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E-Uni home system: Oerse

Regional Chat Channel and Mailing List: Solitude.E-Uni

E-Uni home station: Oerse VI - Moon 10 - Quafe Company Retail Center

Regional Trade Hub: Octanneve III – Moon 1 – Federation Customs Logistics Support

Class syllabus: Solitude_101

Mission Statement

The mission of Project: Solitude is to provide an isolated environment where students require motivation and self-sufficiency to survive, as well as provide easy access to low-sec and null-sec opportunities. The primary focus is on teaching students to survive without easy access to trade hubs and to live in a secluded high-sec pocket.

Project Solitude Background

Towards the end of July 2012, the EVE University management decided to launch project Solitude. The initial announcement by CEO Kelduum Revaan outlining a brief history of the Uni and putting this project in its context can be found here.

In a nutshell, the primary aim of Project Solitude is to establish a University presence in a high-sec pocket surrounded by low-sec and 0.0 space, and to help build a centralised trade hub for the region.

Overview of the Solitude Region

Solitude is a smallish region consisting of only 43 systems under the sovereignty of the Gallente Federation. Wedged between Aridia and Syndicate, it is made up of two general regions. To the west of the region is a low-sec area bordering both Syndicate and Aridia with the home of the NSC only a few jumps away. To the east is a high-sec pocket consisting of 17 systems with a second entrance to Syndicate. This pocket also contains the systems of Oerse where the E-Uni regional HQ is located, and Octanneve, which has been chosen as the place to establish a trade hub. A further high-sec pocket of 3 systems can be found to the north of the region.

E-Uni Regional HQ

Oerse VI - Moon 10 contains a university office and contains shared university hangars. These hangars are organized in a similar way to the hangars in Aldrat.

Within the Alpha hangar the following containers are available:

Solitude Donations - items deposited into this container are considered to be donated to the Project: Solitude and will become University property. Items in this container can only be retrieved by certain personnel. Once this container is processed, items are generally moved to Alpha or Theta hangars depending on the items.

Alpha Ammo - This bin is used to store ammunition for frigate sized ships. Items in this container can be accessed by those with the Freshman title, and are freely available to take as needed. Please remember that other students also use this container, so please only take what will satisfy your immediate needs.

Alpha Modules - This bin contains modules that Freshmen can access. Again, please only take what you will need.

Solitude Skill Books - This bin stores skill books for student use.

Solitude Inventory - This bin is used to replenish the Alpha and Theta Ammo and Modules bins.

Solitude Bookmarks - This bin stores bookmarks for sites explorers have found, but not run.

In the Theta hangar, there are the Theta Ammo and Theta Modules containers. These follow the same rules as Alpha Ammo and Alpha Modules, only for larger ships.

Please do not place items in any bins other than the Solitude Donations bin. Remember to lock the stacks when you are finished, otherwise another Unista could clean out the stacks you unlocked and you would be the one in the log files as having taken everything out.

Solitude Trade Hub

After weighting the pros and cons, some members already living in the area settled on Octanneve III – Moon 1 - Federation Customs Logistics Support as the station of choice for the regional trade hub. However, Boystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant has been the highest volume trade hub in both the Solitude and Syndicate Regions going on several years now. While Octanneve is situated centrally for the inhabitants of Solitude's High-Sec Isle, Boystin is situated one jump from Low-Sec and two jumps from NPC Null space in Syndicate, making it more centrally located for inhabitants of the larger area.

Currently, in order to help achieve the goal of a centralized trading hub, it is advised to use Octanneve III-1 for trading activities as much as possible.

What it means to live in Solitude

Living in Solitude has certain advantages over the main high-sec Empire regions. Having said that, the confined nature of the area also has its challenges. Things to be considered before deciding whether to move or not are:


  • Far from Aldrat, making war target encounters less likely
  • Easier to organize awareness of WTs in the region and their location
  • Significantly shorter waiting times and reduced cost for use of public research installations
  • Easier access to low-sec PI while still living in the relative safety of high-sec
  • Easier access to low-sec ores in sparsely populated systems
  • Quick access to NPC null-sec space for PvP excursions


  • Limited availability of items on the local market
  • Higher prices for items that are available on the market
  • Shipping stuff in and out of the region can be a challenge
  • Flying to Solitude requires extended travel through low or null sec
  • A smaller community, which means that you'll have more autonomy and often be pursuing solo-able activities
  • Certain Uni programs (BYOM / PYOS / Ship Replacement Program) are yet to be extended to Solitude

Who runs the project?

Project Solitude is a consolidated effort of volunteers and pioneers with the aim to establish an area where people can flourish. Although there are no restrictions on venturing into low-sec and null-sec space, the project mainly revolves around the larger high-sec pocket in the region. Project: Solitude is subject to all EVE University rules, and is not exempt from the standard rules or the Wartime Standard Operating Procedure.

Programs Available in Solitude

There are a few programs available to Unistas in Solitude.

The Solitude Coordinated Scanning Endeavor is the life blood of our logistics. The high-sec to high-sec wormholes they find are key in moving goods in and out of the area safely.

The Solitude Ship Building Program builds t1 frigates, cruisers, and destroyers for University members in the Solitude region.

What do I need to become a 'Solidude'?

The only mandatory requirement for a life in Solitude is a healthy dose of pioneer/explorer spirit along with a determination to overcome the challenges of living in a confined high-sec area. All other skills are optional. Project Solitude is open to members of all levels: from people who only just started out in EVE and are new to the Uni, to advanced industrialists, explorers, PVP’ers, etc…

... oh and balls, big ones.

How to get to Solitude

Taking the 'Pod Express'

  • As long as you don’t have any implants in your clone and your new medical clone is fairly cheap, you can travel to Solitude by “Pod Express”. Change your medical clone location to one of the stations in Oerse and then self-destruct your pod. It might be a good idea to get a jump clone in empire first so you can jump back to HQ if need be.

Dodging pirates in low-sec

  • This is the long route via Aridia , from Bherdasopt (high-sec) through Gonditsa, Otakod, Agaullores and Yveve to Yvelet (high-sec). The biggest risk of this particular route is a persistent gatecamp of the Bherdasopt gate in Gondista. When planning to take this route, it might be a good idea to scout ahead and check if the area is safe.
  • Read the Safety Tips for Operating in Low Sec for additional information.

Facing the quiet dangers of null-sec

  • For those brave enough to venture into null-sec, there are two possible routes through Syndicate to get to Solitude:
    • Route 1 starts in Stacmon (0.6) and goes through two low-sec systems (Ostingele and Harroule) and enters Syndicate at MHC-R3. It then carries on via M2-CF1, Y9G-KS, Pertnineere (low-sec) and then Boystin (high-sec)
    • Route 2 starts in Chesiette (0.6) and goes through one low-sec system (Reblier) and enters Syndicate at 6-CZ49. This route also ends up at M2-CF1 and follows the rest of the path to Solitude as mentioned above.
  • Please visit the Solitude.E-Uni channel before travelling through Syndicate. The above mentioned pipes are frequently bring travelled by members already based in Solitude and some viable intel might be available.

Jumping down a Wormhole

  • The ‘Solitude Co-ordinated Scanning Endeavour’ finds hisec-to-hisec wormholes on average two to three times a week. This makes it a lot easier for those wanting to move assets into the region without having to go through the dangerous low-sec or null-sec pipes. Entry and exit points for active WH’s can usually be found in the Project Solitude bookmarks folder. Notifications are being sent out via a mailing list that has been created specifically for this purpose. Please check the forum or ask in Solitude.E-Uni for further details.

Making use of courier services

  • Wormholes have a limited time and mass. As such, it might not always be possible for members to make good use of them. An alternative is to use a courier to move assets into the region. Although there are many courier services around, Black Frog is probably the best known. Note though that using courier services can be a quite costly exercise. Black Frog for example, charges 100,000,000 ISK to move up to 320,000 m3 from Aldrat to Oerse.
  • Several E-UNI members routinely move materials into Solitude and may be willing to accept courier contracts. Pricing is typically negotiable. New players needing small packages moved may find a courier willing to move the goods for a significant discount. Please see the following forum posts for details:

What to Bring and What NOT to Bring

Due to having limited access to the rest of Empire space, it is wise to bring as much of whatever you might need as possible.

You will find that certain items are less expensive in Solitude while other items are far more expensive.

Make sure to check out The Alpha Hanger if you have trouble obtaining equipment through the local market.

What to Bring

Modules Tech I & Tech II

Firstly, be ready to have spare modules, and try to bring equipment over in bulk whenever possible in order to limit risk.

Sometimes the prices can be double what they are in Empire for both Tech II and Meta 4 modules. Some modules are almost nonexistent on the Solitude marketplace. If you are curious about whether or not a specific item is stocked in Solitude and you do not have access to the area simply head over to EvE-Central, click on the advanced tab, select solitude from the drop-down list of Regions and enter whatever it is that you're looking for.

Scanning Related

Some recommended modules to have spares of:

  • Cloaking devices (Cov-Ops Cloak if you can fly a Cov-Ops frigate, T3 or Recon cruiser)
  • Core Probe Launchers (A Sisters Core Probe Launcher is a good idea as the price for this can be exorbitant in Solitude)
  • Core Probes (Sisters Core Probes are recommended)
  • Cov-Ops Frigates (If you can fly one of these the world is your oyster)

There is a Federation Navy School two jumps into Low-Sec in the system of Elore. Note that not all skillbooks will be seeded here and that both this station and the route to it are often camped. It is recommended to do a little scouting or go as a group if you are unfamiliar with Low Security space.

General Supplies

Ammunition and scripts aren't generally much more expensive in Solitude than elsewhere in Empire. Nanopaste and cap boosters will usually need to be obtained outside of Solitude if large quantities are needed.

Tech I Industrial

It's a good idea to use a T1 Industrial when moving a medium amount of cargo (~5K m^3 - 30K m^3) as they carry enough for several packaged frigates or a couple cruisers and you can make multiple trips through a High-Sec to High-Sec Wormhole in a T1 Industrial without compromising the stability of the Wormhole.

An imicus is an ideal alternative if you don't have that much to cart over as it has a base 400 m^3 cargo that can be expanded up to 1,261 m^3 with Cargohold Expander modules and Cargohold Optimization Rigs.

What NOT to Bring

Certain Ships

Many T1 Sub-Capitol ships are less expensive to obtain in Solitude due to the proximity to Null Security space and the risk involved in transporting ships back out to the rest of Empire.

For the same reason larger and more expensive ships (i.e. Freighters and Pirate Cruisers/Battleships) can be difficult to take back out of Solitude. Consideration should be given when bringing them into the area. Most High-Sec to High-Sec Wormholes can only handle a Freighter passing through twice before they are destabilized.

If you feel you must bring something shiny or large, make sure that it is something that you will use regularly as it may be very difficult and time-consuming to relocate such items back to the contiguous Empire.

Missioning in Solitude:

There are a number of good security mission corps in Solitude - Federation Customs, Federal Intelligence Office, Federation Navy, Poteque pharmaceuticals. While there are a number of other stations, agents, and offices (as found at Agent Range Finder); listed below are the corporations with level 4 security agents which are the easiest to grind up while in Solitude. From time to time E-Uni members will even organize Spider and/or Locust fleets throughout Solitude to further help grind up standings for those that are new to the area. Other than the few level 4 agents notated**, only the high security space agents are listed.

Federation Customs

  • L1-0.7- Octanneve V - Moon 1 - Federation Customs Assembly Plant == 2 Security Agents
  • L2-0.7- Octanneve III - Federation Customs Assembly Plant == 1 Security Agent (4 jump missions into lowsec have been seen)
  • L3-0.7- Octanneve IV - Federation Customs Assembly Plant == 2 Security Agents (Manufacturing/Refining Facility)
  • L4-0.7- Octanneve III - Moon 1 - Federation Customs Logistic Support ==1 Security Agent (Regional Trade Hub)

Federal Intelligence Office

  • L1-0.8 Yvaeroure X - Moon 14 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant (1 jump from Octanneve) == 1 Security, 1 Distribution Agent
  • L1-0.8 Vecodie II - Federal Intelligence Office Testing Facilities (2 jumps from Octanneve) ==1 Security Agent (No Level 2 Agents nearby)
  • L3-0.8- Arasare V - Moon 7 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant (3 jumps from Octanneve) == 2 Security agents
  • L3-0.8 Vecodie II - Federal Intelligence Office Testing Facilities (2 jumps from Octanneve) == 1 Security Agent
  • L4-0.5 Boystin V - Moon 6 - Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant (3 jumps from Octanneve) == 1 Security Agent
  • L4-0.4 Pertnineere VI - Federal Intelligence Office Logistic Support (Low Security!) (4 jumps from Octanneve) == 1 Security Agent

Federation Navy

  • L1-0.6 - Niballe V - Moon 1 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities == 2 Security Agents
  • L2-0.7 - Gererique VI - Moon 3 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities == 2 Security Agents
  • L3-0.7 - Gererique VI - Moon 3 - Federation Navy Testing Facilities == 1 Security Agent
  • L4-0.4 - Sarline VIII - Moon 7 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant == 1 Security Agent

Material Acquisition

  • L1-0.8- Yvaeroure XII - Moon 11 - Material Acquisition Refinery == 1 Security Agent
  • L2-0.7- Stoure VI - Moon 4 - Material Acquisition Mining Outpost == 1 Security Agent
  • L3-0.8- Yvaeroure XII - Moon 9 - Material Acquisition Refinery == 1 Security Agent
  • L3-0.8- Yvaeroure XII - Moon 11 - Material Acquisition Refinery == 1 Security Agent
  • L4-0.2 - Babirmoult VI - Moon 15 - Material Acquisition Mineral Reserve (10 jumps from Octanneve in deep Low sec) == 2 Security Agents

Ducia Foundry (Amarr)

  • L4-0.6- Larryn V - Moon 1 - Ducia Foundry Mineral Reserve == 1 Security Agent

Poteque Pharmaceuticals

  • L4-0.7- Stoure IX - Moon 1 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Research Center == 1 Security Agent

Industry in Solitude:

Ladar Sites

The Low-Sec constellation of Elerelle, located in Solitude, is one of only two places in New Eden where Ladar sites produce unusually large amounts of Celadon, which is the chief ingredient in the production of Exile, a Combat Booster used to increase a capsuleers armor repair amount by a certain percentage.

Ladar sites in Solitude occur very frequently in both High and Low Security areas.

Ice Belts

  • Niballe (0.6 / 2 jumps from Oerse) is the most popular ice belt in the area. Regulars are generally friendly and plenty of ice to go around.
  • Cadelanne (0.1 / 10 jumps from Oerse) typically only has a few residents, often blue.

Note that it is not recommended to ice mine while away from the keyboard (AFK). There are local entities that have been known to suicide gank (using large groups of expendable destroyers) miners that are non-responsive.

Regular Mining

  • The EVE University student organized Amarr Mining Camp(us), also known as "The AMC", has a satellite office located in Solitude, with many of its organizers and coordinators active in the region. The AMC helps support Unista and Alumni miners with several services: Access to corp hangers for mining supplies, assistance in organizing mining fleets, and with refining ore at no cost. For more information on the locations of these services, join the AMC chat channel "Amarr Mining Camp" (password: same as standard E-Uni channels) and the AMC mailing list (also "Amarr Mining Camp"). Also, visit the Amarr Mining Campus Forum for additional support.
  • Harner (0.1 / 4 jumps) is a single asteroid belt location with some nice asteroids. It's generally empty aside from an occasional visit from ratters or explorers. That said, Sarline (the only way out of the dead end ring) semi-frequently has a pirate (typically solo) guarding the exit.


There is a student owned and operated research POS in Solitude now! Several mobile laboratories are available for lease in their various capacities. More information is on the forums here.

Project Solitude Forum - Get in touch


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