Smash and Grab/Chapter 3: Internal Security (Irichi Path)

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Main article: Smash and Grab

Internal Security is the third and last chapter of Smash and Grab.

Pick between doing Missions for:

  • Irichi Tsunikabda at PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support or
  • Cilis Leglise at 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support

Mission 9a - Threat Assessment

Type Travel
Objective Report to Irichi Tsunikabda in PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support
Rewards 8,000,000 + time bonus

Mission is completed when you start conversation with the agent after docking in his station.

Mission 10a - Dread Pirates

Type Encounter
Objective Deliver 1 Dread Guristas Strike Force (1.0 m3)
Ship size limit T1 destroyers, T1/T2 frigates
Rewards 8,000,000 + time bonus
Mission briefing
I've been begging my handlers to let me get a hold of you. Just look at you, a genuine capsuleer . We have a lot of pretenders around here. They'll do a few things for us here and there and then they'll blow some of our boys out of the sky for the bounties on their heads.

I have my doubts, but we'll see.

I was sent to the Venal region a bit ago. The Navy and other State corps are moving in and trying to clean us honest rogues out, which is why we need to teach them fear.

Ytiri has a base they've built up in Q-7SUI. We'll be taking it, but that's not where you fit in. It's not enough to simply take the base: We need to curtail their ability to operate in this region. We need to destroy all of the ships assigned to this base, let them know it's not worth the wasted time and resources in trying to reclaim their property or their territory.

We're going to take that station over in the name of Gurista, and I have just the men to do it. I'll hand over a platoon of soldiers, trained professionals within our ranks. They're known as the Dread Guristas, and this is their strike force. Take them to the base, and let them do their magic. Wait for the strike force to take control while you eliminate any enemies in the sky. Don't worry: They know what they're doing.

But so do you, I guess. Well, I'll give you the reins on this one.

Agent at hand-in
I'll admit I had doubts about you. You think you can do anything you want to anyone without reason or plan. I think you might be different. Cilis seems to think so. But then again, Cilis was an egger, too.

Anyhow, smash up job. I couldn't be more pleased. I like it when a target is surprised to see death waiting for him. It's one of the most beautiful things you can do as a pirate. The egger who held me taught me that. Her crew chief helped me get away, but the container I was in busted on impact. In the madness, I found myself re-forged. Even though I will kill the person who did this to me, I have to thank them as well for making me what I am.

The recordings you've received in the field are from me. Anyhow, what you did will certainly help, but there's a lot of work to be done, and I can promise you that I'll pay well. You had better have the stomach for it.

This mission can be complete remotely. You are granted the Dread Gurista Strike Force when accepting this mission (in your inventory). Put it in your cargo before undocking. The mission site consists of one gated deadspace room.

Blitz: Destroy the Ytiri Security Bunker, drop the Dread Guristas Strike Force into the warehouse, and stay alive until the mission is completed. Killing ships is optional. Complete and accept next mission remotely.

Room 1

  • Destroy the Ytiri Security Bunker to gain access to the Ytiri Storage Warehouse.
    • Destroying Ytiri Security Bunker causes -0.24 standing loss to the Caldari State.
  • Drop the Dread Guristas Strike Force into the warehouse.
  • Dropping off the strike force will create an instance of repeating reinforcement wave spawns.
  • Destroying all ships in a group will make a new instance spawn. This goes on for 3 minutes after which all remaining hostile ships will explode and the mission is marked as complete.
    • The ships do no need to be destroyed. Circling in the pocket for three minutes completes the mission.

Initial defenders

Sentry 2 x Sentry Ytiri Light Missile Battery

Repeating wave

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Ytiri Frigate

You can both complete this mission and accept the next mission remotely while still in space.

Mission 11a - Rabbit Hole

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3)
Factions GuristasCaldari
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWAR Stasis Tower
Ship size limit T1 destroyers, T1/T2 frigates
Rewards 8,000,000 + time bonus
Extra 2.4% Caldari State Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
Cilis Leglise's lieutenant has been missing for quite some time, and nobody knows where he is. Except for Kori Latamaki and me. Kori helped me capture him and offered to hide him from Cilis. My intentions are pure: I want to cleanse his soul, and by extension, cleanse Cilis's as well. However, that required me to rebuild him, purify him, and make him stronger. You might think I'm a monster, but I assure you that I'm not. Rather, I am here to bring light to the pirates, to show them the true path, to evolve them. Lt. Kipo is the first step in this metamorphosis. His evolution mirrors my own; the others will follow suit.

We are holding him at the Rabbit Hole. I'll give you the coordinates. Fly there and retrieve them; Kori should be expecting you.

This mission can be accepted remotely.

Room 1

Shortly after entering the stage, the acceleration gate to the next stage will disappear. Destroying the sentry guns will make it reappear. Destroying the sentry guns cause -0.24 standing loss to the Caldari State.

Initial defender

Sentry 12 x Sentry Guristas Sentry Gun

Room 2

  • Reinforcements 1 will spawn shortly after you enter the room.
  • Reinforcements 2 will spawn upon destruction of the Caldari Navy Destroyer from reinforcements 1.
  • Destroying both of the Point Defense Batteries will make the Large EM Forcefield structure disappear and you can attack the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker structure directly instead.
  • Destroying the storage bunker will make it drop Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira.
  • Destroying Caldari Bunker causes -0.24 standing loss to the Caldari State.

Initial defenders

Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Light Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Point Defense Battery Destroying deactivates Forcefield
Sentry 1 x Sentry Caldari Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier

Reinforcements will arrive soon after entering the pocket.

Reinforcements 1

Frigate 3 x Frigate Caldari Navy Frigate
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Caldari Navy Destroyer Triggers reinforcements 2

Reinforcements 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Caldari Navy Frigate
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Caldari Navy Cruiser

Bring back Kipo Tekira to Irichi Tsunikabda to complete the mission.

Mission 12a - Passing the Buck

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Holoreel – Torture Log I15B (0.5 m3)
Faction Caldari State
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship size limit T3 destroyers and below
Rewards Gila BPC 1 run + +30% Guristas faction standing.
Mission briefing
The transformation is nearly complete. We are on the road to a new future, the fourth stage of humanity. And it will start with the Guristas.

You have Lt. Kipo, yes? You will deliver him to Cilis. I have let her know that you are en route. Kori may show up, and if he does, I apologize. He has rejected the future and continues to stumble in this aimless void.

I forgot one thing. In exchange for the return of Foxfire, Cilis has promised to give me a special holoreel. This holoreel is very important to my development, and it must be returned to me. Drop Kipo off at the Cilis's headquarters, and then get the holoreel.

Your agent Irchi has added few extra organs to Kipo “Foxfire” Tekiras body making him a walking bomb. Your job is to deliver him to the enemy so that their station can be blown up and you get access to the deadspace complex.

Blitz: Drop Kipo “Foxfire” Tekiras to the structure in first room. Kill triggers in second room, blow up the storage. Grab mission item and return to agent.

Room 1

The initial guards are friendly unless fired upon. After dropping of Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira at the Cilis Leglise's Headquarters structure the acceleration gate to the next stage will appear. This acceleration gate is not locked. Moments after the agent message the Cilis Leglise's Headquarters structure will explode, all guards will disappear, this triggers spawning of reinforcement wave which are hostile ships. The gate to next room is not locked. The ships in this room do not need to be killed.

Passive initial ships

Frigate 10 x Frigate Gallente/Minmatar Frigate Vessel
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Caldari/Gallente/Minmatar Cruiser Vessel
Battleship 8 x Battleship Guristas Battleship Vessel

Hostile Reinforcement

Frigate 5 x Frigate State Shukuro Shinai/Shhuriken
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser State Bushi/Dogo

Room 2

  • Destroying the Tabu State Yari frigate triggers spawning of reinforcements 1.
  • Destroying the State Shukuro Buke cruiser triggers spawning of reinforcements 2.
  • Destroying the State Kerai battlecruiser makes the Caldari Storage Warehouse structure appear in which you will find the torture log holoreel.
  • Minor standing loss to the Caldari State involved by destroying ships in this room.

Initial defenders

Frigate 4 x Frigate State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Shuriken Target Jammer
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Yari Triggers reinforcements 1

Reinforcements 1

Frigate 3 x Frigate State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Shukuro Kamikazi/Choji
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser State Shukuro Buke Triggers reinforcements 2

Reinforcements 2

Frigate 2 x Frigate State Shukuro Shinai/Shuriken
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Shuriken Target Jammer
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer State Shukuro Choji
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser State Kerai Destroying this reveals the Caldari Storage Warehouse structure that contains the mission objective
Agent hand-in conversatiom
Cilis must have told you that I was crazy. That might be true; who am I to say? You can judge for yourself, but remember what you have experienced here. I have mastered my transformation; I am now perfect. Can't you tell? Don't you understand?

This bickering among us, between Cilis and Kori and me, must come to an end. If they want to achieve my level of humanity, then this bickering must end, the feuds must stop, and they must trust in their fellow pirate. That is what I hoped to achieve with Lt. Kipo: He was the impetus for change. He accepted his mind, rejected his body, and willfully sacrificed himself for the betterment of the Guristas, and humanity.

The holoreel was a reminder of my life before this incarnation, when social interactions, my body, my loved ones were important to me. A memento mori of a forsaken existence. Thank you; it was the final piece to true understanding.

I doubt that my efforts were successful today. Cilis and Kori will most likely maintain their blood feud, their bitter struggle for supremacy in this meaningless void. I will not relent, however: As long as they continue down that path, I will be there to usher them into a new beginning, the perfect world, and the true way. This will never end until our bodies wither and our minds burn with truth.

Thank you for your services, capsuleer. I know how you demigods value material possessions, so please accept this gift. You have been immeasurably helpful in assisting the Guristas. I hope we may cross paths again in the future. If you ever want to achieve enlightenment, please come find me again.