Amarr Mining Camp

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Amarr Mining Camp (AMC)

AMC Mission Statement


“The purpose of the AMC is to provide E-UNI students with the opportunity to mine in organized fleets, learn how to run fleet operations efficiently, and to earn ISK in a friendly co-operative environment”.


Goals of the Amarr Mining Camp:

  • A) Teach students how to co-operate and function with utmost efficiency in fleet operations.
  • B) Introduce players to the basics of running a fleet and managing a spreadsheet.
  • C) Inform students about ways to maximize the profits and benefits that come with organized mining.

These Goals will be accomplished through:

  • A set of procedures which should be adhered to if you intend on participating in mining fleets.
  • Event Liaisons who will assist in the management of the event and ensure adherence to procedures.
  • Volunteers who will run drills and mini-classes periodically.


The Amarr Mining Camp is located in Amarr space at its current [classified] HQ because it presented an ideal balance of:

  • A decent distance from Aldrat (E-UNI HQ)
  • Reasonable distance from a major market hub
  • An abundance of asteroid belts that contain high quality ores (+5 and +10 ores) in a very quiet constellation with a 50% refinery station
  • It is far away from low security systems as well as any ice belts (popular for gankers).

Who’s It For?

The Amarr Mining Camp is currently open to all E-UNI students and is running within EVE University itself. We follow all the same rules and guidelines as anyone else in the UNI - as such, you will not need to leave E-UNI to join us. Simply join our Chat Channel (Amarr Mining Camp - use the same password as other E-UNI channels) say “Hi!”, and ask if there is a fleet going, and if not; start one yourself!

Who’s In-Charge?

The AMC was initiated by Seranti Olerie, Ubermensch Invictus and Vger Starseed in March 2012. All three are experienced Miners, each backed with a wide variety of knowledge in the sector and by creating the Amarr Mining Camp, they have offered to pass their knowledge onto less seasoned students.

How Do I Join?

In short; you don't. All you have to do is join our Chat Channel (Amarr Mining Camp - use the same password as other E-UNI channels) where our helpful members or management team will help you with any questions you may have and get you geared up for mining with the AMC.




Marking Lasers

In ‘Shared Can’ operations, the fleet commanders need to keep track of each person’s contribution. In the AMC, this is measured by the time each member spent mining. Follow the simple steps below to ensure you get the correct payout for the fleet:

LASERS ON TT:TT (replacing TT:TT with the server time) this is to be used when you start mining.

LASERS OFF TT:TT (again replacing TT:TT with server time) this is to be used when you stop mining, or leave your computer for more than your Laser’s cycle time.

When changing belts or re-targeting asteroids, you need not give a lasers off. Lasers off is only required for when you are stopping when everyone else is continuing.

Jet-Can Naming

For ‘Shared Can’ operations, you will be mining into jetcans, which the Haulers will collect to haul back to station. Try to share a can with somebody when possible, but if there are none in reach then just create your own. We have a naming scheme for jetcans, as follows:

FLEET TT:TT (this can is in use, and was jettisoned at <timestamp> EVE-server time)

FULL TT:TT (this can is full to 27,500m3 or as near as possible, it retains the time from when it was a FLEET can)

PULL TT:TT (this can is not yet full, but is no longer being used, again it retains the time from when it was FLEET)

We use the time on cans to ensure that they do not reach the end of their 2 hour lifespan and pop, wasting the ore inside. The time on a can should remain the same as that was the time it was jettisoned, and not the time when it's name was changed.



AMC Buy-Back

Free T1 Modules/Ships


T2 Module Lottery

Contact Information

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