Talk:Wiki Issues

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Revision as of 04:41, 10 August 2010 by Haeric (talk | contribs) (→‎Fixing up the Categories: Started category style discussion)
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Wiki Issue Discussion

Discuss issues with the wiki below.

Double Pages

Due to my eagerness (Garr Anders) we have some double pages e.g.:

The Ivy League Navy and Ivy League Navy

Apart from the fact that we should merge the two, how are we handling such pages in general.

Are we dropping the "The" or keeping it ?

This relates to a few pages and although I started with using the "the" I think we could drop it. - Garr Anders 14:54, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Irdalth's word

Lets go with ILN for now (some cases may call for 'The'). I'll move um. - Irdalth Delrar 06:43, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

Fixing up the Categories

I've been working on cleaning up the categories to it will be easier to find things. More info is in . - Felix riggs 08:13, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Done with all the categorization for now. There's probably more out there to be found, but take a look at "recent changes" and you'll see why I'm taking a break for now. I might dig through more later and see what else could use new/updated categories. - Felix riggs 09:39, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Desired Layout

The Wiki Structure page that details the category structure that we should follow appears to be out of date (something easly corrected) but another issue comes to mind. What style of category listings are we going to use?

Are we to use a folder style structure, where articles can only be long to one category (something that seems to be done a fair amount) or are we going to use the Open-Directory style, where all entities exist in the general levels all the way down to their specific. I'll provide an example of both:

Folder Style::

  • [Animals]
    • [Dogs]
      • Spot
    • [Cats]
      • Felix

Open-Directory Style::

  • [Animals]
    • Spot
    • Felix
    • [Dogs]
      • Spot
    • [Cats]
      • Felix

Either way is understandable to both novice wiki users as well as old hats, however, I tend to personally like the Open-Directory style as you only need to go to a major category and browse the entries/subcategories to get a feel for what's contained in a name-space. However if you want to refine what you're looking at, this too is available. The bottom line is that the Open-Directory structure is the most flexible and gives you the best of both organizational worlds in my opinion.

Places Category and Content

Many of the places categories are marked for deletion and their associated content is either marked depreciated or is marked for deletion as well. Are these pages going to be maintained, especially in light of the fact that the Evelopedia contains much of the same information? - Haeric 02:32, 10 August 2010 (UTC)