Education Department

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The Education Department consists of three teams, the Training Department, Events Department, and the Mentor Department.

Each team is led by a Manager, each of whom report to the Director of Education, and who are in turn supported by one or more Assistant Managers.

Director of Education

Bairfhionn Isu.jpg
Bairfhionn Isu

About the role: The Director of Education oversees the core business of EVE University, training new players. He decides on the overall strategies to maximise the educational side of EVE University. He manages the training department (classes), events department, and mentoring department and ensures operations in these departments are running smoothly.

About the person: After Neville Smit stepped down to finally undock, Bairfhionn Isu took over as the Director of Education. After being the Events Manager for 9 months, she accepted the offer to join the Directorship. Not much is known about what she does besides directoring, but she can be seen in fleets or hunting pirates now and then, making them cry.

Reports to: CEO

Teaching Director

Neville Smit

About the role: The Teaching Director oversees recruiting and development of UNI teachers, organizing guest lectures, scheduling classes, and developing recorded training classes, the Syllabus Library and related player guides on the EVE University wiki.

About the person: Neville Smit discovered the UNI very early in his career, and immediately became obsessed with collecting titles, in order to feed his insatiable ego. In love with the sound of his own voice, he lectures frequently in UNI-sponsored classes, even if no one shows up. An admitted carebear, Neville is a master at getting in on killmails while flying in the shadows of far superior pilots, resulting in an impressive-looking but ultimately hollow efficiency ratio. His only redeeming quality is his dedication to providing quality education services to his fellow UNIs.

Teaching Managers: Kivena and Titus Tallang

Reports to: Director of Education

Mentor Manager


About the role: On request, EVE University provides members with individualized coaching and mentoring from experienced UNI Graduates. The Mentor Manager is responsible for ensuring that this Mentor Program runs smoothly and efficiently.

About the person: Haxxi joined EVE University in November 2009 after a short and turbulent week. EVE University gave him a home and helped him a lot with the harsh and dark space called New Eden. After a short while, he joined the ILN in which he's still serving. In October 2010, Haxxi decided to give something back to the UNI and joined the mentor team. After a short time, he got promoted to an assistant mentor manager. In June 2011, Haxxi was recognized for his good work by being promoted to head of the mentor program.

Assistants: Morgrell and Polarina

Reports to: Director of Education

Events Manager

Post Vacant

About the role: The Events Manager oversees the Events Department, including the scheduling of special events, recruiting Events Coordinators, and supporting students in developing and running their own events.

About the person: Since this post currently is vacant, there is no person. If you think you have the guts to provide fun and entertainment for Unistas, contact the Director of Education.

Reports to: Director of Education