Third-Party Game Guides

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There are a lot of EVE game guides on the market that claim to make you great at pvp, a trillionaire in isk and various other things. There are many game guides for eve that are good guides and free but there are also many that cost real world money to buy. I wanted to buy some guides that costed real world money and while I looked for one, I had a hard time finding good honest reviews for the game guides. I've bought and tried a lot of them now and some are great, some aren't great. I wanted to make this for anyone who may be intrested just as a review of the guide and a reccommendation of the guide.

I am not in any way affiliated with any of the guides other than a customer. This is just my personal opinion and I would not go off of any of this as fact but rather just suggestions. I am not attempting to advertise any guide but I will link to the guides in case anyone is intrested in their official website.

In case you want to know if these guides are legit or not without spending your money on it, I can give you my thoughts.

Why would I pay real money for a guide

Again I am not an advertiser but I will give some reasons I had about buying. There are some free guides out there and while they are useful, the top quality guides I have found require you to pay money. It is almost always a one time, relatively quick fee, and if you are the type of person who spends real money on plex to sell on the EVE market, this might be something that is more worth your money. I am not saying to buy or not to buy these guides but it is something to consider.

Without furter ado, here are the guides:

EVE Billionaire


EVE billionaire was one of the first guides I bought. I was immediatly sucked in to the promises of becoming rich in isk. Everything about the guide seemed great, except it wasn't true. This guide is way outdated, nobody responds to your email, the website barely works. I couldn't even access the guide because of technical problems with the website. Nobody responded to my emails and so I have to figure this is an inactive guide if it was ever active. There was a 60 day moneyback gurantee through clickbank so I did get my money back but I wouldn't recommend this guide at all.

Isk the guide


This is the official eve online guide. The guide is available online for free but I figured I would give my thoughts for somebody that bought the hard copy version. The guide looks great first of all and is huge with helpful information. The thing about this guide is that it is a very useful reference guide and gives some good tips but It won't turn you from a noob to a pro. I would give this middle rating, a good guide with great references and tools but not much else. Nothing in this guide that you couldn't find on the EvE University or official EVE online wiki.

EVE MMO Game Guide


This is similar to isk the guide in that it has a lot of references to eve but nothing drastic. Most of the strategies in it are fairly well known. Unfortunately it is also similar to EVE billionaire in that it is inactive. The guide seems abandoned and I couldn't get a response from the creator of the guide. I wouldn't reccommend this guide.



This is the first guide I really liked and would reccommend. This guide is made by some of the best pvpers in the game and has some really useful videos. There are free videos to try out as well as a forum to talk to pro pvpers and ask questions. You can actually go and pvp with the creators of this guide where they will give you tips in the field. There are a few things I don't like about this guide however, First off it does require a subscription fee while all the others are a one time price. Also there is some sort of scandal and fight with this company. Apparently one of the creators left because another was stealing real world money. The player denies it and I have only heard rumors. I really have no idea what happened in there and haven't had any problems myself but just buy it at your own risk.

EVE PRO Guides


Having bought all the guides, I can say that personally this is far and away my favorite. This guide is made by a pro pvper who has some absolutely incredible tricks and tips. He has instructional pvp videos that are the fastest way to get good at pvp. The videos are breif and to the point but I have noticed since applying his strategies that I have done much better in pvp. The price is cheap, this guide is probably worth a lot more and the creator actively responds to questions and requests. It isn't too easy to find bad things about this guide but things that could be improved upon is the amount of content, personally I like the content breif and to the point but there isn't a ton of it. Overall I really like the strategies in this guide and I can't really reccommend it enough. Really far and away the best guide in my opinion.


Rating the guides 0-10, 0 being it was terrible/inactive and 10 being perfect I would give them:

  • EVE Billionaire - 0
  • ISK the guide - 6
  • EVE MMO Game Guide - 4
  • EVE is EASY - 8
  • EVE PRO Guides - 9.5

Again I mean this guide as a reference and a personal opinion. I am in no way affiliated with any of these guides, other than as a customer. Most of these guides have free content to try out so I would suggest looking at that and deciding for yourself. I hope this helped you and I hope you find the right guide for you.