Amarr Mining Camp

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Amarr Mining Camp (AMC)

Origins & Purpose

Initiated by E-UNI miners Ubermensch Invictus, Seranti Olerie and Vger Starseed in March, 2012 so that they can "haz" Pyroxeres to satiate the demand for Pyrox jewelled necklaces from their many e-girlfriends (because they were such popular, sexy and social miners) and to escape the broken game feature that is omber, the Amarr Mining Camp (AMC) was born. It has, in a short span of time become the premiere (and only) mining camp within the UNI.

The original, non-RP purpose of the AMC was to allow E-UNI miners the opportunity to mine the ore Pyroxeres because it is the highest valued ore in all of highsec in terms of ISK/hr (current as of 03/2012). Unfortunately, Pyroxeres is not available in Metropolis' highsec space where Aldrat (E-UNI HQ) is, it is only available in Caldari and Amarr regions. However, our goals have changed since the conception of the AMC, we are still trying to maximize the ISK/hr for our fleets but we've also incorporated a teaching aspect. One of our long term goals is to ensure that E-Uni miners are prepared not only to run fleets in the most efficient manner but are also equipped to survive in the harsh low ((and null)) security environment of Eve.

The AMC was started in Amarr space at its current classified HQ because it presented an ideal balance of: a decent distance from Aldrat, reasonable distance from a major market hub, an abundance of asteroid belts that contain high quality ores (+5 and +10 ores) in a very quiet constellation with a 50% refinery station, it is also far away from low security systems as well as any ice belts (popular for gankers). Organizing miners at a single location also makes it easier for them to combine their efforts into shared can mining fleets that get bonuses from the many Orca pilots gathered there. This provides newer E-UNI miners the opportunity to make much more ISK while in a fleet as opposed to solo mining and is thus highly encouraged. An impressive number of miners, haulers, Orca boosters, Freighters and perfect refiners have been amassed at the AMC resulting in more or less daily shared can mining fleet operations in addition to frequent Bring-Your-Own-Can (BYOC) operations.

The AMC represents a tremendous opportunity for newer E-UNI miners to make some great ISK and learn valuable skills in the art of mining and fleet operations.

Programs & Contests

The AMC is currently running several contests to encourage new miners to not only come out to the camp but also give them a chance to collect modules and ships they will need for their mining careers. One of our key initiatives is to reward miners just for participating in mining operations. However, we are not only focusing on the new miner, we also have contests geared to those individuals that are haulers or want to spread their wings and command fleets.

Free T1 Modules & Mining Cruisers/Barges

If you're concerned that you don't have the best ship for mining or can't contribute to a mining fleet, worry not, the AMC is offering free T1 mining cruisers (Osprey, Vexor, Scythe, Arbitrator), Retrievers (Mining Barges) and the following list of T1 modules to fit your ships:

T2 Lottery

A lottery is conducted for every shared can mining fleet in which all participants have a random (equal) chance of winning a T2 module from the following list:

The purpose of this lottery is to give newer players a chance at acquiring T2 items while they gradually skill up and make enough ISK to get into bigger and better mining ships.

Participation Contest

To encourage and reward those that participate the most in the shared can mining fleets, the AMC has organized a a contest system that awards prizes to the three players that have participated the most total hours over the course of each month; the following are the prizes:

  • 1st Place: Hulk Exhumer and the Exhumers Skillbook
  • 2nd Place: Mackinaw Exhumer and the Exhumers Skillbook
  • 3rd Place: T2 Fit Covetor Mining Barge, 25 Million ISK and the choice between the Exhumers, Transport Ships or Gas Cloud Harvesting Skillbook

Fleet Commander Contest

The AMC also tries to encourage and reward those that show particular initiative and competence in leading mining fleets; every month, the AMC awards three prizes to the three FCs that led fleets with the highest ISK/hour. A single character can only win one of these prizes (i.e. if one character has the top three best ISK/hour values, they will only get the single, top prize). The prizes are the following:

  • 1st Place: Orca Industrial Command Ship and the Industrial Command Ship Skillbook
  • 2nd Place: T2 Fit Hulk Exhumer
  • 3rd Place: Viator Blockade Runner

It is also important to emphasize that the Fleet Commander does not need ANY leadership skills whatsoever to lead a fleet; the role of the Fleet Commander is to make decisions for the fleet, manage the structure of the fleet (i.e. squads etc.) and typically, maintain the spreadsheet to determine hours worked, by whom, what quantity of ore has been collected and what payout the participants should get after the fleet operation is over.

Suggestions for Ships and Fittings

Members of E-UNI are invited to bring along whatever ship they can fly. The AMC is constantly in demand for mining ships, industrial haulers, Orcas for boosting and hauling and freighters for freighting large quantities of ore/minerals to our market hub. There are no restrictions on what ship types are allowed to participate, but there are recommendation for ship types and fitting strategies depending on a player's skill level.

Most beginner miners start off with a mining frigate (Bantam, Tormentor, Navitas, Burst) and for those that want to continue their interest in mining, they typically progress to the mining cruisers class (Osprey, Scythe, Vexor and Arbitrator) which are given out for free at the AMC. After the mining cruisers, the more casual miners will typically advance to flying Battlecruisers or Battleships for mining; those that are more committed to the career of mining will gradually work their way through the mining barges (Retriever-->Covetor) and then the Exhumers (Hulk). To maximize the use of these ships for mining fleets, it is highly recommended that newer players follow these general fitting principles/guidelines when fitting their ships:

  • First: fit as many of the best Mining lasers/Strip Miners as you can into your high slots without breaking your bank
  • Second: fit as many of the best Mining Laser Upgrades (MLUs) as you can into your low slots without breaking your bank
  • Third: if you run out of CPU, try to fit a CPU Upgrade like the Co-Processor I to increase your CPU until you can fill out your low slots with MLUs
  • Last: Use your middle slots to fit a shield tank (i.e. Medium or Large Shield Extender I, Invulnerability Field I, the various shield resistance modules) and if possible, a Survey Scanner I
  • Drones: prioritize light combat drones (for the AMC, Acolytes are preferred) over mining drones; one flight of light combat drones is enough for defence, if you have any remaining drone space, a flight of mining drones is highly desirable

The above deserves some clarification. If you for example have 3 Miner Is fitted to your ship and each time they all cycle, they fill up your cargo, then you have two options: 1. stagger the cycles so they each start at different times and in so doing, they don't fill up your cargo at the same time (which gives you time to jettison your cargo and put the ore in a can) OR 2. fit Cargohold Expander Is instead of Mining Laser Upgrade Is in your low slots to increase your cargo size.

The reason for prioritizing light combat drones is for cases (depending on the size and tank of your ship) where you end up warping to a new belt where there are no other miners and need to defend yourself from NPC rats. Normally, the basic tank of a ship will give you a degree of resistance to these attacks but might not be enough to tank the NPC rats indefinitely, hence the need for light combat drones. However, under normal circumstances when mining together in a fleet, NPC rats pose no threat (due to the many flights of drones that ships will have) and so if you have mining drones, feel free to use them.

Recommendations from the AMC

Although the AMC is open to every E-UNI member, regardless of their age, there are certain recommendations to be made that will help improve and maximize your experience at the AMC. It is highly encouraged that one attends the Mining 101 Class prior to or during their stay at the AMC so that they can familiarize themselves with the basics of mining (i.e. what modules and ships they will need to bring to the AMC).

Additionally, either prior to attending the AMC or while at the AMC, it is also highly encouraged that players devote their skilling to general industry skills (i.e. Mining), ship-specific skills to improve their mining capabilities (i.e. Racial Cruiser, Mining Barge, Astrogeology) and leadership skills (i.e. Leadership) to optimize their mining yield and fleet experience.

Contact Information & Donations

If you wish to learn more about the AMC, have any questions/comments/concerns/ideas/advice or would like to help and donate to the AMC, feel free to contact the organizers: Ubermensch Invictus, Seranti Olerie, Vger Starseed. Alternatively, you can consult the Amarr Mining Camp forum thread and request access to the Mailing Lists that have been created for organizing the mining fleets.