office covert listening post operating out of the Aliastra Warehouse in the system, according to a whistleblower claiming knowledge of the Gallente Federation's investigation into the incident.

"The Caldari side's investigation has focused on the background and apparent motivations of the alleged perpetrator, Steine Vailakkel, and understandably so. But our side immediately focused on the FIO's covert post on the Aliastra station. The word from on high was that any sign of intrusion was to be reported straight up the line. When the investigation uncovered evidence of data-siphons running on the personal implants of FIO staff, all the hells broke loose. The hammer came down on the whole business and the Black Eagles got involved. Everyone on that post has disappeared into a black hole. If you ask me, Vailakkel was a catspaw for someone playing another game entirely."

The Galactic Hour's source has shared confidential data confirming their account via a secure and anonymous data drop. We would like to emphasize that not even Ret Gloriaxx of the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx is aware of the identity of this source.

Vehkori - Brutor dispute about archeologigal findings

Rare Archeological Find Sparks Inter-Tribal Dispute

Whistleblower Releases Undamaged Manifest in Ndokassi Dispute

Galar-Yu Circle, Ihumanoana Circle, Riri Clan Arrange Compromise in Ndokassi Dispute

Khanid slaver Orlon Zashev

Thebeka Holders Outraged as Paramilitary Forces Accused of Taking Slaves; Notorious Khanid Slaver Arrested

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Billboard Takeover Edition

As the notorious Khanid slaver Orlon Zashev remains at large, following his dramatic escape from Ministry of Internal Order custody on Thebeka III, it has been announced by the office of the Amarr Imperial Chancellor that Royal Heir Arrach Sarum has been appointed as Inspector General of the MIO. Formerly Constable-General of the Police and Border Forces under Empress Jamyl I, Lord Sarum has been given a mandate by Empress Catiz I to "conduct a root and branch inquisition into recent failings of Her Imperial Majesty's Ministry of Internal Order."

The Order of St. Tetrimon has confirmed that it is investigating the Orlon Zashev escape under its mandate to "investigate and rectify disaffection and heresy" among slave populations in the Amarr Empire after allegations of infiltration by Angel Cartel or Minmatar Republic agents. The role was conferred upon the Tetrimon Order by Empress Catiz I to relieve an overstretched MIO as a series of slave revolts took place across the Amarr Empire. Observers of Imperial politics suggest that the Orlon Zashev incident has sparked an internal dispute within the Empire's upper echelons that may have been brewing for some time.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Impending Invasion? Edition
[AUCTION] Slaver for sale: Orlon Zashev Notorious Khanid Slaver Auctioned by Thukker Bounty Hunters

Orlon Zashev, a notorious Khanid slaver wanted by authorities in both the Amarr Empire and Minmatar Republic, has reportedly been captured by a Thukker bounty hunter group and is currently being auctioned to the highest bidder via GalNet. The Seykal Clan "headhunter", Sesli Ashok, claims that Zashev was captured by her group due to carelessness on his part. Amazingly, the former colonel in the Khanid Royal Uhlans, alleged war criminal and long-time slaver has proven to be ISK-poor and is the subject of a Republic Justice Department bounty of 500m ISK that Ashok described as "not all that" and "a bit low". Ashok and her group instead opted to auction their bounty target to the highest bidder and have apparently received bids from a variety of interested parties associated with Amarr and Minmatar factions. The auction remains active until the stroke of midnight Monday evening.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition
Criminal Conspiracy Alleged as Amarr Capsuleers meet with Thukker Renegades and Khanid Slaver

D85-VD, Syndicate – The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx has been passed imaging data that purports to show a meeting held earlier this week between a number of Amarr Empire-aligned capsuleers, an alleged Thukker renegade group and the notorious Khanid slaver Orlon Zashev. Apparently held on the Intaki Bank Vault station in the D85-VD system of Syndicate region, the meeting is alleged by the Galactic Hour's source to be evidence of "a criminal conspiracy by liberal capsuleers to overturn the order of Holy Amarr in conjunction with Thukker renegades and a wanted criminal."

Amarr Capsuleers Meeting with Thukker Renegades and Khanid Slaver

The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx has been able to authenticate the image despite some adjustments evidently intended to obscure the presence of one person in the system. Public routing data and locator agents on contract to the Galactic Hour's award-winning investigative team have confirmed that a number of the persons shown in the imaging data were present in the D85-VD system on or about YC121-05-14, the day it is claimed the meeting took place. The Scope's source has claimed that the parties present left separately despite this meeting potentially being related to a public auction of Orlon Zashev for bounty by the Seykal Expeditionary Group's Sesli Ashok.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Invaders from the Abyss Edition
Republic Justice Department Opens Investigation Into Seykal Clan Over Wanted Slaver Orlon Zashev

Archeologigal finds on Caldari Prime

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Billboard Takeover Edition
With major clearance and environmental recovery work still ongoing in the CN Shiigeru titan crash zone of the Kaalakiota Peaks region of Caldari Prime, the Ishukone Corporation has repeated its confirmation that significant archaeological findings are likely but has noted that the dig is in early stages. "It's a little too soon to say more about what we're looking at in the crash zone but I can say that the Shiigeru's fall may have uncovered something remarkable," said Kuuoso Akimora of Ishukone's Cultural Capital Preservation division.

Capital punishment in Gallente Federation

Senator Suvio Bellaron Proposes Total Ban on Capital Punishment

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Billboard Takeover Edition Senator Suvio Bellaron's bill to ban capital punishment in the Gallente Federation has received a boost as the Federal Senate has moved it out of committee and tabled it for legislative debate by the full senate. The bill is gaining support within the Federation but observers believe the debate and voting will be close fought as federal factions opposed to change are joined by politicians representing constituent polities and states of the Federation that maintain the death penalty.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition
Public Debate on Death Penalty Spills Over Into Violence as Senate Procedure Stalls Bill

In the Gallente Federation, the slow passage of the "Bellaron Bill" aiming to outlaw capital punishment has allowed a substantial public debate on the death penalty to develop on most Gallente worlds. Senator Suvio Bellaron's bill was tabled for debate by the full Federal Senate but has been held up as procedural wrangles have resulted in it moving up and down the Senate schedule. Meanwhile, proponents of the bill accuse special interests from constituent states that retain the death penalty of using "dirty tricks". Last night, a rally to support the measure was held in the center of Clovis, the main federal city on Chandeille, but broke up in violent scenes as pro-death penalty groups clashed with rallygoers. Dr. Arturio Kiervalan, speaking at the rally on behalf of Aidonis Medical, told the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx that, "I've seen political violence in many places, such as when I served in refugee camps in the Minmatar Republic, but it's especially sad to see it in the Federation. It won't stop this movement though. The end of capital punishment is coming."

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Capsuleer Day YC121 Edition
Chaotic Scenes as Reborn Senator Assaults Suvio Bellaron

Villore – In extraordinary scenes, just before the Federal Senate convened for debate this morning, Senator Nakula Chattarak punched Senator Suvio Bellaron in the face, breaking his nose and sending him tumbling down the auditorium stairs. Senator Chattarak is a Reborn Intaki representing the Intaki system subdistrict and is Suvio's junior by several decades. When Senate gendarmes approached the two to restrain them from further hostilities, Senator Chattarak excused himself from Senate business for the day. Chaos ensued as Bellaron's supporters shouted for the gendarmes to restrain Chattarak, over the loud objections and wild gesticulations of opponents. Order was restored after Bellaron requested his faction to return to their places.

Senator Bellaron brushed off the affair as "a professional disagreement" and declined to file charges against Chattarak. "I'd rather not distract from the important ongoing discussions any more than Senator Chattarak already has," he commented. After the assault, Senate debate centered around a directive bill Bellaron had previously submitted to the floor, dedicated to abolishing capital punishment at the Federal level and imposing strict guidelines for its administration at lower levels of governance. Early debate has suggested senators from Essence, Verge Vendor, Sinq Laison, and Placid are receptive to his proposal, though observers were surprised when other Reborn senators presented strong arguments against the legislation. No further violence interrupted the session.

Political play over system in Khanid Kingdrom

Senator Suvio Bellaron Proposes Total Ban on Capital Punishment
Remote Amarr System of Anath Subjected to Massive Blood Raider Attacks as Royal Khanid Navy Relieves Devastated Colonies

The Anath system in the Amarr Empire's frontier region of Aridia is reported to have suffered major raiding of its population by Omir Sarikusa's Blood Raider Covenant. On the basis of information from Royal Khanid Navy forces relieving the Amarr colonies in the border system of Anath, it has been established that the subsurface colony town of Ca'lik'bar on Anath II was totally depopulated by the first wave of Blood Raiders. Other self-contained colony towns and cities on the barren world of Anath II fared similarly according to initial reports. Colonies on the temperate world of Anath IV were also attacked, and allegedly bombed with chemical weapons using the "Deathglow" hallucinogen. Casualty reports from Anath IV are still coming and the RKN has established a security cordon in conjunction with the Imperial Navy's 7th Fleet.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition

The Amarr Imperial Court is reported to be the scene of a growing legal wrangle between House Khanid and two vassal families of House Kador over the disputed Fabai constellation at the Aridia border with the Khanid Kingdom. Recent events in Anath system, which involved Royal Khanid Navy forces relieving the system from a devastating Blood Raider attack, put a spotlight on the weak security presence provided by responsible holder houses. In point of fact, the title of Holder of Fabai has been the subject of a seven-year legal tustle between House Jakad and House Pashtim at the court of the Royal Heir House of Kador. The two vassal houses of the Kador family are now alleged by House Khanid to have neglected the security of Fabai while arguing over the holdership of the constellation. A source in the Amarr Imperial Navy's 7th Fleet has exclusively revealed to the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx that the Khanid claims are not without basis, with the 7th Fleet having to "constantly fill in gaps in the patrol schedule that is supposed to be maintained by the local house fleets."

Amarr legal observers are divided on whether the Khanid writ of destraint will prevail but note that House Kador itself has directed all its efforts in Aridia into the Mayonhen constellation, and may be vulnerable to a transfer of the primary fief of Fabai to meet obligations under Imperial law. Aga-Count Alar Chakaid, a key party in the Khanid case, reflected on the relief of Anath and continuing instability in Fabai, "It was a tragic scene, particularly on Anath II, but my own Royal Uhlans and the Navy did what we could. Fabai is a valued neighboring territory for us in the Kingdom, and my own home of Zirsem is a but a few jumps away. So you can understand the horror with which we view the Blooder incursions, and the contempt we feel for those who, even after that vile raid, could not be troubled to prevent opportunistic Minmatar terrorists and Ammatar traitors from exploiting the situation! It is clear that under Khanid protection Fabai would be safer and more prosperous."

Mordu's Legion

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition
Mordu's Legion has announced that it intends to host and hold a series of exercises in the Intaki and Luminaire systems in the coming weeks. These exercises will involve a number of private military companies, including Condotta Rouvenor, Isuuaya Tactical, Kirkinen Risk Control, Resheph Interstellar Strategy, Villore Sec Ops, and Zumari Force Projection. The annoucement follows on from last month's summit on Intaki Prime, at which Mordu's Legion gathered a number of Caldari and Gallente PMCs to discuss the private military and mercenary contracting sector across the State and Federation.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition
Mordu's Legion Organized PMC Exercises Continue on Caldari Prime and Intaki V

Ammatar Mandate

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition
Order of St. Tetrimon Establishes a Chapter in Ammatar Mandate at Invitation of Lord Arim Ardishapur

Sources at the court of House Ardishapur in Ves-Arkon, Ardishapur Prime IX, have told the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx that a new chapter of the Order of St. Tetrimon is being established in the Ammatar Mandate at the invitation of Royal Heir Arim Ardishapur. The new chapter is to be formed around a core of volunteers from the Mother Chapter of the Tetrimon Order and has apparently been given special dispensation to recruit new members from the Ardishapur demesne, which includes key systems in Domain and the entirety of the Derelik region. Rumours also suggest that Lord Ardishapur has given permission for the construction of a fortress-monastery on the planet of Halturzhan in Jarizza system, tasking House Ardishapur's 1st Mandate Redemptionist Brigade to provide engineering and logistical support to the Order of St. Tetrimon.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition
Royal Heir Arim Ardishapur Announces Tour of Ammatar Mandate