Perfect Refine List

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
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The capsuleers below will happily reprocess your materials for you. Make sure to read on for where they can reprocess your stuff, and exactly what they can reprocess for you. Follow the individual instructions.

Joining The "Perfect" Refine List

To join the "perfect" refine list, simply edit your details into this page, preferably in alphabetical order. Make it easily readable, bullet points help. If you charge a fee you must make that clear. Make sure to include:

  • the name of your reprocessing character
  • where you will reprocess ores/ice/etc
  • which corporations you have 0% tax with
  • what you will reprocess (ores/ice/scrapmetal/etc)
  • your skills in the relevant materials (or better, simply your reprocessing % for each material).
  • instructions for people wanting their stuff reprocessed

"Perfect" Refine List

Anidien Dallacort.jpg

Anidien Dallacort

Reprocessing V
Reprocessing Efficiency V

Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%)

Location: I am happy to refine at any community.
Cost: 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.
Contact: Please send me a Discord PM or an EVE Mail to let me know you've dropped a contract!
Last Updated: May 3, 2022


Edward Audeles

Reprocessing V
Reprocessing Efficiency V

Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%)

Location: Mostly based in former Campus Solitude, refining at Accretion Disk in Boystin
Contact: Best way of getting in touch: Discord or in-game mail.
Last Updated: Feb 23 2022
Notes: In the process of adding more ores to the "perfect" list


Hideo Date

Reprocessing V
Reprocessing Efficiency V

Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%)

Refiner: Aiko Taira
Location: Refiner is located at NSC. Other communities can be served, but only without implant bonus.
Cost: Please include 10,000 ISK for contracting back to you, any station fees will be added to the return contract.
Contact: Please let me know via Discord or an EVE Mail that you have put up a contract.
Last Updated: December 9, 2021

Ixin Pixie Alt of: Mamin Abrut Molou

Updated: April 4, 2022 Located at the Null-Sec Campus


Pretty Good:

Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract. Please send me a an Eve Mail I try to refine once an week.

Jessica Farrish - Alt: Ahanu Aldent

Updated: July 13, 2021


For any refining requests please send an email to Jessica Farrish.

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

MainX X

Updated: january 25, 2022


Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract. Please send me a Discord PM or an EVE Mail! My refiner is at NSC.

Pachydermatologist (a/k/a Tori Moliko) - NSC

Updated: June 14, 2022

  • Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (extra 4%)
  • All reprocessing skills to V (Yield w/ Athanor and T2 Rig: 87.62%)
  • Gas Decompression V (Yield w/ Athanor: 89%)
  • Scrapmetal Processing V (Yield: 55%)

Contract anything you'd like to have reprocessed to Hansarah Ambramotte (character) or Tori’s Toons (corp) at the refinery of your choice in the NSC area. I'll contract the reprocessed materials back to you at cost. I don't log into that account every day, so if it's been some time and Hansarah hasn't accepted the contract yet, feel free to ping Pachydermatologist (on discord) or Tori Moliko (in game) about it.

Psychotic Fickity- Alt: Screadail Fickity

Updated: Jan 11th , 2020


For AMC/HSC area. If you are in AMC use the AMC Reprocessing Service/procedure.

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Raveneye Walker Alt: Raveneye Smith (NSC)

Updated: May 9, 2022


Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.

Anyone in local named Raveneye ... is likely me. Active in US time zones. Usually available in Discord if I am online.

Roger Alleile

Updated: May 5, 2022


Refining in NSC. When you contract the ores, please contract 10,000 ISK as well for the return contract; any station fees that arise will be applied at the return contract.

Please let me know via Discord or an EVE Mail that you have made a contract for me.

Shogi Kaine

Updated: June 15, 2022

Located at the Null-Sec Campus


Include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.

Please send me a Discord PM to let me know you've dropped a contract!

Tal Tracyn

Alt = Natasha Malenka

(Updated 07/12/2021)

All Skills Perfect.

78.2%(ore) / 55%(scrap metal repro) at The Hive of Industry in Amygnon.
Implant Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (4%).
Based in Amygnon, can be found in HSC chat/Mumble.

"Pretty Good" Refine List

Alfred Larose (Alt: Ernest Larose) - NSC

Updated: December 9, 2021

Pretty Good:

Operating at NSC.


(Updated 05/15/2022)

Pretty Good at IV (4/5)

78.2%(ore) / 55%(scrap metal repro)
Implant Zainou 'Beancounter' Reprocessing RX-804 (4%).

Edswifa Rova

Updated: January 12, 2022

Pretty Good:

For AMC area, use the AMC Reprocessing Service.

High Sec Only. No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Felix Othello Moradius / HSC

Updated: December 19th 2021


  • Reprocessing Efficiency V
  • Reprocessing V
  • Simple ore processing V
  • Scrapmetal processing IV
  • Mercoxit ore processing IV
  • Rare moon ore processing III
  • Uncommon moon ore processing III
  • Variegated Ore processing III
  • Coherent ore processing III
  • Common moon ore processing III
  • Complex ore processing II

Green Lit (Main: Mors Mihi Lucrum)

Updated: June 27, 2022

Perfect: Pretty good:

Green Lit is currently offering reprocessing services in Stacmon - Furirams Furnace (asteroids) and Slays - Dairek's Chateau (moon ore). Please contract over anything you

would like refined inside a station container named with you characters name in one of those stations and notify via EVE mail. Any station/contract fees that arise will be added to the return contract.

Jack RipperJr - Alt: Vlad Kaziklibey

“Updated: December 03, 2020”


Pretty Good:

HSC Area -contact me on HSC Mumble or HSC chat for trade. OR Please contract ore to Vlad Kaziklibey at Amygnon, The New Pitt 54%. There is no fee for the reprocessing service, but station fees will be passed on in the return contract, and please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. The HSC Campus refining service is a no fee service - utilizing this service will save you the contracting and station fees that will be passed on when contracting to me. The community service can take time, though, so I'm happy to refine for you at just the cost incurred to perform the refining!

Please send me an EVE Mail to let me know you've dropped a contract!

Kai-Alon Deninard

Updated: 8 Dec 2021

Standard Ore: Moon Ore: Other:

Will handle refining for people in the WHC at Name Determined, at the NSC at refineries in PC9 or T22 (via alt), or with delay at the public refineries in Perimeter. Contact me via Discord or in-game DM. Perimeter refines may be handled by Khatelane Attor.

Marcel en Distel

Updated: 04/06/2022


Based in Stacmon.

Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.

Please send me a Discord PM or an EVE Mail to let me know you've dropped a contract!

Nelliver Cadigal / HSC Amygnon - Hive of Industry

Reprocessing is done by my alt Baerbel Ozawamai. Please contact either Nell or Baerbel



Shepard Adoulin

Updated: December 08, 2021

Pretty Good:

Within a reasonable distance of AMC (~10 jumps from Averon).

No charge for refining, but please pay 10,000 ISK to cover the cost of contracting the reprocessed minerals back to you. Any station fees for reprocessing will be added to the return contract.

Skippy Kanjus

Updated: July 6, 2022

Pretty Good:

Refining at WHC at Name Determined. When you contract the ores, please contract 10,000 ISK as well for the return contract; any station fees that arise will be applied at the return contract.

Please let me know via Discord or an EVE Mail that you have made a contract for me.

William Archer, T22-QI - Varris Thellere Refinery (Ivy League Alliance Holdings) 61% base yield

Updated: December 27, 2021


Please include 10,000 ISK for the cost of the return contract. Any station fees will also be passed on to you with the return contract.