User:White 0rchid

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SRP Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be a member of Ivy League or Ivy League Alt Alliance at the time of loss
  • Your lost ship must not part of the following groups and must have a corresponding entry in the SRP Payout Tables below
    • Flight Deck Ships
    • ORE Ships (With the exception of the Prospect as a covert blops hunter which would fit into the T2 Frigate category)
    • Edencom Ships (Skybreaker, Stormbringer, Thunderchild)
    • T1, Navy and T2 Covert Ops Exploration Frigates
    • Sisters of EVE Ships (Astero, Stratios, Nestor)
    • Society of Conscious Thought Ships (Metamorphosis, Sunesis, Gnosis, Praxis)
  • Your loss must have occurred during a group pvp engagement (either a pre-planned fleet or QRF, not solo)

SRP Tiers

SRP payout is calculated from a combination of Hull Type and SRP Tier, as described below.


  • Fits that are not created by the EVE Univeristy fitting team and are not in Alliance Auth
  • The fallback if your loss does not fall into the other 2 tiers
  • No unique SRP link required by the FC


  • Official EVE Uni fits lost while flying in a fleet or QRF using the doctrine the fit was from. Upgrades to fits will still qualify in this tier. For example upgrading the plate and point on a Malediction is ok and will still qualify for SRP, but not fundamentally altering the fit
  • For example, a KSG Caracal lost as part of a QRF or KSG fleet, a Deacon as part of an AAF fleet, not a Hurricane lost as part of an SBC fleet
  • Unique SRP link is required from the FC to receive this tier of SRP


  • Losses will only qualify for Strategic SRP while on a fleet with a Strat or Senior FC that is specifically denoted as a strat op (it will be clearly marked as a stratop in the ping and during the fleet)
  • Prior restrictions on utilising only ships from the doctrine called for do not apply, Strat FCs are entrusted with calling for what is required and as such all ships whose hull types have values against their Strategic SRP fields can be claimed for
  • If there is no value against the Strategic SRP for that hull type, it will fall back to advanced assuming an official fit was used (no bringing your own bizarre fits to stratops please!)
  • Unique SRP link is required from the Strat FC to receive this tier of SRP

SRP Payout Tables

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 1m 5m
Navy 13m 18m 20m
Pirate 5m 40m
T2 Standard 15m 30m 35m
Logistics 20m 35m 45m

Hull Type Base Advanced Strategic
T1 2m 6m
Navy 5m 15m
T2 30m 50m 65m
T3 35m 55m 85m