Intake & Progression Department

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PO Logo transparent.png
"With great bacon, comes great responsibility." - Intana Kreis


The lifeblood of the University is its students - without a constant supply of fresh faces there would soon be nobody left to teach. Fortunately, the University can receive over a hundred applications in a single day, a potential seven hundred applications a week! Even though not all of the applications we receive progress through to the interview stage, processing all these applications still takes great time and effort - this is where our Personnel Officers (POs) come in.

"Oh look a dozen new applications in the time I've taken to do this one interview." - Jivlain Pollard

Each personnel officer is a volunteer. We do not get paid for the work we do, yet we are held to a higher standard than other E-UNI students. That being sad we are the best department in E-UNI, we have a lot of laughs and there is a great camaraderie in the department.

Positions within the department and their responsiblities

Everyone in the department shares the same responsibility: Keeping the new students coming into the department. However we have various positions in the department which are explained below.

Personnel Officer (PO)

A regular grunt. PO is someone who has been accepted into the department and has succesfully completed his training. Is worthy of his title and his responsibilities are four-fold:

  • To act as a point of contact for the University, providing help and advice to those who require it in our public channel, "E-UNI" and to watch out for our channel policies violators.
  • To filter applicants by way of questionnaire, ensuring that only those who share the University's morals and ideals are permitted entry.
  • To protect the University against those who would do it harm through infiltration and espionage.
  • To filter title applications by way of interview, ensuring that only those who can be trusted are permitted access to our resources.

Senior Personnel Officer (SPO)

A seasoned PO, which has been granted a higher level of access & trust. This PO has deemed himself worthy of the title thanks to his experience. SPOs additionally deal with returning members, complicated cases and can be asked to assist the department management if there is such a need.

SPO's responsibilities additionally include:

  • Moderating the University public channel, "E-UNI".
  • Moderating the University general chat channel, "Chat.E-UNI".
  • Moderating the University Mumble server, and perhaps assisting members with problems connecting.

Assistant Personnel Manager (APM)

APMs are people who have been extremely helpful during their PO times and are now overseeing POs so the quality of the department does not go down.

The position itself is limited to 3 slots, and only those who have proven themselves as extremely experienced and had no issues whatsoever during their time in E-UNI.

APM is allowed to act as a leader of the department in case the manager and HR director are absent.

Current APMs are:

Joining the department

Why should you join?

We are the best. That's a fact. When you join the departmentm you get to hang out with the coolest people in E-UNI, you can see what other POs wrote about you when you applied to E-UNI but most of all, you will see all the background work that is done within E-UNI and, honestly, being a PO is a stepping stone to the management in E-UNI, as you will be seen as someone we can trust.

That being said, the work needs to be done and while we do not have a set quota of interviews you need to do, we expect activity, so do not think you will maintain your PO status if you are inactive.

What are the requirements?

We have very basic requirements to join, outlined below:

  • You must be mature and level-headed, capable of working autonomously as well as part of a team.
  • You must be familiar with all University rules and should agree with them in full. As a member of staff, you will be explaining these rules to future students and should lead by example.
  • You must be reasonably knowledgeable about the early stages of the game (if you have done the career tutorials you qualify).
  • You must be a member of E-UNI for at least 3 weeks
  • You must be eloquent and capable of easily conversing with applicants, explaining various aspects of the game and the University itself.
  • You must never forget to provide cookies to Director of Human Resources, Marius Labo. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
  • You must be cool.

What are the benefits?

We do not give you ISK, we don't, but you get to hang out with really cool people and Human Resources management. We also have a project running with Wormhole Campus where we have our own POS and where we hang out nowadays.

Human Resources POS

One of the greater benefits is that you will be seen as trustworthy person and becoming a PO may greatly reflect on your future E-UNI/EVE career.

Here is the list of all benefits you get:

  • Being a part of the greatest department and hanging out with the coolest people
  • You get to communicate with E-UNI applicants, see how the work is done
  • Queue Smasher Events with prizes
  • Contests
  • Access to Human Resources POS
  • You will be even cooler than you were

How do you apply?

If you're interested in giving back to the University, fill out this application form. Your application should be reviewed and responded to within a week. Depending on the number of applications being dealt with, you may not receive a reply.

If you have any questions regarding the recruitment procedures, please contact Rose Chanlin, the person responsible for recruiting new POs.

When you submit your application, if you see a confirmation screen that means your application has been submitted successfully and has been received. If you do not see a confirmation screen after hitting the submit button then please follow-up with a forum pm to Personnel Manager Joha M'raadu or Director of Human Resources Marius Labo.

List of current Personnel Officers

Personnel Officers are only arranged into timezones for your convenience – you may speak with any PO, regardless of your or their timezone. Names carrying the (Senior) tag are Senior Personnel Officers, experienced team members who are permitted to handle more complicated cases. If you've been directed to an SPO, you'll require a name with the (Senior) tag.

Please keep in mind that our POs are volunteers and are paid nothing for the work they do for the University. They are usually quite busy, but if you are having trouble contacting an available PO, copy and paste their names into the 'People and Places' search, right click them, and 'Add to Contact List'. This will then let you know when they sign on, with an alert in the bottom right of your screen.

European/Middle Eastern Timezone

  • Achanei Belvar (Senior)
  • Boniface Vachon (Senior)
  • Chaos Shikari (Senior)
  • Doomerus Drakonus
  • Joha M'raadu (Personnel Manager)
  • Qvar Dar'Zanar (Assistant Manager)
  • Laura Karpinski (Senior)
  • Puschka Aldard
  • Rose Chanlin (Assistant Manager)
  • Tannat Skor
  • turlough dominian (Senior)
  • Vincent VanDamme

American Timezone

  • Deban Huren
  • Guillaume Maulerant (Senior)
  • Heisengertz Fandango
  • Jameson Bolmara
  • Jessan Makanen (Senior)
  • Jim Parsons
  • Kelon Darklight
  • LoaTzu Sang
  • Sivney Quincannon (Senior)
  • Sketchy McGillis (Assistant Manager)
  • Telesys Killcircuit
  • Tim Folton

Asian/Pacific Timezone

  • Idree Battsetseg (Manager Emeritus)
  • Lucy Shi (Senior)

University Management

The names below are those of former POs and SPOs who have either retired or moved into management positions elsewhere in the University. As managers they possess the same authority as SPOs when it comes to recruitment and are still permitted to interview applicants when time allows.

  • Marius Labo (Director of Human Resources)
  • Kaein Soturus (Titles Manager)
  • Hannibal Barcca (Records Manager)