Angel Repurposed Outpost

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Locating & Difficulty

This is a type of hidden combat site that can be scanned down with scanner probes, and can be found in high-security systems. Gate allowed a BC to pass. Domination frigate at end dropped Gistii A-type 1MN Afterburner, 1 Dec 11.

To the frustration of the Minmatar Republic, the Angel Cartel still enjoys a great deal of success with piracy throughout Republic space. A contributing factor to the Angel's ubiquity is their ability to repurpose small gang outposts as camps.

A Domination Grigori is sent with a small frigate wing to clear out a minor smuggler outpost. Once temporary fortifications are made, the location is further masked with a series of interference broadcasts designed to confound Republic sensors.

DED Threat Assessment: 3 of 10

First pocket

15 Frigates (Gistii Ambusher/Nomad/Ruffian)

Second pocket

18 Frigates (Gistii Ambusher/Nomad/Outlaw/Ruffian/Thug)

Third pocket

1 Angel Point Defense Battery 28 Frigates (Gistii Ambusher/Nomad/Outlaw/Ruffian/Thug)

Fourth pocket

4 Angel Sentry Guns 31 Frigates (Gistii Ambusher/Nomad/Raider/Ruffian) -

Fifth pocket

3 Angel Sentry Guns 1 Cruiser (Gistum Marauder) 34 Frigates (Gistii Ambusher/Nomad/Raider/Ruffian) - teilw. Target Painter 1 Faction Frigate (Domination Grigori)