User:Kelduum Revaan

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My Wiki ToDo...


Ship Class Allowed Solo Travel T2 Tank T1 Rigs T2 Rigs
Mining Frigates No No
Tech 1 Yes Yes Allowed No No
Assault Ships Yes Yes Required Required No
Covert Ops Cert required Cert required Required Required No
Electronic Attack Ships Yes Yes Required Required No
Interceptors Yes Yes Required Required No
Stealth Bombers Cert required Cert required Required Required No
Tech 1 Yes No Allowed WH Salvagers only No
Interdictors No No
Tech 1 Yes No Allowed Allowed No
Heavy Assault Ships Yes No Required Required No
Heavy Interdictors Yes No Required Required No
Logistics Yes No Required Required No
Combat Recon Yes No Required Required No
Force Recon Cert required No Required Required No
Strategic Cruisers No No
Tech 1 Yes No Required Required No
Command Ships No No
Tech 1 Yes No Required Required No
Black Ops Cert required No Required Required No
Marauders No No
Capsules No No
Shuttles Yes Yes
Rookie Ships Yes Yes
Mining Barges & Exhumers No No
Noctis WH Operations No Allowed Allowed No
Other Industrials & Freighters No No
Capital Ships No No

Color Key:

  • red: not allowed
  • yellow: allowed under certain circumstances — check the WSOP for details!
  • green: allowed
  • blue: required

Faction, rare, and unique ships are never allowed. If a ship is not listed here, assume it is not allowed.

Communication: Anytime that you are in space and online, you must be on the Alliance voice server (currently Mumble) and able to hear. You do not have to be able to speak, just listen.
Why: This is so that you can report any sightings or attacks as well as hear warnings from others should they be given. Of course, paying attention helps a lot as well.
Autopilot: You may use the Autopilot feature to highlight gates, but it cannot be used to fly your ship. It should not be turned on and allowed to warp the ship. All ship maneuvers must be executed by deliberate and manual direction from the pilot.
Why: Autopilot makes a ship a fat target. It does not warp to zero (leaving you vulnerable far longer than it takes to catch you) and often means the pilot is not at the keyboard when his ship is in space, which isn’t allowed. If you are undocked, then you need to be there and aware so that you can fight or get your ship out of any type of dangerous situation.
Missions, ratting, exploration sites in k-space and complexes: These are forbidden during wartime. Missions may only be done under Relaxed SOP rules or through the use of an alt.
Why: The reason these activities are not allowed is they are not safe. PVE ships are fit in ways that make them fragile to PVP ships and you can be scanned down in any mission, site or complex. All such activities do is hand free kills to our enemies. Ratting isn’t safe either, since you will be distracted and typically alone. So all such activities are banned.
Alts: Your Uni toon can sit in a station with an agent, get a mission and give a Bookmark to an alt, then you can run the mission with your alt and have your Uni toon turn it in. The Uni toon NEVER undocks during this.
Hauling & Mining: Hauling of goods or mining in known space, exploration sites, or wormholes is forbidden. Repeat: You may not haul goods or mine in EVE during wartime.
Why: Haulers make fat, slow targets, even cloaking ones. You can see from the Killboard that even Covert Ops have trouble getting away many times, so there’s no reason to put out big fat targets full of candy and beer for our enemies.
Alts: Use an alt or courier contracts to move things around. If you need just a few modules, create an alt and contract them to him to move or use a contract and couriers. Many Unistas will happily haul things for free with their alts for their fellows.
AFK: You may not go AFK in space. This includes being at the POS. You MUST dock or log off. You cannot go AFK while cloaked.
Why: Server glitches or random warp-ins can uncloak you and then you may be spotted and killed. This has happened in the past. So dock or log off when you need to go afk.
Silentbrick: This one should be pretty self-explanatory, so if you feel the urge to go afk in space, let me know and I will happily nuke your ship and pod you. Then your corpse shall reside in glory on a meat-hook in Ubercado’s collection.
There is no six
Fleet Composition: Fleets should have 3 or more unique people (alts do not count). Covert scouts are encouraged but NOT required. You may use picket frigates instead of scouts. Fleets MUST use the Uni Mumble server for voice communications and FCs MUST have a microphone. FCs must also be sober. Fleets must follow normal Ivy League Fleet Composition rules.
Why: War-targets declare war for easy ganks, and don't tend to fly alone so you won't find many one-on-ones. Solo Unistas are dead Unistas.
Also: Aside from the 3+ (during war only) rule Combat fleets may be composed as the fleet commander wishes. This means if he wants a fleet of only ILN personnel, it’s possible. Conversely, a fleet of pure Non-ILN personnel works too. Or if they will all fly rifters or blackbirds etc. Just as we do not limit who may FC, we do not outlaw ways they can experiment with fleets either. Do however keep in mind that many wish to join and perhaps if you run a restricted fleet one day, run an unrestricted one the next.
Silentbrick: The reasoning is as I put above, I prefer to avoid limiting how people can experiment, because if I set some limits, the number of rules grows and grows, so just keep it in mind that shutting people out can lead to people avoiding your fleets if you over-do it. And the ILN is required to have an ILN only patrol each week and a full uni patrol as well. The idea being the ILN one is more for smaller gang type fighting and the Full Uni for pirate crushing fleets of Doom.
Loot Logging: Must be enabled with ALL wartime fleets. Remember to save the log as well. War loot from Uni wrecks should be collected and given back to the owner if possible. If not, drop it into the ILN Hangar at PTS or CBT in Aldrat. War target loot must be collected and either contracted to Silentbrick at a high sec station or dropped into the ILN hangar . Fleets during peacetime may set their own loot policy or donate it to the ILN. Donating it in peacetime is NOT required.
Why: War loot is sold and the proceeds used to fund ship replacements for those who lose their ships during wars
Silentbrick: This really doesn’t need much explanation I think. You have a brain, use it :p
See Also: War Loot Policy

Why: To prevent the enemy from winning an ISK war - the loss of an expensive ship outweighs the benefits of being able to use it.
Silentbrick: Unfortunately, this is a long one. First off, faction/deadspace. These modules can be very effective and yet, having them means a huge pay day for the enemy if they drop. And since we’re not going to be playing fitting police, it’s easier to ban them all then checking for certain ones and picking this one is okay, this one is not. They are all banned. Rigs raise the cost on frigates and destroyers by 1-2 times the hull cost, at least, they just aren’t worth it on what we consider disposable ships. The reason certain T2 ships aren’t allowed is that they don’t add enough to our fleets to be worth the expensive risk. Command ships on the T2 MAY get written permission but you will need to have been in the Uni for a while, have nearly maxed out skills on everything needed and demonstrate in other fleets you are solid, reliable and careful. As for Cap ships, no Uni cap ship has ever been lost in combat and you do NOT want to be the first.
Undocking in Wartime - Unless you have a compelling reason to be undocked, you shouldn’t be during wartime. You should use the 24 hour period before the war goes live to test fits. There's a new command to let you change Overview settings in Station. But if there is not a lockdown and no WT's Online or in the region, you may undock to set BM's or spar or fit test so long as you do so at the required locations. (NOT at gates or stations) You should not be undocked unless in a fleet and directed to by your FC if there is wartargets in system. There is no reason to.
Inappropriate use of channels - Talking, questions, etc, in Alliance or Command.ILN or other channels. If someone asks a wrong question or speaks up in a channel they shouldn’t. DO NOT YELL, BERATE, or do anything other than politely explain this isn’t the proper channel or they shouldn’t ask that question there and direct them to the proper place. Do not spam the channel with symbols or other things either, those are reserved for fleet formation and announcements. Also, LEARN the names of the directors most likely to speak up in such channels so that you’re not politely trying to tell a director he can’t say things in Alliance. We do so when we think it’s necessary.
Communication in Local or with Wartargets - We do not talk in local to war targets or anyone else really during wartime. FC’s may allow a fleet to put GF (Good Fight) but nothing more. If a wartarget mails you, convo’s you, ignore it and do not accept. We do not speak to the war targets, except via our guns, lasers, drones and missiles. Leave talking with war targets to the diplomats.
Trade Hubs - Trade hubs are not strictly off limits. You are strongly encouraged to not sit in them during wartimes though and if we see rising losses again in Hubs to people who are NOT part of combat fleets, then we may ban Uni's from being there. Please do not abuse this and cause others grief by making it be reinstated. Shopping trips are not permitted.
Silentbrick: The presence of Uni members attracts war targets, even if they are docked. Plus, far too many people have undocked during WT even after being told not too and they get killed. So do not stay there during the war. Train the right skills and you don't need to be there to do trading. Members needing things from hubs should purchase the items remotely and use courier contracts or have an alt move the items to Aldrat.
Fit testing and sparring' This should be done at safespots or planets or outside of the POS shield. Do NOT do it outside of stations, as it renders you unable to dock.
Dropping for War Uni members may drop for war without any punishment. This allows them to build up cash or take care of things if they do not wish to fight. After the war, simply put that you are re-entering after dropping for war and you will be pulled back quickly.
'Rules of Engagement RoE must be followed at all times. You MUST have blues set to show before Outlaw, some pirates are our friends and you need to know not to shoot them. Following the standard Uni overview setup is recommended, as is Pod Saver overview.