User:Zanthra shard/Fanfest2012CrimewatchQA

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This is a list of things discussed in the Crimewatch Q and A, I am not going to go through and clean this up yet, the things here were very theoretical with both players and devs throwing out ideas.

Player: RR Agresion transferring

Dev: RR can jump when the ships that fired can jump. You inherit the timer from the person you rep. (Expires 60 seconds after the last shot they fired)

Dev: Corp hopping is changing in ways that should make immediate aggression changes from joining or leaving a corp not a concern. (In that someone docking, joining a corp at war with you, and undocking is not something that is going to bother you)

Player: Can theft used for dueling.

Dev: CCP would rather have explicit dueling.

Dev: Can flipping will flag you to everyone.

Player: Ships can bounce into and out of an orca.

Dev: No answer.

Player: Broken bounty. Dev: Not going to be fixed in this run, but that and smuggling they want to be done.

Dev: Pod all or nothing bad. New bounty is by ship destroyed value. Not mods that drop.

Dev: All faction mods coming to market! (can be tracked for price for bounties)

Dev: Insurance payouts won't change, just hulls by design.

Player: Pod killing vs tackling.

Dev: Tackling will be suspect, killing will be criminal.

Player: Want to be pirate, should have to continue to work at it. Possibly slowly move to -5 or 0 over tune. Dev: Concern about inactive characters.

Dev: Going to get rid of kill rights. Might come back with bounty hunting change.

Player: -10 and +10 it's own reward.

Dev: Negatives shooting negative does increase sec status.

Player: Possible switch to not gain sec.

Dev: Scaling of police. Sec of systems still matters. Don't want to keep track as the sec status goes up, so minimal danger scaling with system sec status.

Dev: GCC in high sec: Warp scramble immediately, then death ray after delay.

Player: Some feel death ray breaks immersion. Someone suggest that concord hacks the ship and self destruct.

Dev: Engaging above -5 in low sec is suspect.

Dev: Could make stealing from cans legal, could to make wrecks free loot too.

Player: Concern about difficulty getting sec status down.

Dev: Infinite concord is bad.

Dev: Shooting suspect will not allow the suspect to shoot back with the current idea. (can't create a 1 to 1 agression mapping between the suspect and the agressor to allow him to shoot)

Dev: If you engage suspect in high sec you become suspect possibly.

Dev: Engaging a suspect becomes a duel agreement possibly.