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J.J 's After-Action Reports

Dysfunctional Fleet / 2020.08.07

This event is an E-uni advertised weekly (Friday) event, I really enjoyed it. The fleet forms on a first come first served basis for a maximum of ten (10 including the FC) outside of Amygnon citadel 101 at 19:00

After Action Report (AAR) / Date / Time – Dysfunctional Fleet /2020.08.07 /21:00

       Name     / Role   

01– Ghad Makanen / FC 02- Aels Adoudel 03- Alysium von Albarosa (*departed fleet in between missions) 04- Dalarin Brenen 05- Fenfreinn Hekard 06- H4lfy Khashour 07- Lucrezia Vigilum 08- Thy Rons 09- JHAKKO JHAKKOBI 10- Vishnael Skyhunter (Joined, fleet maximized) 11- Rikali Laru (* Joined fleet when #3 departed)

Mission Formation – As advertised the mission was called/formed at 21:00, Ghad Makanen (FC) explained in detail (for the benefit of all especially the newbro) how to handle ship damage (warp-off) to orbiting a Battleship of choice. Today we were to operate without a salvager trailing. We marked/tagged the position for E-uni Public Salvage. Mission Synopsis – Assorted complement of ships, all were of Cruiser Class or higher.

L4 Security Missions – The Score Rouge Slaver Trader I of II Mordus Safehouse Recon I of III Rouge Drone Vengeance (in Jufvitte) Unauthorized Military Presence (in Therusse)

All of the missions but the last two were in Amygnon / Ghad conducted the missions exceptionally, we ran the Missions in “Amy” first to allow for fast turn-over/handing in and picking up other missions which allowed us to do several L4 missions. There were three (including myself) individuals that were pulling missions. All of the missions were completed without an incident. The efficacy of a team effort was to be commended. Had a lot to do with leadership and instruction and focus on details. We had time to take two breaks in between missions (to allow for missions to be handed in/new missions to be picked up). There was a discussion if we wanted to continue missions in Jufvitte (concerns of the Triglavian invasion), Ghad allowed anyone not comfortable going into Jufvitte space to leave the fleet, all decided to stay in the fleet.

Fleet Termination - 22:18 (Fleet duration of three-plus hours).