Capsuleer Day Clash (2020)

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Capsuleer Day Clash is an ingame event that runs from May 7th to May 20st 2020 for the 17th birthday of EVE Online.

Capsuleer Day Clash

Combat anomalies named 'EDENCOM Production Facility' and 'EDENCOM Research Complex' will spawn throughout New Eden, with the more advanced sites all over Lowsec, Nullsec and wormhole space. These sites strictly allow entry only for Battlecruiser size ship (no cruisers or smaller allowed). Clearing these sites will allow for rewards.

The rats in the sites orbit at short range. Damaviks (Frigates) and Kikimoras (destroyers) at 4 km, Vedmak (cruisers) at 7 km and Rodivas (cruisers) at 10 km. The NPCs employ advanced tactics and will warp around the site to get in optimal range.

Most of the rats deal pure kinetic+thermal damage. But since the heavy hitting boss ships deal additional EM and kinetic damage you should fit for omni tank. Webs are very effective in improving damage application.

The rats in the sites follow same naming convention as normal Triglavians.

  • Ghosting - Tracking and guidance disruption
  • Starving - Energy neutralizing
  • Blinding - Sensor dampening
  • Tangling - Stasis webifying
  • Anchoring - Warp scrambling (shits down MJD and MWD)
  • Liminal - Higher damage, deals EM and kinetic damage in addition to thermal and explosive
  • Voivode - Boss wave ship. Stronger, deals EM and kinetic damage in addition to thermal and explosive, scram+web (frigate, destroyer), scram+neut (cruiser).

EDENCOM Production Facility (highsec)

This variant of the event site appears in high security space. Only battlecruisers can enter the site.

The site consists of single gated deadspace pocket. Neuting in the site can be quite heavy so any active tanked ship should be fitted with plenty of slurpus capacitor regen or with capacitor boosters. Alternatively a passive regen shield tank can be used to avoid capacitor issues.

Five waves of random "Jarognik" Triglavian ships will spawn with sixth boss wave. The next wave will spawn after the previous wave is destroyed. The waves do not always spawn completely at once and the next wave can start spawning while there is one ship from the previous spawn still present.

Each wave will have 3-7 random ships.

Waves x5

Frigate 0-4 x Frigate random Jarognik Damavik
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer random Jarognik Kikimora
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser random Jarognik Vedmak
Cruiser 0-1 x Cruiser Renewing Jarognik Rodiva

The final sixth wave is always the same. The Vedmak is the biggest threat and droips the best things, kill it first. The rodavia and damavik will warp away some time after the Damavik has been destroyed.

Final wave

Frigate 1 x Frigate Voivode Jarognik Damavik Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Voivode Jarognik Vedmak Warp Scrambler Energy Neutralizer Drops the good rewards
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Voivode Jarognik Rodiva

EDENCOM Research Complex (Nullsec)

Structures on site

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Only allows Battlecruiser sized ships

First Pocket

Wave 1(can vary)

Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Anchoring Jarognik Kikimora Warp Disruptor
Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Tangling Jarognik Kikimora Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Anchoring Jarognik Vedmak Warp Disruptor

Wave 2(can vary)

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Liminal Jarognik Damavik
Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Starving Jarognik Damavik Energy Neutralizer
Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Anchoring Jarognik Damavik Warp Disruptor
Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Blinding Jarognik Kikimora
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Anchoring Jarognik Vedmak
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Liminal Jarognik Vedmak

Wave 3(can vary)

Wave 4(can vary)

Wave 5(can vary)

Wave 6(can vary)

Wave 7(can vary)


  • Triglavian Survey Databases (all ships can drop)
  • Capsule Cascade Fireworks
  • Triglavian Trinary Datastreams
  • Capsuleer Day XVII SKINs (permanent)
  • Basic, Extended and Potent Capsuleer Day Glamourex Boosters
  • Basic, Extended and Potent Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator
  • Agency boosters
  • Capsuleer Day Noise- and Signal-10 'Needlejack' Filaments

Wether all the items drop in both production and research complex sites is not known.
