Getting positive Triglavian and EDENCOM standings

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Roaming Triglavian Collective ships are aggressive and dangerous to all players who do not have positive standings with Triglavians. Most often these rats appear in Triglavian minor victory systems and in Pochven, but randomly spawning wormholes can cause them to spawn in normal systems that are close to the old position of a detached Pochven system.

This makes large areas of normal space dangerous to all who do not have positive Triglavian standings.

This guide explains how to easily get Triglavian standings. Using the methods described in this guide will also give positive EDENCOM standings.

Basic information

Killing EDENCOM ships results in positive Triglavian standing gain, but it will also result in equal negative standing gain towards EDENCOM. This is not good as it makes EDENCOM rats agressive and turns EDENCOM systemsdangerous. Avoid killing EDENCOM rats.

Killing Triglavian rats results in negative Triglavian standing gain, but it will also result in equal positive standing gain towards EDENCOM. This is not useful as you will want to have positive standings with both of these factions.

Killing Rogue Drones, Sleepers or Drifters in Pochven results in positive standing gain to both EDENCOM and Triglavians. So this is what you will have to do.

In general bigger ships give more standing. Rogue Drones give least standing, Sleepers give more and Drifters give the most.

If the system has no targets to kill you'll have to exit and try again with another filament. If you have probes you can use wormhole exit to skip 15 minute wait in between filament uses.

Entering Pochven

The easiest way to enter Pochven is to use an inbound filament. These can be bought off the market. These filaments come in many variants: border, cladistic, home and 5 or 15 pilot fleet sizes. For our purposes the destination system does not matter at all. Just buy the cheapest filament.

If you want to do this in a fleet note that the filament can take only 5 or 15 pilots depending on the filament type.

It is also good idea to buy exit filament so you can get easily out.

Killing Rogue Drones

This method works only if you have 0.00 or close to it Triglavian standing.

Rogue Drone swarms are the weakest rats that give the required standings. The standing gain from them is miniscule so gaining significant standings with them is not practical. But if you have 0.00 standing then any standing gain is enough to make Triglavians neutral.

  • Grab a destroyer with long range weapons (artillery/rail/beam).
  • Enter Pochven.
  • Use d-scan to find Rogue Drone rats. The rat should be named something like "Phase-I Swarmer".
  • Warp to the rat at range, kill one of the weak drones, warp out.

After approximately 10 minutes you will get the standing tick.

Killing Sleepers

Sleepers give much more standings than Rogue Drones. They are also considerably harder to kill.

With sufficient bling it may be possible to take on the Sleepers solo. But using a fleet is much better idea.

The Sleepers deal omni damage and have flat resists. They use warp scramblers (real ones that shut down MWD/MJD), webs and energy neutralizers.

Killing Drifters

Occasionally Sleeper fleets can have Drifters with them. Drifters are the most powerful rats in Pochven. They also give the biggest standing gains so you will want to kill them when possible.

In addition to powerful normal weapons they have the feared supwerweapons.

The weakest Drifter cruisers and battleships do not have supwerweapons (Drifter Scout Cruiser, Drifter Raider Battleship). Kill them on sight without care.

The stronger Drifters have superweapons on them. When the overshield is depleted the superweapon is fired on their currently aggressed target (or random player if they are fighting with NPC rats).

The superweapon is powerful enough to kill almost any subcapital ship in single hit. The weaker cruiser deals 102400 damage while the strongest battleship deals 512000 damage.

The trick is to avoid getting hit.
The drifter AI prioritizes logi ship that does the most repairing. This can be used to force it to target specific ship.

Logi cruiser with afterburner and signature reducing command burst effect orbiting at 500 meters can cause the superweapon to miss with decent success rate.