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Beam Harbingers

Logo faction amarr empire.png
Beam Harbingers follow a fairly standard fitting philosophy for T1 Battlecruiser doctrines – using long range weapons (beam lasers in this case) to project up to a substantial range, while still holding a decent tank and reasonable close range application for brawling

Beam Harbingers are a solid all-rounder of a combat doctrine. They lack the double range bonus of the Ferox, or the high volley damage of the Hurricane, instead gaining a larger overall damage boost, and marginally improved tracking. In general, Harbingers are usually considered a second tier doctrine for most groups, but they still make for an effective, well rounded fleet – and one which can sometimes surprise an opponent due to not being as ubiquitous as Feroxes or Hurricanes


Beam Harbingers are essentially a well-rounded fighting doctrine, as opposed to a skirmish (Hurricanes) or sniping doctrine (Feroxes). They can opt to fight at 60-70km with Aurora crystals and out-range some other doctrines, however this is still only considered mid-range by EVE standards, and they can and will be kited at this range by Feroxes, sniper Battleships, or doctrines such as Cerberuses. Instead, Harbingers are best used as flexible mid-range brawlers

As well as being out-ranged, the Harbinger is slightly slower than the FCC Feroxes, but its unique strengths are its higher tank and low signature radius (due to an armor tank), superior overall damage output from its damage bonus and drone bay, and good tracking compared to railgun fitted ships, especially when using tracking scripts in its tracking computer in its mid-slots. The instant ammunition switching of laser turrets is also a useful strength

Given these features, its slight advantage over its comparables is in its combination of strong close ranged performance and good projection. As an example of how this might work; against a Ferox fleet, a Harbinger fleet would aim to start a fight in brawl range, taking advantage of its superior damage (630 DPS at 20km), tracking and signature radius, then as an opponent pulls range on you, rapidly switch through the longer range crystals to maintain damage – taking advantage of their laser’s instant ammunition switches. Most times, by the time a doctrine such as Feroxes has pulled enough range to kite you, you will have applied a substantial blow to their fleet via your superior close range damage. If not, now is the time to disengage

Against other doctrines with shorter ranges than the Harbinger (such as most Cruiser doctrines or actual brawlers), a Harbinger fleet may choose to pull range and snipe from up to 70km with Aurora which it can do equally effectively

The worst case for a Harbinger fleet is to start a fight with a sniping doctrine at range already, forcing you to slowly burn in towards them. An interesting way to maximize the Harbingers effectiveness is in combination with a Command Destroyer with a Micro-Jump Field Generator. This can allow the fleet to instantly jump 100km in any direction, letting you jump on top of, or at least closer to, a kiting doctrine set up at range, or slowly pulling out of your range. With a couple of these ships, it is very difficult for any fleet to kite you out permanently

Multifrequency is your highest damage and default ammunition for brawling. Aurora is your best long range damage for those with T2 guns, or Radio for T1. Standard crystals are your mid-range choice. Given you will swap crystals frequently and rapidly, its easiest to call for colors – Red = Radio/Aurora, White = Multifrequency, Yellow - Standard

Fleet Composition and Fits

Primary DD Fit

The only real point of contention of a Harbinger fleet is the mid slots. An MWD and Cap Booster are essential to allow mobility and cap stability respectively, yet this leaves two mid-slots free. At least one is used for a tracking computer, usually with tracking speed script loaded by default. The second can be used for unbonused EWAR – Damps are often used to shut down enemy kiting ships or Logi. However for simplicity, and also to compensate for low skills, the Uni suggested fit below uses two tracking computers instead. Scripts should be swapped depending on engagement tactics, and also on skills – if a pilot cannot reach the range that the fleet is fighting at, the scripts can be used to assist with this

As usual with battlecruiser fleets, you have the option to incorporate Command Bursts into the mainline DD themselves – this lets you maximize your DPS ships. However as noted above, Harbingers work well with Command Destroyers for the use of Micro Jump Field Generators, so this may be a case where you would be better placed to favor a dedicated ship for your command bursts


As a fighting doctrine, Harbingers need a good Logistics wing to maximize their sustained damage over the course of a pitched battle. Either the Augoror or Exequeror are fine here, although need to be MWD fitted to keep up with the mainline ships. The Augoror offers a more forgiving fitting, and better tank for Uni fleets

Support Ships

Support ships are fairly standard – Interceptors for scouts, Interdictors for bubbles. A Huginn or two for long webs can be very useful for taking down smaller scouts or tackle trying to get under your guns, or for ships trying to pull range

As mentioned, Command Destroyers work well in this fleet, both for use of command bursts and for the MJFG. Your primary Command Bursts are your tanking ones, so there is little to choose between the Pontifex and Magus for the role. Magus is marginally preferred for skirmish boosts, but either works fine.