Angel Military Complex

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Wiki was written from memory of an partial run of the site. The attempt got abandoned during the first wave in the second room due to too many exploding ships (frigates), by the booby trapped stasis towers.

First room

Initial Wave

You warp in to land on top of a gate, in between two groups about 70km away, with each:

5 missile batteries

5 sentry guns

1 stasis tower (Trigger)

1 battleship (renamed Gist Cherubim)

Killing the stasis tower spawns the second wave.

Message > The destruction of the Stasis Tower has caused an alarm to go off, calling on more Gist ships!

Second Wave:

8 battleships (Cherubims)

8 battlecruisers

Several frigates

Including a gate guardian that will unlock the next gate once killed.

Second Room

Initial Wave

6 BS

Several battlecruisers and cruisers

Several destroyers and frigates

2 stasis towers.

IMPORTANT: The stasis tower smartbomb for about 2000 damage. Get small ships and drones out of the way before attacking these towers. Unknown wether the explosion is triggered by shooting, or killing the towers.

Message > The Stasis Tower was booby trapped! A massive explosion has sent a blast-wave in many directions, affecting any ships targeted by the smart-bomb.