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Threat From Abroad (1 of 2)

Mission briefing I've been looking for someone of your talents. It has come to our attention that an armada of Amarr crusaders has arrived in OK-FEM. According to our sources, their primary objective is to destroy the Pagera Manton, which they view as being a sacrilegious icon of the Blood Raider faith. They believe the Blood Raider organization is defiling the graveyard of their ancestors, and their aim is to 'give them rest'.

These sorts of incursions are nothing new, but this time they mean business. I've never seen such a huge armada threaten our beloved holy site, and to top it off it's being led by one of the Amarrian High Priests, Heftah Nekmar, which is of some concern to us. He has recently led a campaign of propaganda against the Blood Raider religion from inside the Amarrian territories, and the destruction of the Pagera Manton would certainly be viewed as a mighty victory by his people.

Your job is to intercept a squadron of ships that have split off from the main armada. It's probably a scouting party, and they've ventured awfully close to the Pagera's resting place. You will be supplied with a bookmark, of course.

This offer expires at 2020.09.21 17:48

Threat From Abroad (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Destroy the Amarr scouting party located near the asteroid field. Location -0.8 YAW-7M (Low Sec Warning!)

(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Standard Frentix Booster Reaction Formula

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 3 hours: 5,000,000 ISK

Backround Story One of the most revered holy sites of the Blood Raiders is located in the constellation OK-FEM, called the Pagera Manton. The Pagera Manton was a giant space-ship that was at the head of a massive Amarrian exploration team that had ventured into unknown lands hundreds of years ago. A malfunction in its warp-drive stranded the ship, far away from the rest of the fleet. During that time space-communication was not as sophisticated as today, and it had no way of contacting other vessels of the expedition. Years passed and the crew had finally lost all hope of survival. Food supply was running dangerously low, and it seemed that starvation was inevitable. It was then that one of the officers, an Ammatar by the name of Kalorr Makur, took matters into his own hands. He staged a successful coup against the commanding officer of the ship and had his most loyal followers bind and gag the dissidents inside a secure chamber under his control. These unfortunate souls became the crews new food supply, unbeknownst to most of the crewmembers. For over a year this plan worked, although Kalorr did have to turn to his own followers eventually to replenish his stock of human meat.

Over a century later the ship was discovered by Blood Raider pioneers scouring the distant solar-systems of OK-FEM. They found the remains of the crew, and more importantly a few dozen gigantic tanks encasing millions of liters of blood. Unbeknownst to them the blood had been collected by Kalorr who dried the human meat before consumption. The blood had been meant as a final foodsource after the meat supply had run out, but was never actually consumed as the machine responsible for recycling the air supply malfunctioned which caused the remaining crew to slowly suffocate. Fortunately the blood containers were kept in sub-freezing temperature, which despite over a centry of decay were still up and working when the Pagera was found. And not only that, Kalorr Makur's body was discovered in its very own container, along with his closest allies.

News of the find quickly spread through the Blood Raider territories, and their revered High Priest at the time declared it a 'gift from God'. The blood was stripped from the tanks and brought back to the Blood Raider headquarters for examination and ritualistic purposes. Kalorr was cloned, using genetic material retrieved from his body taken from the Pagera, and he was immediately instated as an officer of the Blood Raiders. Years later he was even made into a saint.

And to this day the Pagera is closely guarded by Kalorr and his small army of clones, extremely loyal to the Blood Raiders. Drugs, many generations of cloning and a terrible history has rendered the former Amarrian expeditioner completely insane. And despite the Pagera being a popular point of pilgrimage for the members of the Blood Raider organization, few venture there outside of large, heavily armed groups. Kalorr is known to pick off stragglers for his sinister rituals, no matter to which religion or organization they belong to.