Yru Hatamei

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Yru Hatamei
Yru Hatamei.jpg
Level 3
Location Ishisomo (0.7)
The Forge
Beacon Rusty Ridge Mine
Affiliation Lai Dai Protection Service
Caldari State

Yru Hatamei is a level 3 agent in Caldari COSMOS located in Ishisomo - Rusty Ridge Mine.

Those Bastards (1 of 4)

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Transport 3 Reports (0.3 m3) from agent to given destination.
Rewards ISK
Mission briefing
I cannot believe somebody ratted me out! Somehow, those damned Nugoeihuvi agents found out about my plan and fixed their security flaws. Had I been successful, high command definitely would have given me a raise!

Oh, sorry, I don't suppose you're interested in any of that. I do however have some tasks for you, perhaps we can get back at Nugoeihuvi some other way. This constellation is on fire, there are so many things to explore and discover. Everybody wants a piece of the action, and I'm here to make sure Lai Dai gets the whole cake Firstly, I need you to take these reports and deliver them to <station>. The reports contain data on all our discoveries within the constellation and it would be unfortunate if they fell into the wrong hands.

Got Milk? (2 of 4)

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Transport 1 Milk (0.5 m3) between two given stations.
Rewards ISK
Mission briefing
My mother is very old and very sick. Yesterday she contacted me and asked me to buy her some milk. I'm afraid my duties here require me to stay, but if you could see to it that she gets her milk, I would be grateful. Take this and deliver it to <station>. Be quick about it and don't get blown up. She gets grumpy if she doesn't get her milk, and she usually takes her rage out on me.

Cargo delivery destination is random and can be anywhere in Okkelen or Etsala constellation, including in a low security system (like Ihakana).

Ancient Weaponry (3 of 4)

Level 3
Objective Acquire 1x Ancient Weapon (2.0 m3)
Rewards ISK
Mission briefing
A few minutes ago, reports came in regarding Guristas pirates destroying a Wiyrkomi excavation operation. Apparently the Wiyrkomi scientists had come across some sort of ancient weapon. The Guristas found out and raided the place, killing almost all the scientists and capturing the weapon. I want you to investigate this matter. Go to the contested Lai Dai Refinery in Airmia, find this weapon and bring it back to me. I know the Nugoeihuvi are trying to get hold of it as well, but I want you to beat them to it.

Bring one Ancient Weapon to the agent. You can find them in the Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery.

Training Ground Destruction (4 of 4)

Level 3
Objective Acquire 5x Guristas Outlaw Dogtag (0.5 m3)
Rewards random Storyline BPC + ISK
Mission briefing
The damned Guristas are constant pain in the backside. Their spies are everywhere and there seems to be no way of getting rid of them for good. We have exhausted almost all methods but they always come back for more. This time I want something really radical to be done. Go to the contested Lai Dai Refinery and destroy all their bunkers and training facilities. If we destroy their roots, maybe the whole tree will fall. Bring back five Guristas Outlaw Leader Insignias as proof of your actions.

Bring 5 x Guristas Outlaw Dogtag (0,5 m³) to the agent. You can find them in the Contested Caldari Lai Dai Refinery.