Destroyer Free For All

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This is a variation of the standard free for all format for destroyers. One difference between this and other FFAs is that faction ammo is not allowed. This is to keep participation costs to a minimum, since destroyers have significantly more weapons than frigates.

Event Details


  • Tech 1 Destroyer
  • Tech 1 vanilla modules & drones only i.e. meta zero
  • Faction Ammo is NOT allowed
  • No Smartbombs
  • No Cloaks
  • No Rigs


  • All participants must be fleeted and on Mumble.
  • Once in the arena nobody may move or attack until I give the go.
  • No podding – pods must be removed from the overview.
  • No teams.
  • No warping within the arena.
  • The arena will be a sphere with a radius of 100km around my ship, which will be a stationary battleship.
  • Get too far away or drop fleet and you will be disqualified, and possibly vaporised.
  • You must post your kill/lossmails on the Uni Events Killboard NOT the main killboard.
  • No looting or salvaging during the fight (with the exception of ammo and drones). You must loot, abandon or destroy your own wreck at the end.
  • Spectators are welcome, but may not fly destroyers and must remain outside the arena at the designated spectator area.

Running the Event

Before the event you should have two anchored secure containers, one for the arena centre and one for spectators outside the arena.

Form a fleet for participants and spectators. You should ensure that squad and wing command positions remain vacant so participants do not receive fleet bonuses.

Participants should warp themselves to a random spot of their choosing in the system. This will ensure that participants arrive in the arena on random vectors.

Participants should then warp to the referee (who is at the centre of the arena) at a distance of their choice, 100km or less.

It is recommended that you FRAPS the event to aid prize allocation, particularly if a 'wooden spoon' prize is offered to the first to die, as people tend to pop rapidly at the beginning.

This event can usually be held during war time. Depending on the nature of the war, you may need picket scouts and should be prepared to abort if WT activity dictates. During wartime pods of participants must dock immediately and may not remain to spectate.

Forum Template

Copy and paste the following BBCode template to create the forum announcement:


Everyone is welcome, T1 destroyers with basic meta zero modules only.
We will meet at a spot in space and blow each other up. Last man standing is the winner.

Where: TBC[/b]

-Tech 1 Destroyer
-Tech 1 vanilla modules & drones only i.e. meta zero
-Faction Ammo is NOT allowed
-No Smartbombs
-No Cloaks
-No Rigs

-All participants must be fleeted and on Mumble.
-Once in the arena nobody may move or attack until I give the go.
-No podding – pods must be removed from the overview.
-No teams.
-No warping within the arena.
-The arena will be a sphere with a radius of 100km around my ship, which will be a stationary battleship.
-Get too far away or drop fleet and you will be disqualified, and possibly vaporised.
-You must post your kill/lossmails on the [url=]Uni Events Killboard[/url] NOT the main killboard.
-No looting or salvaging during the fight (with the exception of ammo and drones). You must loot, abandon or destroy your own wreck at the end.
-Spectators are welcome, but may not fly destroyers and must remain outside the arena at the designated spectator area.

All the modules you need are available in the Alpha or Theta hangars at HQ, if you don't have access, just ask in Corp chat and someone will grab them for you. Don't forget to insure your ship!

Last Man Standing: 40 million ISK
First Runner Up: 20 million ISK
Second Runner Up: 10 million ISK

[b][color=#FF8000]Donated Prizes Welcome[/color][/b]