User:Enta en bauldry/Wormholes

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Wormholes are space anomalies like rifts in space, connecting two locations. Like stargates, they allow the travel of ships from one system to another. Unlike stargates, wormholes are not permanent. They connect two systems for only a short time, and collapse when too much time has passed, or too much mass has passed through them. Wormholes can connect two systems quite far from each other, and can provide temporary shortcuts to areas that would otherwise take many jumps to get to. Wormholes can also connect to uncharted space, or wormhole space. These systems are uncharted, and do not operate like normal systems do.

Finding Wormholes

A wormhole leading to W-Space

Wormholes can be found by scanning down cosmic signatures. Once a wormhole is probed down, it can be warped to and activated much like a stargate.

You may refer to the Scanning & Probing and Exploration guide if you want to learn about finding wormholes.

Wormholes Lead to

Many different places. A subset of wormholes connect two New Eden systems(henceforth referred to as 'Known Space' or 'K-Space') and some others connect from K-Space to the Anoikis(henceforth referred to as 'Wormhole Space' or 'W-Space') galaxy. Most wormholes form within W-Space, providing the sole method for inter-system travel since there are no stargates in W-Space.

Known Space to Known Space Wormholes

These wormholes are used to quickly travel throughout New Eden, they're also used to access high-sec or low-sec islands without risk of travelling through potentially dangerous space. They're commonly named for the sec status on both ends. High-to-high, low-to-null, null-to-high etc.

Note: Eve University members are not allowed to enter sovereign nullsec space. If you find a wormhole leading there return back through the wormhole immediately. If you get stranded contact the diplomacy department before doing anything else.

Known Space - Wormhole Space Wormholes

These connect K-Space to W-Space. Players that do exploration use them to access W-Space to run cosmic anomalies and signatures. W-Space inhabitants use them to shop, resupply, sell loot and products and go on K-Space PvP roams. Without these wormholes, W-Space would be a desolate wasteland and nobody in K-Space would have access to Strategic Cruisers.

Wormhole Space to Wormhole Space Wormholes

Since there are no gates available in W-Space systems these wormholes provide the sole means of interstellar transport, giving the Anoikis galaxy life in the form of capsuleers killing sleepers or each other. W-Space to W-Space wormholes are very crucial to moving down system classes because higher class systems very rarely get a wormhole connection to K-Space.

Wormhole Identification

The color of a wormhole will give you an impression on where it leads. The outline will be the color of your current system and the center will be colored based on where it leads.

Wormholes will also have a description about where they lead and their stability status.

Wormhole Classification

Leading to Known Space

Wormholes leading to K-Space take the image and color of the region on the other side. A red K-Space highsec or lowsec wormhole will most likely take you to Metropolis or Heimatar(Minmatar Space).

Leading to Wormhole Space

Wormholes leading to W-Space take the image and color of the class of W-Space system on the other side. A white W-Space wormhole will take you to a Class 3 W-Space system.

Here is a table of W-Space connections imported from here.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
C1 to C1
C1 to C2
C1 to C3
C1 to C4
C1 to C5
C1 to C6
C2 to C1
C2 to C2
C2 to C3
C2 to C4
C2 to C5
C2 to C6
C3 to C1
C3 to C2
C3 to C3
C3 to C4
C3 to C5
C3 to C6
C4 to C1
C4 to C2
C4 to C3
C4 to C4
C4 to C5
C4 to C6
C5 to C1
C5 to C2
C5 to C3
C5 to C4
C5 to C5
C5 to C6
C6 to C1
C6 to C2
C6 to C3
C6 to C4
C6 to C5
C6 to C6

Wormhole Sizes and Restrictions

Wormholes come with different restrictions. Wormholes not only allow certain amounts of mass through them in their lifetime, but they may also have mass restrictions for each and every transfer. For example, wormholes from Known Space to Class 1 wormhole space will restrict ships going through to battlecruisers or lower.

Capital ships with jump drives can go through wormholes, provided that the wormhole can support the mass of the ship. Cynosural fields, however, cannot be opened in uncharted space, nor can ships with jump drives lock on to cynosural fields outside of wormhole space to jump out. Supercapital ships, such as Titans and Supercarriers, cannot go through wormholes as they are far too large to get through even the largest wormholes.

The Death of a Wormhole