Third-party tools

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Over the years, several tools and sites have been created by players to help develop their characters and manage information. Below is a list of various applications and websites that can be very helpful to new and veteran players.

Please note that this list is a work in progress. Feel free to add any additional tools or sites!


Applications listed below are the most important ones, that will be useful to majority of people. For more specialized software, head over here - although some of the software listed there is outdated.


EVE Fitting Tool (EFT)

EFT allows users to create, experiment, and save different ship fittings without the hassle of being in game. The fittings will calculate and display various stats such as tanking abilities and damage to compare with other ships. Players can import their character information to take their skills into account with stat calculation. It will even show the skills a player lacks which is very useful for future planning. EFT is a must have for players both new and old!


EVEMon was created to help players with the daunting task of skill planning. Players are able to load their character information using API keys to keep track of their current skill sheet and training times. You can then develop a plan for future training and it will help optimize the plan by suggesting skills or attribute remapping to reduce the time needed. As a bonus, you can view ship loadouts from and build a skill plan to get you into that fit based on your character's skills. This tool is extremely useful and can even save the ship loadouts from BattleClinic to import into EFT.


EveHQ is a fully open source application designed to be an all-in-one management tool for use with EVE Online. Players can download and even create their own plug-ins to help manage various information and aspects of the game. The core application itself displays basic pilot information, skill training, and statistics. On the site, they feature plug-ins already created to help develop your character, view item stats, and even plan routes on star maps. If you prefer to create your own, they have a development forum and page where you can download the source code. Although it is not as popular as EFT or EVEMon , it is definitely a great alternative for people who prefer an all-in-one package or wish to develop and customize their own programs.

Eve Chat Watch

Monitors your chats for interesting messages. With it you dont miss your buddies saying something in Corp, a fleet being formed in Alliance or that the juicy WH op need more participants.


EveRefinery is a Windows program that displays market prices and refined prices for the items in your inventory. Thus, you can quickly decide whether to sell or refine each piece of your loot. It can also be handy for different activities, since it displays item prices in one big list, thus allowing to analyze the market.

Eve Mentat

This program is useful for trading, it allows tracking of market orders, it reads exported market logs, it automatically checks for concurrency and other useful features.

EVE Central Contribtastic Tool

This tool is an automated market dumper, it creates market reports and uploads it to EVE Central database


A program that generates personalized trade routes using your market reports, calculates total profit, profit per jump, low-sec and high-sec routes



Replacement for EveMon. Open source, using Gtk toolkit, runs fine under both Linux and Mac OSX (available via Macports).

If you have macports installed simply type:
sudo port install gtkevemon
Please learn what this does! If you don't know ask a mac user who does.

Pyfa (Python fitting assistant)

Replacement for EFT. Open source, written in Python, runs under both Linux and Mac OSX. it appears the macports version is no longer maintained. The website below has a compiled program in a zip file. Just download, unzip and run.

Mac Eve Tools

This program is written to be an OSX based alternative to EVEMON. Although the program is no longer being developed for new features, the author has promised to keep it updated to work w/ future patches.

EFT On Mac

EFT on Mac can be run effectively utilizing CrossOver

  1. Download EFT
  2. Download CrossOver
  3. Run EFT.EXE with CrossOver
  4. From the Crossover Installer Select >Unsupported Applications> Other Applications
  5. Click Select an Installer and Choose Installer File.
  6. Select type of Bottle (WinXp Works Well) and give it a name. 
  7. Click Proceed.
  8. After Installation is completed. The EFT.EXE link from above will now launch EFT.

Crossovers benefit is in its nearly full functionality with EFT. API,Fits,Settings etc... will all be saved and available when the program is closed and then relaunched. As of this writing (10/7/2010) the only known element that does not work is the ability to import and export XML files. 

TeamSpeak 2 On Mac 

There are several alternatives available to Team Speak that work nicely on the OSX operating system. Unfortunately, none of the current alternatives allow you to use "Command Channel," which is what UNI-Fleets use in order to communicate in private amongst the leadership and the scouting party. You can see how this limitation would be frustrating to OSX users! Utilizing CrossOver you can seamlessly integrate Team Speak into your Apple OS, with out requiring a virtual machine to do so. 

  1. Download TeamSpeak 2
  2. Install CrossOver
  3. Once Cross Over is installed and TeamSpeak is downloaded, click on the TeamSpeak Installer (It should be shown w/ crossover as the launch program)
  4. Follow the instructions as if you were on a windows machine.
  5. Follow instructions here to setup TeamSpeak for E-Uni Fleets

           *Note You can drag the TeamSpeak 2 Icon from your Crossover Programs folder to the Dock for a quick launch Icon.

           *Note During installation you may get a failure during the "Codec Installation" dis-regard this and click through.


Failheap Challenge

Failheap Challenge (also known as "FHC") is a forum with discussions ranging from PvE and PvP fits, to political discussions in their War & Politics forum that often more interesting to follow than similar threads on COAD.

The ship setup discussions are known to produce some excellent fits, although mostly aimed at high skillpoint pilots.

EVE BattleClinic

EVE BattleClinic offers tons of great information for EVE players. It features news, guides, loadouts, message boards, and even browser tools that players can use to help with character development.

Many of the fits on Battleclinic, even some highly-rated ones, are very mediocre. Scrapheap Challenge (for high skillpoint players), and Eve University's ship setup forum (for low skillpoint players) are often better sources for fittings.


EVE-Central tracks market information for items throughout the various regions in EVE. Players can even pull reports and sync applications with the site to pull any market data. Bear in mind that it relies solely on player submissions and may not always be accurate.


Jitanomic tracks market information in EVE, drawing information from in-game market reports in each region.

Grismar's EVE Wiki

Grismar's EVE Wiki is a very robust website that offers a variety of different tools that can be accessed using the in game browser. It features tools such as route planning, ore price tables, and build requirements.

Enildor's Eve Ore Calculator

Enildor's Eve Ore Caulculator displays various ore pricing based on current data pulled from EVE-Central. It also allows users to change the region to reflect pricing in their area and alter refining percentages based on their own character's abilities.

Ombey's 2d EVEMaps

Ombey's 2d EVEMaps provides a downloadable PDF that displays all the different systems within each region for easier navigation & route planning. As a bonus, the different systems include notes that indicate the stations available and the number of asteroid belts within that system.

DOTLAN :: EveMaps

DOTLAN EveMaps uses vector based maps to display the different systems within each region in browser format. The maps are dynamic and are updated each day to reflect sovereignty and occupancy changes within each system. With the recent update to the in-game browser, DOTLAN EveMaps can be a great tool to use for fleet roaming and planning within game although it does run a little sluggish at the present time.

Eve Commander

Eve Commander is a website that allows users to keep track of character information without the need for a download. Depending on the API key you provide, it can access basic character information, training queues, or even detailed wallet information. A great alternative if you away from home and not able to use or install any programs.

Eve-Online Agent Finder

Agent Finder is a very useful site that allows you to search for different agents in systems. It offers options to narrow down results to specific levels, corporations, and divisions. As a bonus, it works great with the new in-game browser.


Loot value calculator, allows upload of fleet logs and calculates sell and buy value of every item, it optionally allows to set refining skills to show resulting minerals and their total value

Cerlestes ORE and Ice Tables

Ore and Ice price tables updated in real time and with refining configurations


Mission runners handbook, give advices on ship fittings and damage dealing types

Profitability of R&D Agents

Calculates Datacore prices and R&D agents, give overall profit based on skills

Gunfleet - Eve Online Quick Lookup

Misc. tools including "Mining for ISK", "Mining for Minerals", and others.

Eve Tools

Misc. industrial tools - reprocessing, manufacturing caulculators. Trade route finder and market offers browser.


TETRR provide a easy blueprint calculator. Also there is a mining-fleet-logger and a PI-Viewer

Mobile Phone Apps


iClone is an entirely comprehensive iPhone application giving the full capabilities of the EVE API to the iPhone user. It displays full character information, wallet information, and even corporation information. In this author's opinion, its capabilities make Capsuleer (above) unnecessary.

EVE Mobile Skill Planner

EVE Mobile Skill Planner is a character tracking application developed for phones with Java capabilities. Similar to Capsuleer, it displays character stats, skill training completion, and wallet information. It will also allow you to add skill completion times to your mobile calendar. Although not as graphically pleasing as Capsuleer, it is a great alternative for players who would like to keep track of their characters on the go.

Aura for Android

Aura is an Android application to track and monitor your character(s) for EVE Online. Skill queue monitor, basic skill planner, order tracking, etc. Has home screen widgets for skill training notification.


Dedaf's Industrial Tool

It's the most complete industrial spreadsheet so far, it can connect with your API key and import prices based on the desired region, has all kinds of items in EVE, with their respective needed amounts for manufacturing it, contains tabs on ore, mining, PI, manufacting all levels of tech.