Slave Breeding Plants

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Escalation Text: Among the intelligence you get from the ruins of this outpost is a schedule for slave transports, listing several times and locations where they are supposed to be. Most of the information is outdated, but your instruments run through the list and find a reachable location.

First Escalation:

Warp in before acceleration gate (Newly Constructed Acceleration gate)

  • 4 frigates
  • 4 destroyers
  • 0-1? faction frigate (escalation trigger)

Pocket: Empty, just a Sansha Bunker and several veldspar asteroids.

Escalation text: Nothing but an old deserted bunker, owned by True Power and probably used as a slave holding place. After a short search, you find a short list of co-ordinates leading to similar facilities nearby.

Second escalation:

  • 4 frigates
  • 4 destroyers
  • 0-1? faction frigate (escalation trigger)

Escalation text: Again a True Power slave hold and this time it was inhabited. You have a second look at the list of locations you found and pick out the nearest one.

Third Escalation

  • 4 frigates
  • 6 destroyers
  • 0-1? faction frigate (escalation trigger)

Escalation Text: Again a slave hold run by the Sansha True Power corporation, much like the last one and now nothing but a smoldering ruin. On the navigation panel, you punch in all of the remaining locations from the list you found and a new flight plan pops up.

Fourth Escalation (low sec)

Acceleration gate:

Assorted frigates Cruisers (~ 8 -10= gate 60 km away)

Second pocket: ~ 12 frigs / cruisers +0-1? faction frigate (escalation end)