User:Adrien claremont

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Why you should do Missions

There is one very simple reason why you should run Security Missions at the NSC- they pay very well. The reason for this is quite simple. The rewards from a Mission depend on two factors which are the level of the mission itself and the security status of the system that the Mission Agent is in. That means you can run blitz L3s at the NSC in a destroyer and get paid more than if you where running L4s in HiSec. Here are two examples. We have a L4 mission from a 0.6 system (Similar to Amygnone and the HSC) and we have a L3 from a -0.2 system (NSC backpocket).

Nsc mission 1.png

Nsc mission 2.png

These are just two random examples that show how close the payout can be between HiSec L4s and NullSec L3s. Obviously some missions will pay more and some will pay less, but what is important is that knowledge that the L3s can be completed in a fraction of the time that a L4 will take and that they also take a fraction of the skill and isk investment needed to run them. If that wasn't enough, the LP gained from running missions for the Intaki Syndicate is also very valuable. Using the Fuzzworks LP Store, Lets take a look at LP values for the Sisters of Eve, which many consider to be the best LP store in HiSec, against the Intaki Synidcate which are the Corporation we recommend at the NSC

Nsc mission 3.png

Nsc mission 4.png

These numbers do change constantly because of the market and some of the LP values can be artificially high, so take the exact values with a pinch of salt and do you own market research to make sure you are spending LP on items you can actually sell, but on average Syndicate LP is worth roughly 60% more than the best LP available in HiSec.

And that is only for L3 missions. The rewards increase further as you progress to NullSec L4s and Burner missions. So why would you want to wait until you skilled into that expensive Battleship when you could be cashing in with your Destroyer at the NSC? Do we have your attention now?

Isn't it risky in NullSec?

Yes, there is always a risk of loosing your ship when doing anything in NullSec. That said, the risk is actually really quite low. Many people view NullSec as this dangerous part of EVE Online, just full of bad guys ready to blow you up. The truth is, NullSec is empty. You can go for hours sometimes without someone disturbing you. So when somebody neutral jumps into a system that the NSC are playing in, particularly a system within the NSC backpocket, it becomes a a bit of a deal and is flagged up straight away in both Fleet Chat and Mumble. The neutral in fact then becomes the hunted party by NSC, not the other way around. Granted, on the odd occasion there is the fight we cannot handle or there may not be anyone in Fleet to help out but generally speaking, those times are few and far between.

Compare that to HiSec with Eve University being almost always wardec'd by someone, where particularly around Eve University areas like Slays or Amygnon you have bling fit war targets out to solely target Mission Runners, then NullSec isn't actually that scary at all but actually a rather safe place to conduct PVE.