Jumpclone Shopping Expeditions

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If your character does not reside near one of the University’s available jumpclone providers, getting jumpclones for your character can be a drag. Wiyrkomi Peace Corps and Khanid Innovation are the chosen providers and are by design in distant, out of the way places. Grinding up standings to 8.0 to get jumpclones on your own may not fit in with how you would like to be playing. And to use Estel Arador Corporate Services requires that you drop out of Eve University while you acquire your clone. Consequently, you want to make the most of your jumpclone shopping expedition.


The preparation tasks are not necessarily done sequentially. They are a list of things to deal with when planning. The thinking that you do on any one of them may impact all of the other preparation tasks.

Get Isomorph Psychology at least to level 2

Pick a cloning station

Decide if you have additional goals for the expedition

Decide where you would like to have jumpclone(s) pre-positioned at.

Pick your vessel

Plan route


  • Fly safe. Depending on what other goals you may have for your expedition, make any necessary stops, purchases, ambushes, etc.

Buy clone 1

  • Dock at station with Wiyrkomi Peace Corps or Khanid Inovation medical facilities
  • Exit your ship (you have to be in capsule to clone and you may get a free noob ship)
  • Click on the medical facility and the jumpclone tab and buy your clone.
  • Prepare a ship (optional)
  • Board your ship
  • Fly to a nearby station

Activate clone 1

Go to the jump clone section of your Character Sheet, select your clone and click on activate button.

Buy another clone (this one makes it easy to come back and get more.)

Prepare a ship (optional)

Fly to a nearby station

Accomplish other local goals

Jump again (optional requires a 24 hour wait)

Return travel to home station.

You now have two jumpclones, one to help you get back to the cloning station in the event that you decide that you need another.