POS Setup

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- covers everything in the old POSs and you PDF guide

- does not cover offense/defense except in passing (see the POS Warfare page for that complicated topic)

- need to add reasons on why to setup a POS

- POS structures are going to get moved to a another page POS Structures

Location, Location, Location

- racial standings needed

- 0.5 to 0.7 rules

- 0.4 rules

- 0.3 to 0.1 rules

- 0.0 rules

Choosing a Tower

- standard towers vs faction towers

- matching fuel type to location or why not to


- enter estimates of fuel costs per 30 days

Starbase Charters

All POSs located in hi-sec space (0.5 to 0.7) require starbase charters in order to operate. These charters are race-specific based on the region where you are placing the POS and are bought with Loyalty Points from NPC corporations.

All size towers require 1 charter per hour.


One of the components needed to fuel a POS tower is isotopes. There are four types of isotopes and each racial tower uses one of these four isotopes. These isotopes can be refined out of the type of ice found in each race's regions. Here is the list of isotopes and which tower types they are used with.

  • Helium Isotopes - Amarr
  • Hydrogen Isotopes - Minmatar
  • Nitrogen Isotopes - Caldari
  • Oxygen Isotopes - Gallente

- Need to add the pirate towers to this list (dom, true sansha, dread gurista, etc)

The quantities required for the regular towers are:

  • Small: 113/hr
  • Medium: 225/hr
  • Large: 450/hr

There are two competing theories on tower selection vs fuel availability. Some POS owners will choose a tower based on the region in order to reduce the distance that isotopes will have to be hauled. Other POS owners will choose a tower based on attributes and are willing to haul isotopes from other regions. If you do not have access to an orca or freighter, you may wish to choose your tower type based on isotope availability within the region or neighboring regions.

Liquid Ozone and Heavy Water

In addition to the isotopes that come from ice, POS towers also make use of the Liquid Ozone and Heavy Water components from ice. Heavy Water consumption is controlled by the amount of CPU in use by the tower and is generally very inexpensive. Liquid Ozone is consumed based on how much PG is in use. Due to competing demands for Liquid Ozone (lighting Cynosural Fields, for instance) and the limited amount that comes from refining ice, prices tend to be 3x to 4x higher then Heavy Water.

Strontium Calthrates

The fourth component that is refined from ice is Strontium Calthrates. Unlike the other fuels, Strontium Calthrates are only used when the POS is placed into reinforced mode. There is a separate fuel bay for Strontium Calthrates in the tower called the "stront bay". As explained on the POS Warfare page, you should always put at least 1 hours worth of Strontium Calthrates into the "stront bay".

  • Small: 100/hr, 4166 max units for 41.7 hours
  • Medium: 200/hr, 8333 max units for 41.7 hours
  • Large: 400/hr, 16666 max units for 41.7 hours

As a general rule of thumb, if you put "N" units of Strontium Calthrates in your tower, you should keep a spare stock of "N" units Strontium Calthrates in a nearby location. That way, if the attackers leave you alone after the initial attack, you can quickly replenish the "stront bay".

Planetary Interaction Fuels

The rest of the fuels required for POS operation come from Planetary Interaction. Prior to the Tyrannis expansion, these fuels were NPC supplied on the market but hi-sec sources were typically monopolized each day immediately after downtime.

Per hour needs by tower size:

  • Enriched Uranium - 1 (S) 2 (M) 4 (L)
  • Oxygen - 7 (S) 13 (M) 25 (L)
  • Mechanical Parts - 2 (S) 3 (M) 5 (L)
  • Coolant - 2 (S) 4 (M) 8 (L)
  • Robotics - 1 (S) 1 (M) 1 (L)

Summary Fuel Table

- need to create a table showing the fuels down the left size, tower sizes across the top, with units/hour

Note: For Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone, the amount listed here is the maximum possible used per hour. This will only be true if the tower is maxed out on both CPU and PG usage. If less then the maximum is used, then fuel requirements for these two fuels will be lower per hour. To find out the current fuel demands of your POS tower, refer to the tower's management UI "Process" screen.

Corporate Roles

Config Equipment

This skill does not have any effect on POS structures.

Config Starbase Equipment

Do not hand out this role lightly. Allows:

  • Viewing contents of Ship Assembly Arrays.
  • Access to the "Force Field" and "Defense" tabs of the tower management UI.
  • Take from Ship Maintenance Array.
  • See the true capacity in use of Ship Assembly Arrays, but only view/take according to corporate roles for each tab.

Starbase Defense Operator


  • Pilot to take active control of POS weaponry.

Starbase Fuel Technician


  • Deposit into Ship Assembly Arrays, but not view contents or capacity used.
  • Deposit into the tower fuel bay, and to view fuel quantities.
  • Deposit into the stront bay, and view stront quantities.
  • View "Structures" and "Processes" tabs of the tower management UI.
  • Take from silos(?).


Anchoring the Tower

- note that a corporation, not in an alliance, can only anchor 1 POS tower per day per system

- alliances can anchor up to 5 POS towers in a single system per day (same corp or different corps makes no difference)

- the throttle may not apply in w-space, but definitely applies in empire / lo-sec / null-sec

Fueling the Tower

Basic Tower Configuration

Anchoring Modules



Tear Down and Mothballs


- Q&A section or random tidbits that don't fit elsewhere

- secure containers cannot be anchored inside the POS bubble

Reference Links

EVE Online POS Builder
POS'S AND YOU (forum thread)
MyPOS (calculate fits)