User:Cassiel Seraphim/Sandbox9

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Warfare-links.png Command Bursts are modules that increase the effectiveness of one or several aspects of a ship. They can only be fitted to certain ships but are extremely potent as they will give their bonuses to every single member of the fleet (up to 256 people) as long as they are within the area of effect of the burst.

Command Bursts

The command burst modules come in five different variants, each with three different type of charges giving different effects, as well as a tech one and a tech two version of the command burst modules. The only notable difference between the Command Burst I and Command Burst II module is that the tech two module is +25% stronger and the tech two variant requiring the specialization skill.

Command Burst modules Command Burst charges Effect Base Max [1]
Icon armor command burst.png Armor Command Burst Icon armor energizing.png Armor Energizing Charge Armor Resistance Bonus +8% +21,56%
Icon armor reinforcement.png Armor Reinforcement Charge Armor HP Bonus +8% +21,56%
Icon rapid repair.png Rapid Repair Charge Armor Repair Modules: Duration & capacitor-use bonus -8% -21,56%
Icon information command burst.png Information Command Burst Icon electronic hardening.png Electronic Hardening Charge Sensor Strength bonus
Remote Sensor Dampener / Remote Weapon Disruption Resistance Bonus
Icon electronic superiority.png Electronic Superiority Charge Electronic Warfare modules: Range and Strength bonus +9% +24,26%
Icon sensor optimization.png Sensor Optimization Charge Scan Resolution bonus
Targeting Range bonus
Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman Burst Icon mining equipment preservation.png Mining Equipment Preservation Charge Mining crystal volatility bonus -15% -57,13%
Icon mining laser field enhancement.png Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge Mining/Survey module range bonus +30% +114,26%
Icon mining laser optimization.png Mining Laser Optimization Charge Mining Modules: Duration & Capacitor-use bonus -15% -57,13%
Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst Icon active shielding.png Active Shielding Charge Shield Repair Modules: Duration & Capacitor-use bonus -8% -21,56%
Icon shield extension.png Shield Extension Charge Shield HP Bonus +8% +21,56%
Icon shield harmonizing.png Shield Harmonizing Charge Shield Resistance Bonus +8% +21,56%
Icon skirmish command burst.png Skirmish Command Burst Icon evasive maneuvers.png Evasive Maneuvers Charge Signature Radius bonus
Agility bonus
-6% -16,17%
Icon interdiction maneuvers.png Interdiction Maneuvers Charge Tackle module range bonus +12% +32,34%
Icon rapid deployment.png Rapid Deployment Charge AB/MWD module speed increase bonus +12% +32,34%
  1. ^ This assumes that all relevant skills are maxed, use the tech two variant of the command burst module, a ship with the strongest bonuses and the best commmand mindlink.

You can find the modules on the market under the Icon gunnery turret.png Ship Equipment and Warfare-links.png Fleet Assistance Modules, whereas the charges are under the Icon market ammo.png Ammunition & Charges and Warfare-links.png Command Burst Charges.

Ship & module restructions

Command burst modules can only be fitted to ships of the following categories: Capital Industrial Ships, Carriers, Combat Battlecruisers, Command Destroyers, Command Ships, Force Auxiliaries, Industrial Command Ships, Strategic Cruisers, Supercarriers and Titans.

Ships Command burst modules allowed
Capital Industrial Command Ships [1]
Can fit three command burst modules.
Command Ships
Force Auxiliaries
Industrial Command Ships [2]
Can fit two command burst modules.
Command Destroyers
Combat Battlecruisers
Strategic Cruisers [3]
Can fit one command burst module.
  1. ^ Like the Rorqual.
  2. ^ Like the Orca and the Porpoise.
  3. ^ Requires the Warfare Processor subsystem.
Command Processor rigs

There's a rig called Command Processor I that will allow your ship to fit an additional command burst module. The rig uses Icon calibration.png 150 calibration so ships are limited to +2 more command burst modules due to the high calibration cost (as ships cannot have more than 350 - 400 calibration available). This will allows an Orca to fit up to 5 command burst modules, command ships to get 4 command burst modules, command destroyers to fit 3 command burst modules etc. The balance comes with the fact that you'll be giving up precious rig slots, which often drastically lowers the tank potential of the ship.

For the armour and shield command burst using the Icon armor reinforcement.png Armor Reinforcement Charge or the Icon shield extension.png Shield Extension Charge it usually pays off to have one person run it, as the maximum bonus (+21,56% hit points) will give you a higher boost compared to a Module icon armor rig tech2.png Trimark Armor Pump II or Module icon shield rig tech2.png Core Defense Field Extender II rig (+20% hit points), not to mention the fact it gives this bonus to anyone within range.

Industrial core

The industrial core is a module that the Rorqual can fit that gives additional bonuses to Mining Foreman and Shield Command Bursts, but only when activated. Activating that core locks the ship down in a similar manner to how siege works.

Type of core Effect
Module icon industrial core i.png Industrial Core I +25% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman Burst strength.
+150% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman and Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst area of effect range.
Module icon industrial core ii.png Industrial Core II +30% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman Burst strength.
+200% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman and Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst area of effect range.


There are several skills influencing the effect of command bursts, be that their strength, duration, area of effect range or reload speed.

Group Skill Skill effect per level Max
Strength Duration Range Reload
Warfare-links.png Icon skillbook2.png Leadership +7% +35% range
Icon skillbook2.png Wing Command +6% +30% range
Icon skillbook2.png Fleet Command +5% +25% range
Icon skillbook2.png Command Burst Specialist -10% -50% reload speed
Icon armor command burst.png Icon skillbook2.png Armored Command +10% +50% duration
Icon skillbook2.png Armored Command Specialist +10% +50% strength
Icon shield command burst.png Icon skillbook2.png Shield Command +10% +50% duration
Icon skillbook2.png Shield Command Specialist +10% +50% strength
Icon information command burst.png Icon skillbook2.png Information Command +10% +50% duration
Icon skillbook2.png Information Command Specialist +10% +50% strength
Icon skirmish command burst.png Icon skillbook2.png Skirmish Command +10% +50% duration
Icon skillbook2.png Skirmish Command Specialist +10% +50% strength
Icon mining command burst.png Icon skillbook2.png Mining Foreman +10% +50% duration
Icon skillbook2.png Mining Director +10% +50% strength

Command Mindlink implants

Various command mindlink implants boost the strength and durationeffect of Command Burst modules.

Implant Requirement Effect
Icon implant mindlink.png Armored Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Armored Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon armor command burst.png Armor Command Burst strength and duration
Icon implant mindlink.png Information Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Information Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon information command burst.png Information Command Burst strength and duration
Icon implant mindlink.png Mining Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Mining Director V
+25% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman Burst strength and duration
Icon implant mindlink.png Shield Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Shield Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst strength and duration
Icon implant mindlink.png Skirmish Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Skirmish Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon skirmish command burst.png Skirmish Command Burst strength and duration
Icon implant mindlink faction.png Caldari Navy Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Shield Command Specialist V
Information Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst strength and duration.
+25% bonus to Icon information command burst.png Information Command Burst strength and duration.
Icon implant mindlink faction.png Federation Navy Mindlink Cybernetics V
Armored Command Specialist V
Skirmish Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon armor command burst.png Armor Command Burst strength and duration.
+25% bonus to Icon skirmish command burst.png Skirmish Command Burst strength and duration.
Icon implant mindlink faction.png Imperial Navy Mindlink Cybernetics V
Armored Command Specialist V
Information Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon armor command burst.png Armor Command Burst strength and duration.
+25% bonus to Icon information command burst.png Information Command Burst strength and duration.
Icon implant mindlink faction.png ORE Mining Director Mindlink Cybernetics V
Mining Director V
Shield Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon mining command burst.png Mining Foreman strength and duration.
+25% bonus to Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst strength and duration.
Icon implant mindlink faction.png Republic Fleet Command Mindlink Cybernetics V
Shield Command Specialist V
Skirmish Command Specialist V
+25% bonus to Icon shield command burst.png Shield Command Burst strength and duration.
+25% bonus to Icon skirmish command burst.png Skirmish Command Burst strength and duration.

Using Command Burst modules

While they are relatively simple to use, there are a few quirks that you should be aware of.

Weapon Timer

Icon timer weapons.png Upon activation of a Command Burst-module will give you a Weapon Timer.
(for the duration of the cycle-time of the module, which is 60 seconds)

Not only will this stop you from docking in a station or a citadel as well as disallow tethering, it also means that you cannot refit with a mobile depot or if you're near a ship with a ship maintenance bay and refitting services. This is most notable on gates (as you cannot follow while having a weapons timer) or when you need to dock up or tether. But for all practical purposes, this just means that people running Command Burst modules will have to pay attention to their weapon timer just like any other combat ship in EVE.

Duration and cycle time

Icon warp time.png While the cycle time of the Command Burst module is 60 seconds, the effect can range from anywhere between 60 seconds to 129 seconds (depending on your leadership skills).

This means that the boosts will last for a while even if you're destroyed. It also means that you'll be able to safely reload inbetween bursts and still have time to fire off a new burst before the old one wears off.

Calculating Command Burst bonuses

For those wondering how these different bonuses are calculated, here's the math behind the way CCP calculates Command Burst bonuses.

Formula for strength

The various multipliers for strength are calculated as follows:

Formula for duration

For duration the multipliers are calculated as follows:

Formula for reload speed

Since reload speed is affected by fewer things, the calculation is simple:

Scaling bonuses

Given the number of skills, ships and implants available, here's a table showing the relative bonuses for a few key milestones.


Here's an example of how the strength of certain modules scale with skills, ship bonuses and implants.

Ships Bonus Base Command Specialist Ship bonuses Icon implant mindlink.png
Certificate-level1.png Certificate-level2.png Certificate-level3.png Certificate-level4.png Certificate-level5.png Certificate-level1.png Certificate-level2.png Certificate-level3.png Certificate-level4.png Certificate-level5.png
Reload speed
