User talk:David Matsuda

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The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is a joint initiative of the Logistics Division, LSC, NSC and WHC to encourage participation in combat fleets. The program is intended to both help new pilots get into PvP and to promote the use of important hulls that benefit the entire fleet.

When is a loss covered?

Note that further fitting restrictions will apply for more advanced or expensive hulls. See below for specific requirements.

What ships are covered?

All T1 frigates, destroyers and cruisers are covered for a full hull replacement. The replacement hull will be contracted to you at EVE University Headquarters, Aldrat IX – Pator Tech School. You may also request a T1 cruiser to use for fleet operations if you cannot yet afford one yourself.

Coverage for T2 and specialized hulls varies according to the specific needs of the campus where the loss happened. Logistics reimbursements apply to losses outside campus fleets.


  • Battlecruisers, boosting (20 M)
    Requires: Fleet Assistance Module (Warfare Link), T2 tank, fleet boosting role in appropriate fleet
  • Fleet Interceptors (15 M)
    Requires: Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I, Medium Shield Extender II, Warp Disruptor II, Damage Control II. A meta MSE may be acceptable if necessary for a specific proven fit.
  • Interdictors (30 M)
  • Heavy Interdiction Cruisers (100 M)
  • T2 Logistics (100 M)
    Requires: Logistics IV trained
  • Command Ships (150 M)
    Requires: Three Fleet Assistance Modules (Warfare Links), T2 tank, fleet boosting role in appropriate fleet


Only QRF losses are eligible for reimbursement. To qualify, the loss must have occurred within two jumps from campus HQ. Currently this includes Uphallant, Dastryns, Iges, Ostingele and Covryn.

  • T2 Logistics (125 M)
    Requires: Logistics IV, T2 tank. Guardians/Basilisks must have been flown with at least one logi partner.
  • Battlecruisers, boosting and combat (20 M)
    Requires: Racial BC IV, T2 tank.


To be eligible for reimbursement, a loss must have happened on a campus QRF/roam (requires an NSC AAR). Only losses within the following constellations are eligible for reimbursement: 2-m6de, y4y7-q, z-6nq6, and ds-m4q.

  • Assault Frigates (20 M)
    Requires: Full rack of T2 guns, Meta 3 or better Damage Control
  • Fleet Interceptors (20 M)
    Requires: Warp Disruptor II or faction with > 24 km range, MWD, Meta 3 or better Damage Control, Targeting range > Overheated point range (i.e. Ionic Field Projector rig or Signal Amplifier)
  • Interdictors (50 M)
    Requires: Interdiction Sphere Launcher, 2 x Meta 4 or better buffer tank module, MWD
  • Heavy Interdiction Cruisers (150 M)
    Requires: Warp Disruption Field Generator, 2 x buffer tank modules (armor: Meta 4 or better, shield: T2), 2 x T2 or better omni resist tank modules (Energized adaptive Nano Membrane II or Adaptive Invulnerability Field II)
  • T2 Logistics (125 M)
    Requires: X/2 highslot configuration for Guardian and Basilisk, Damage Control II


To be eligible for reimbursement, a loss must have happened in the campus or connecting systems.

  • Battlecruisers, both combat and boosting (40 M)
  • Battleships, Capacitor Neutralizing or Scorpion (100 M)
    Requires: Lost in Innuendo, ECM fit for Scorpion, Neuting fit for others
  • Heavy Interdiction Cruisers (150 M)
  • Noctis (75 M)
  • T2 Logistics (125 M)

How do I request reimbursement?

  1. Verify that the loss meets the above criteria.
  2. If requesting a frigate, check the hangar first. If you do not have hangar access yet, ask in the Corp channel. This is much faster and you can also request any necessary modules.
  3. If requesting a hull replacement (most T1 ships), fill out this form.
  4. If requesting a partial reimbursement (most T2 ships), fill out this form.
  5. Be patient. Your request will be processed when a reimbursement officer is available to do it.

Please note: Always supply your full name as it appears in game. If you are requesting a replacement or reimbursement (not a new ship) you must provide the URL of the specific loss on the EVE University killboard. Do NOT paste the actual killmail, in-game kill report, your pilot details, external killboards or whatever happened to be in your clipboard at the time into the form.


What does a “PvP fleet against another corporation” mean?

  • The fleet must have a designated FC and its purpose must be PvP combat.
  • You must be operating as part of the fleet, following the FC’s orders.
  • In-corp losses are not covered by the SRP.
  • Specific examples:
    • Solo losses are not reimbursable.
    • Doing your own thing, while technically fleeted, is not reimbursable.
    • Getting jumped while running a PvE fleet is not reimbursable.
    • Events and in-corp sparring are not reimbursable.

How do you define a “Reasonable PvP fitting”?

  • Not an obvious PvE fit.
  • Not an obvious comedy fit.
  • Not an obvious collection of whatever modules you happened to have lying around.
  • No empty slots without an obvious good reason.
  • Basically, if the fit has any chance at all of doing its intended job, you’re in good shape.

What constitutes “Reasonable Effort”?

  • You don’t have to win, but you have to give it your best shot.
  • Specifically, intentional chain suicides, comedy fleets, drunk roams, AFK losses and deliberate acts of monumental stupidity may be grounds to reject a reimbursement request. Each case is evaluated separately by the officer processing the request, so please provide sufficiently detailed comments on all losses.
  • Please note this in no way reflects management views of the above; it simply means the University will not pay for them.

What does “Properly” commented mean?

  • At minimum, a comment must explain the situation which led to the loss. This is required by EVE University Rules and failure to do so may not only lead to your request being rejected but could affect your ability to earn titles.
  • Preferably, each comment should show an understanding of how the fight developed and any learning points you took away from the loss.

I submitted a request several days ago. Why haven’t I heard anything?

  • Are you a member of EVE University? If not, your request has been rejected.
  • Did you type your full character name exactly as it appears in game? If not, we may not have been able to find you.
  • Also, please remember the program is entirely run by volunteers who give up their game time to provide this service. Sometimes it may take up to a week for someone to be available (and in Aldrat, in case of replacement hulls) with enough time on their hands to clear any backlog we may have accumulated.

Who can I contact if I have a question?

  • A current list of active Reimbursements staff is available on the Logistics Division Wiki page.
  • For policy clarifications, please contact the Reimbursement Manager or your campus SRP Managers.