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Every EVE character has five attributes. These are:

  • Intelligence
  • Perception
  • Charisma
  • Willpower
  • Memory

These attributes determine how quickly you train the various skills in the game. They do not influence anything else about your character. Since time is perhaps your most valuable asset in EVE, understanding attributes and optimizing them for your character's plans is absolutely vital. In order to view your attributes, open your character sheet and select “Attributes”. The five attributes for your character will be listed there.

See Skills and Learning to learn how attributes effect your training time and what types of skills you might want to train. A comprehensive list of skills can be found | here.


Implants are special items that you plug into your current clone that increase attributes or other stats. Once plugged in, they are destroyed if they are removed from your clone or if the clone is destroyed. This is why you must be very careful when flying around in your capsule, or pod, and why the Pod Saver tab on the Overview is so important, as these implants can cost a tremendous amount of money and you do not want to be killed in your pod and lose them.

Despite the cost, implants are extremely valuable, as they can boost your attributes and decrease training times. Obtaining a set of +3 implants (one for each attribute) should be a priority for new characters, and there is a program to help new characters achieve this goal.