User:Hellbento/Fleet PvP Skill Training Guide

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Fleet PvP Training Guide

So You want to get into Fleet PvP

Well you have come the right place (or at least one of them). Eve University runs regular (or at least a lot of) PvP fleet roams and everyone in our fleets will be willing to help you find your feet once you are in space. To actually contribute to a PvP fleet, start by training the ship skills you want to use (even at frigates 3 you can be part of a fleet), the general fitting and tanking skills. You should also choose a role to fulfill in a fleet, and fit a ship to do this. Most pilots will start out as a hero tackle or a DD (Damage Dealer) frigate or destroyer, and then branch out from there, but in the uni we are generally fairly flexible.

The general fleet roles are DD, Tackle, Ewar, Logi and Scouts. DD actually apply the damage to the enemy and need ships, guns, and related skills at a decent level. Tackle pilots use modules to keep the targets from getting away and to slow them down, so they need the propulsion jamming skills, and usually skills to help them fly faster to catch the targets. Ewar use electronic warfare modules to reduce the targets' effectiveness and make it easier for everyone else to do thier job, and need the electronics skills for the type of Ewar they are using. Logi are the guys that heal us and keep your ship alive, and make you more effective, and need the remote repairing skills, and usually capacitor transfer and management skills. Finally scouts are the people that range ahead of, or follow behind, the fleet to find us targets and make sure that no-one who will make us targets warps in on us, they often fly Covert Ops ships so they can cloak and not be seen, and carry combat scanners so need the scanning skills as well.

Everyone who is going to fly in PvP should also make sure they train thier fitting and tanking skills, and it is useful to have people with the leadership skills trained, if not absolutely necessary.

Joining Fleets and general fleet guides

Once you have the starting skills for a fleet role you should try to join fleets as soon as possible, but first read The Rookie's Guide To Fleet Ops and try to attend, or at least listen to, Fleets 101. Even if you are a minor contributor in your first couple of fleets while you get used to fleet communications, different commands and how to be part of a larger group, you will learn, and you will contribute, even if it does not feel like it at the moment. The most important things are to listen to the FC and the other leadership, and to do your best, the rest only comes with a little experience.

T1 Frigates and fittings are available to uni members for free from the Corporation Hangar, either pick one up from the corporate hanger, or if you don't have the Freshman title yet ask in corporate chat and often someone will be able to grab one and pass to you.

Eve Uni fleets tend to leave from either Aldrat/Hek, or from Stacmon near LSC, so have you PvP ships near these places so you they are handy when a fleet starts forming. It is probably best not to keep all of your PvP ships in Aldrat, or in the Hek Trade Station (Boundless Creation) as if war targets we want to kill park outside these stations it can make forming a fleet a lot harder, so usually keep PvP ships in a couple of stations nearby (if you want to have more than one) and then wherever they blockade we will have some people who can get out and form a fleet.

General Skills (Everyone should have them)

Discuss what skills everyone who does PvP should have


Fitting skill discussion here


Tank Skill Discussion here


Shield Tank


Armor Tank


Discussion of leadership skills

Roles in PvP


Discuss general tackling information and skills

Hero Tackle

Discuss what this means, and what to train to do this

Heavy Tackle

Discuss moving into a heavy tackle ship

Fast Tackle

Discuss Fast Tackle ships (interceptors etc.)

Damage Dealer/DPS

Discuss how to fit and train for effective DPS,



Discuss general EWar tactics, and differnt types of Ewar


Discuss ECM and its uses. Discuss skills for ECM Discuss why not to use ECM burst when starting out

Tracking Disruption

Discuss Tracking disruptors and thier uses, and what skills to train to use them

Sensor Dampening

Discuss Damps and thier uses, and training into them

Target Painters

Discuss TP and it's uses, why it is so situational, and training for it.


Discuss capacitor Neutralising and its uses, and how to train/fit for it.


Discuss Shield, Armor and Cap Logi

Frigate Logi
Armor Logi
Shield Logi
Capacitor Logi


Discuss scouting in covops, and non-covops +1 scouts etc. Discuss out of corp scouts, and that the uni does not use them.
