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Remote Repairing BS

General description

This fleet focuses on heavy armor ships that work in tight formation and support each other with remote reps and energy transfer. One pilot in such a ship is useless. But the more ships you get into such gang - the more overall repairing power you get at your disposal. Since the range on remote repairs and energy transfer is short, the ships should stay in relatively close proximity.

This doctrine is limited to small gangs up to 20-25 RR BSs. In good numbers within this range RR BSs provide very solid group tank and DPS, which makes them an excellent core of a small fleet.

Pros and cons


1. High effectiveness in small (up to 25 pilots) gangs.

2. Develops a big level of trust in gang pilots. Each pilot produces group tank and all group supports keeps each pilot safe.

3. Effective core of a mixed fleet that can survive while support bounces

4. Cheap. Most of the BSs in this setup are Tier 1. So insurance covers most part of the hull price.

5. Average skills requirements for a participation, since gang relies on group tank, not a someones buffer..

6. Logistics and support ships are welcomed, but not strictly required.

7. Can be relatively easy swapped for a POS-bashing RR setup.

8. Could be implemented as an ILN requirement and trained during weekly fleets.


1. Doctrine needs decent amount of micromanagement comparing to a lot of different doctrines. In this setup everyone fight and everyone doing logi.

2. Bad against ships which have primary range of 40+km.

3. This doctrine needs to be practiced. Drake blob is much easier to field.

4. BS have low scan resolution, therefore it takes about 8 seconds to lock each other. If the enemy brings enough alpha, they can shoot targets before rep cycles behin.

5. Not as effective as a fleet with proper logistics ship(s) in support.

Command structure

This doctrine just begs for armor links. Well-fitted Damnation can make such gang unbreakable for a fleet much bigger than gang size.

Proper links can allow the ships to drop at least one low-slot module for damage one, thus greatly increasing damage output of the gang.

In case if Damnation is not available (and fits provided are developed for such case), it might be a good idea to take an overtanked BC with one passive resist armor link ( Armored Warfare Link - Passive Defense I ).


FC should fly the tankiest ship with ECCM fitted. Sometimes ultra-tanked ships like abaddon or navy version of the BS can be used.

Strength of the RR BS comes in tight formation. FC acts as an anchor for the gang. All ships should set “keep at range 500m” on the FC. Direction is set by FC. Turning MWDs on is specifically ordered by FC. Even in that case, unless specified, “keep at range 500m” command should be kept. Usually gang ships should not be running MWDs.

As many members of RR gang should be added to watchlist for prelocking when gang sees that someone in watchlist starts taking shield damage. FC, gang booster, scorpions and dominixes take priority over others for the place is watchlist. FC and booster are self-explanatory. Scorpions - because they work as a great force multipliers and at the same time is very lighly tanked. Dominixes - because loss of each domi means a loss of big part of repairs.

Primary task for the gang - tank. Tank is always more important than damage since each ship loss actually costs not only lost DPS, but also lost group tank, which is even more important.

Each ship fits a decent buffer tank to survive the time needed for other ships to lock it and run one cycle of repairs (leep in mind that armor reps do their job at the end of the cycle).

Stats and Tips

Recommend Stats

- 40k armor HP

- resists close to 60%

- 150k+ EHP

- ammo for different ranges

General Fitting Tips

Important! Fit at least one Target Painter for the group!

It is a good idea to have mid-slot ECCM module in cargohold and if ECM is expected - refit for it instead of some other mid-slots on most critical ships like Dominix (put 2nd on), Typhoon, Megathron.

In case movement is not likely (POS bash, fighting on gate, playing as bait) - propulsion mods can be taken off. Instead additional utility module could be fitted: warp disruptor, web, ECCM etc. Good idea is to fit another cap booster. While you might not need it in most cases, under heavy neut pressure another cap injecting module might become an increadibly useful tool. Just remember that number of charges is still limited.

In some cases a large smart-bomb might be a useful tool for clearing out those light and medium drones.

If gang is playing a bait role, flights of heavy drones can be switched to flights of heavy rep drones. Each set will repair a bit more than one more large remote armor repper.

Switching to POS-bashing setup

Generally to switch RR BS to a setup that can be cap-stable - like for POS bash, you must follow next guidelines:

- Tank is a less of a problem

- You must be cap stable (or almost cap-stable)

- You can sacrifice damage output (gun or damage mod) to increase group sustainability

Other fitting advices for POS-bash setup:

- Fit sentry drones instead of heavy. You need to be able to shoot at 30+km with them

- You must have two energy transfer modules installed. If it means dropping a gun or two - do it.

- You can drop prop mod, cap booster and tackling modules in favor of capacitor recharging modules

- You can drop damage module or some tank to achieve 30+km range.




[Armageddon, PvP RR BS]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Damage Control II
Heat Sink II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Conjunctive Radar ECCM Scanning Array I

Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre I x5
[Armageddon, PvP RR BS V]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Internal Force Field Array I
Heat Sink II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Conjunctive Radar ECCM Scanning Array I

Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x5

Main all-range DPS boat. Megathron is better at close range, but cannot project damage at long or mixed range as easy as armageddon. Lack of mid-slot limits armageddon ability to fit utility modules.


Typhoon Missile

[Typhoon, RR BS Mis]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Ogre II x5
Valkyrie SW-600 x5
[Typhoon, RR BS V Mis]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
Internal Force Field Array I
Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
'Langour' Drive Disruptor I
Faint Warp Disruptor I

Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Ogre II x5
Valkyrie SW-600 x5

Considered as the main minmatar RR ship due to high number of utility high slots. Second in line healer after dominix.
It is a very tight fit. Downgrading plate to meta 4 might be required. Also fit requires faction ANPs to get to proper stats, which increase the ship cost by 25mil approx.

At some cases projectile typhoon projects bigger DPS, but missile phoon also has some advantage:
- higher base DPS
- damage does not depend on range
- you can project all 4 damage types while projectile typhoon will usually choose from only three of them

Typhoon Projectile

[Typhoon, RR BS]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Warp Disruptor II

800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Dual 650mm Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Valkyrie SW-600 x5
Ogre I x5
[Typhoon, RR BS V Proj]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

Dual 650mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Dual 650mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Dual 650mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Dual 650mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Dual 650mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Ogre II x5
Valkyrie SW-600 x5

Considered as the main minmatar RR ship due to high number of utility high slots. Second in line healer after dominix.
Lower on-paper DPS comparing to torpedo typhoon, but under some circumstances can outDPS missile setup.


[Tempest, RR BS]

Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Heavy Prototype Repeating Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre I x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1
[Tempest, RR BS V]

Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Artillery II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1
Ogre II x2

Usually typhoon is considered a better alternative (due to 3 highslots available for RR, ET, SBs or neuts), but tempest also works pretty well, being able to fit guns of bigger caliber.



[Megathron, RR BS]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Internal Force Field Array I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800

Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Anti-Explosive Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre I x5
[Megathron, RR BS V]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Internal Force Field Array I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800

Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge L
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction

Large Anti-Explosive Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x5

Main short-range DPS boat of the fleet. 1100 DPS in general configuration with up to 1300 DPS with implants and Void.
In case big amount of dominixes is available - consider switching one of the lows (most likely ANP) for another MagStab or TE for increased DPS.


Just downgrade whatever you cannot fit to T1 or meta

[Dominix, RR BS]

1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Conjunctive Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I
Conjunctive Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I

Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Anti-Explosive Pump I

Ogre II x5
Warrior II x5
Warrior II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot II x5

The MAIN boat in RR BS gang. Dominix provides great amount of repair and/or utility. It can be used as main medic boat. In case if heavy neuting is required, dominix can easily swap RR for neuts. Flight of armor rep drones provide rep amount of one additional large remote repper for those “oh shit” moments. Two ETs provide abiility to maintain cap stability of domi itself and additional source of cap for gang ships that are neuted heavily. Expect dominix to be primary for enemy fire and ECM. That’s why at least 1 ECCM module is necessary.

- It is possible to fit more repping power by fitting according rigs. But the role of main healer dictates survivability as the primary role.
- You can swap one of the ECCM modules for warp disruptor or web, but never swap both. Pay close attention to drones. As soon as you see that ECM-drones are attacking you - overheat your ECCM.



In case of fitting problems - downgrade some torpedo launchers to meta 4.

[Scorpion, New Setup 1]

Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Enfeebling Phase Inversion ECM I
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
'Umbra' White Noise ECM
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I

Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher II, Caldari Navy Inferno Torpedo
Large 'Solace' Remote Bulwark Reconstruction
Large 'Regard' Power Projector

Large Anti-Explosive Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1

Scorp is the only caldari ship more or less viable for RR gang. Mostly because of how useful he is. Warfare links are almost mandatory when fielding scorpions with RR BS gang since this ship doesn’t have the survivability of other BSs.

If at all possible, it should decloak or enter field after the whole gang. Also it should be instantly prelocked by other fleet participants.