Archive:EVE University Interview Queue

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What is the Queue?

Most often, the "Queue" people hanging around in E-UNI chat are referring to is the Application queue. Waiting in this queue is what gets your application and questionnaire reviewed by a Personnel Officer, Senior Personnel Officer, or other staff member. The Queue has two divisions, one being the Quick Queue, and the other the Interview Queue.

Once you submit your questionnaire as part of your application you are automatically entered into the Quick Queue. At this point you won't need to await a call for an interview. From the Quick Queue your application can be approved and you can find yourself "automatically" in the University.

How does it work?

When you complete and submit your questionnaire, the time-stamp is saved. This time-stamp never changes, even when you log out. The Quick Queue allows the PO staff to review your application and questionnaire even when you are offline. As long as you've properly completed and input the correct API Mask and there is a current Corp application from in-game your application can be accepted.

Should your application and questionnaire be reviewed and our PO staff require further information or the API or Corp application are missing you will be referred to our Interview Queue.

Please monitor your EVEMail for mailings from PO staff. You may receive a "Welcome" mailing which details a number of steps you need to take on your own in order to be properly oriented into the University.

You may receive mailings with specific instructions, based on what PO staff are needing from you, and they will then direct you to join the Interview Queue. At this point you must be in-game and logged into the Interview Queue in order for PO staff to then further review your application and questionnaire. At this point you may still be processed into the University without the need of an interview but you still need to be in the Interview Queue in order for PO staff to be able to handle your application. They will tend to announce to you in E-UNI that they don't need to interview you and to please check your EVEMail for your "Welcome" mailing.

What happens when I don't login to the queue for two weeks?

Nothing. When you first join the queue you're "assigned" a timestamp and the queue will "remember" that. Our old queue tool used to purge inactive (two weeks) spots.

Does being in the Interview Queue all the time help?

Not at all. PO staff work the Interview Queue by the interview type they are qualified to handle and based on the earliest time stamp presented, not how long you've actually been waiting in it. If you log off Eve for the night immediately after entering the interview Queue, come back a day later, you will still be exactly where you would have been if you had spent all night being in the Interview Queue.

Should I leave the Interview Queue before I go afk?

YES! You should leave the queue if you are going to be afk. If you're actively playing the game you should also leave the queue unless you're prepared to stop your game activity and dock up immediately if called for an interview. If you are in the queue and not paying attention to E-UNI when called for your interview then your application will be pended and if this happens frequently you may find yourself being "passed over" by PO staff in favour of calling the next applicant in the queue. Some POs may let you know in advance that they are starting to work on your application (a process that can take 5 to 30 minutes) so that you don't "run away". Not every PO will do this, so if you're sitting at #1 or close to it you want to pay attention to E-UNI when you're prepared and waiting for your interview call.

Can I schedule a time for an interview?

In general, we do not schedule interviews with specific people at a specific time. Just join the queue when you can. Our POs are volunteers and they work on the queue around their schedules. There may be rare cases where this isn't true, but we'll approach you about scheduling an interview if we feel it is appropriate.

Is there anything that can hurt my place in the Interview Queue?

There sure is! If you're in the queue but you are not actively watching the E-Uni public chat channel, you might miss seeing your name being called. If this happens, some folks may skip over you for some time in the future. Close the browser or leave the queue when you won't be watching every few minutes.

How will I know when it's my turn for an interview?

A Personnel Officer will call your name in the E-Uni channel. Your name will show up in orange-yellow (linked).

What is the SPO Queue?

Some applications require evaluation by a Senior Personnel Officer. People that are told to do so should enter under the SPO option when logging into the Interview Queue. Your place in the queue will still show where you are in relation to all people logged into the Interview Queue. Never enter the under the SPO option for the queue unless you have been told to do so by an E-Uni Personnel Officer.

Is there an SPO online? Is anybody doing SPO interviews?

You will only know that when you are called. None of the POs that are online know if or when any SPOs will be online or doing interviews.

Some people seem to be getting called first, even though I'm #1. What's going on?

There are a couple of cases where someone else might get priority, even if you're #1 in the queue. One of those cases is wartime re-entries; because we encourage members to leave during wartime if they need to do things that would otherwise break the WSOP, we prioritize their return to E-Uni when the war is over.

Depending on the mix of folks in the queue, and the mix of the PO's that are around, some Senior Personnel Officers will jump ahead and handle the SPO cases behind you, since there are far fewer SPO's than PO's. It can also be a case of the PO's working not being able to handle your application.

These are just a couple of examples. Rest assured, if you're in the Interview Queue and see your position in it, we do as well. We're trying our best to get people moved through fairly and quickly.

Why is no one being called for interviews? Seems like it's been awhile!

PO's are players, too, so we try to play the game ourselves -- just because a PO is online doesn't mean that they're actively interviewing. Just as there are periods where half a dozen (or more!) PO's are interviewing at once, there are also bound to be stretches where no one is.

It's also possible that we're busy moderating the E-Uni chat or keeping an eye on it. You can help reduce this possibility by helping each other out and following the chat guidelines.

Are there any PO's on?

Most certainly -- it is very seldom that no one is on that -can- interview, but keep in mind that the personnel staff like to play the game and have other things to do, too. If you have the queue window open (even if it's minimized), and you see your position in the queue, rest assured that any PO's that want to interview will see you there.

If you must know, the list of active PO staff is here: List of Personnel Officers -- feel free to add them to your watchlist. It's appreciated if you do not convo them directly (especially if they might be in PVP engagements), but this will help to answer your question.

Why are there times when no interviews are happening?

Just as sometimes there are half a dozen personnel officers doing interviews, sometimes there are times when no one is. Being a personnel officer in E-Uni is a volunteer duty, and we prefer not to burn ourselves out (sometimes we fly spaceships around!). There are no schedules or shifts, although we do our best to accept PO's from each timezone. Rest assured that there are a few dozen people that do interviews, and each does several each week. The queue will move and you will eventually get an interview, so please be patient with us as we work to get everyone interviewed.

What happens if I'm not watching the channel when my name is called?

This varies by PO. Sometimes another PO will go ahead and call you. Other PO's will simply not call you for the rest of the day. If it happens more than once, you might find yourself waiting awhile as staff invest a fair amount of time in getting ready for your interview, and we'd rather interview people that are responsive.

Simply log out of the queue if you aren't going to be watching actively to prevent this from being an issue.