101st Roster

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The general roster will be listed first with playtimes and preferred fits. It will state if they are willing to lead squads/teams. The following lists will be the roster broke down and listed based on fits. If you need to be in a certain category or taken from one. Feel free to let someone who can edit this know.

Current as of March 23, 2013

Character Name Playtime (GMT) WD/WE Fits Roles Vehicles Piloted Squad Leader Team Leader
3 Bird 1600-0200 Assault/Sniper Dropships Yes Yes
Adelia Lafayette Various Logi/Heacy Yes
Alcare Xavier Golden 05:00-07:00 Sniper/Logistics
Bustuarii Various Assault/Scout
Cariuss Shadow 01:00-15:00 Logistics Dropship Yes
Dalayda Mandana 21:00-23:00 Assault/Scout(Sniper)
Death Scyhe 20:00 - 0800 Heavy/Assault LAV Yes Yes
Flaminius Aurelius Julius 20:00-0300 Heavy/Assault Yes
Galdan Aran 04:00-22:00 Heavy/Assault Yes Yes
Galdor Seregon Assault
Galen Rez 02:00-05:00WD 14:00-0200WE Logi/Sniper Yes
Haerr 18:00-21:00 Scout
J4yne C0bb 19:00 – 03:00 Logistics
Jack Kittinger 02:00-05:00 Assault/Sniper Yes Yes
Janus Vinland 21:00 + Scout/Sniping
Jebus McKing 1800 - 2200 Logistics (Field) Yes Yes
Kevall Longstride 18:00-01:00 Assault Yes Yes
Klark Morrigan 20:00-23:00 Logistics/Sniper Dropship
Moondog2 00:00-05:00 Assault/Supply LAV Yes
Naedeus Various Sniper/Logi
Ryean Redshirt 02:00 – 06:00 Assault
Sherrad Ventonii 24:00-09:00 Scout/Sniper Yes
Shirkey Juk 21:00-23:00 Assault
Shiruba Ryou 19:00-4:00 Logistics/Assault Yes Yes
Supremeeve Vexus 02:00-07:00 Any Yes Yes
The-Beard Various (Mostly on) Assault Dropship Yes Yes
Tebil 22:00-06:00 Logistics (Medic)
Wilco75 21:00-01:00
Ysylla Mariner 02:00+ Logi/Scout LAV/HAV/Dropship Yes Yes
Yurian Providence 02:00-07:00 Logistics/Sniper Yes Yes