User:Julian Celador/Fleets 101

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Fleets 101 is the basic theoretical course designed for new students who have not yet been on an E-UNI fleet operation. It should give them a minimal amount of knowledge needed to function effectively before their first fleet, and serves as a basis for the more detailed game-mechanical and theorycrafting information in Fleets 102.

General Information

Image: 4c3.jpg

Fleets 101 is designed to go over EVE University fleet formation and function. Proper formation etiquette is explained as well as the basic fleet commands one can expect in a uni fleet.

This class should be taken, reviewed or listened to prior to joining a fleet within the University. Students should read The Rookie's Guide to Fleet Ops in advance, if possible.

Duration: 1 hour (and an additional 60 minutes for the optional practical exercise)

Location: Aldrat PTS

Presentation: File:Fleets 101.pdf

Practical: (Recommended)

  • Form a fleet and x-up in Alliance
  • Show members a proper ogc, dgc and how fleet warping works compared to warping yourself.

Student requirements (general):

  • Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: and ensure you have Push-to-talk set.
  • Access to the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel.

Student requirements (practical):

  • Have your Overview set to the uni standard
  • Any ship for the recommended practical exercise (even a noobship)
  • In Aldrat, docked in a station of your choice or at the POS if a practical is held.

Forum Post

The text in this section is formatted to be pasted into a forum posting as-is to announce the class.

[size=150][b]Fleets 101[/b][/size]


Fleets 101 is designed to go over EVE University fleet formation and function. Proper formation etiquette is explained as well as the basic fleet commands one can expect in a uni fleet.  

This class should be taken, reviewed or listened to prior to joining a fleet within the University. Students should read [URL][/URL] in advance, if possible.

[b]Duration:[/b] 60 minutes (theory) + 60 minutes (practical)
[b]Location:[/b] Docked up safely in Aldrat (if intending to participate in Practical)

[b]Class contents:[/b]
* Why Use Fleets
* Purpose of Fleets
* Fleet Preparations
* Forming a Fleet
* Fleet Movement and Comms
* Practical

[b]Student requirements (General):[/b]
* Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins.
* Use this guide for set-up: and ensure you have Push-to-talk set.

* Access to the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel

[b]Student requirements (Practical):[/b]
*Have your Overview set to the uni standard
*Any ship for the recommended practical exercise (even a noobship)
*In Aldrat, docked in a station of your choice or at the POS if a practical is held.

[b]Questions?[/b] Post them here for follow up in this thread.

Why fleets are useful

Features of a fleet vs. solo piloting:

  • You can quickly identify allies.
  • Group warps from the SC, WC or FC.
  • You can warp to any member of the fleet in system.
  • You can broadcast certain bits of information such as:
    • Needs Armor or Shields
    • Location
    • Enemy Spotted
    • Target to fire upon

How to do each of these things correctly and effectively will be explained throughout this class and the follow-up, Fleets 102.

NOTE: Fleets do NOT allow shooting of pilots in fleet unless they are also in the same corp.

Purpose of fleets

Fleets allow for groups of people to fulfil a common purpose whist enjoying the effects of leadership bonuses, the broadcast system, fleet structure and command.

The maximum size of a fleet is 256 pilots. (1 Fleet Commander, 5 Wing Commanders, and 25 ten man squadrons which includes the squad commanders) The maximum size of a squadron is 10 members inc. squad commander, the maximum size of a wing is five squadrons, and the maximum size of a fleet is 5 wings.

Examples of PVP fleets

  • War Target Hunting: A fleet formed to harass or engage war targets.
  • Hunting Pirates: Hunting people with -5.0 security status, or those with Criminal or Suspect flags or other in Low sec or High sec.
  • Nullsec Roams: Roaming null sec killing anyone not friendly (BLUE) to the Uni. (NBSI)

Examples of PVE fleets


Mission Locust Fleets

  • Mission running fleet where all members run the same mission together
  • Share Rewards (ISK, LP points Standings and Loot) with all members
  • Bounties are shared amongst all in system
  • Perform missions quicker and salvage loot more efficiently

Mission Spider Fleets

  • Mission runners do missions anywhere and share ISK, LP and Standing rewards
  • No bounties shared unless mission runners are in the same system.
  • Loot and salvage are not usually shared

Not allowed in Eve-University: Suicide Ganking, Ninja Salvaging, Can Flipping

Preparing to join a fleet

Don't fly what you can't afford to lose

  • Any combat fleet you participate in has a good chance of putting you in a pod or a noobship. It's expected (and in some cases required) that you'll lose ships in PVP fleets. You should, therefore, be flying ships you can afford to replace.
  • Expensive losses in PVP/War fleets make the Uni look like an easy source of good killmails, it's always best not to fly overly expensive ships in PVP/War fleets unless you know exactly how to handle those ships.

Medical clone

  • If you're podded (your pod is destroyed) you'll wake up in your medical clone.

Jump clone and implants

  • If you lose your ship, you may lose your pod too.
  • When you are podded, you wake up in a new medical clone with NO IMPLANTS.
  • Take advantage of the University's Jump Clone services to maintain a local jumpclone with perhaps minimal cheap implants.
  • VERY VERY IMPORTANT in 0.0 Nullsec roams
  • Pods cannot warp out of interdiction bubbles
  • Smartbombs can be prevalent, and work very well at destroying pods

Ship insurance

  • Maintain Platinum Insurance on all T1 ships you take out in the field.
  • May not be worth it to you on T2, Navy and Pirate ships due to the relatively low payout for these ships.


  • Don't leave home without ammo! It's easy to forget.
  • Bring enough for 2-3 reloads. With the exceptions of specialized missions, you probably won't need more than this before a battle ends.


  • Make sure you have the proper drones for the task at hand.


  • If you're into Thermodynamics and understand how to overheat your modules, Nanite Repair Paste is your best friend as it will repair overheat damage.


  • If you're into Neurotoxins and understand the benefits and drawbacks, then don't forget to take your fix.

Fleet Formation

Forming a fleet

Fleets are formed by:

  • Either right clicking a pilot (your own name works for this) and selecting “form fleet with” from the drop-down menu OR
  • NeoCom – Fleets – right-click triple dashes on upper-left corner of fleet window. “Form Fleet”

There are a number of ways which fleets are filled with members, some will as for an 'X up' and will invite members, others will post a clickable advert, others may post the advert for you to find in the "Fleet Finder" tab of the fleets window.

Regardless of the method used when you join a fleet, a pop-up box will appear similar to when someone starts a private conversation. You accept the invite or do not. You are unable to join a fleet if you are currently in one.

Whether you are forming or joining a fleet in the University, the processes are the same...

Boss Invites (X Up)

  • Fleet Boss invites all members of fleet. (usually just used for single-squad fleets)
  • Impractical for larger fleets due to the time it would take for the Fleet Boss to invite everyone!

Role Based (X Up)

  • Fleet Boss or FC invites Wing commanders and Squad Commanders
  • Fleet Boss or FC will then ask for role-based X ups (see below...)
  • Squad commanders invite squad members
  • IMPORTANT: accepting a fleet invite or moving in a fleet induces a session change timer, DO NOT MOVE a scout without telling them first.


  • Fleet boss creates an advert using the fleet finder, members then click on advert to join fleet. Fleet adverts can be limited by standings or to corp or alliance only.
  • Some Fleet Bosses or FCs will expect you to find the advert yourself (Fleet Finder tab of the Fleet window) others will link it in Alliance chat.

Joining a fleet

For large fleets with role-based invites, the process for joining looks something like this, always in the Alliance chat channel:

  • FC will make call for Scouts
    • Scouts are commonly given their own wing in order to avoid getting caught up in wing-wide warps (It's a good idea for scouts to "Flag..." themselves "...exempt from Fleet warps")
  • FC will make call for Leadership
    • X-up with your Highest leadership skill first (FC, WC or L) followed by your supporting skills.
    • Support skills are listed in alphabetical order
      • Armored Warfare
      • Informational Warfare
      • Siege Warfare
      • Skirmish Warfare
      • Example: WC3 4/4/4/4
   Wing Commander skill level 3
   You are capable of passing on bonus' to three squads within your wing
   You are capable of passing on bonus' to a full squad as SC
   All support skills are at level 4, which will allow you to pass those on provided your SC's have appropriate leadership skills for their position.
  • Command Chat is made and commanders invited.
    • Once invited into the fleet, leadership will join the fleet command channel in Mumble unless told otherwise by the FC
    • The FC will inform his commanders how squads are to be formed and how pilots are to be invited
  • Squad Commanders will make their own squad chats
    • Squad chats should be a custom player-created channel, not a private chat.
    • If a disconnect occurs, when the player re-connects they will automatically connect back into the player-made chat, but will not if it was a private conversation chat.
  • FC will call for Roles (order of calling at discretion of FC)
    • Logistics
      • X Logi AR or X Logi SH
      • Often separated into squads based on Armor or Shield reps
    • EWAR
      • X EWAR (Ship Size/Hull) eg. X EWAR C (Blackbird, Arbi, Celestis, Bellicose, etc.) or X EWAR BS (EWAR Battleship eg. Scorpion)
    • DD
      • X DD (Shipsize) eg. X DD BC
      • DD is typically preferred to be a Battlecruiser, Battleship or T2 Cruiser or larger.
      • Depending on the fleet, DD Assault Frigates and Cruisers are acceptable.
    • Interceptors (Intys)
      • X Inty
    • Tackle
      • X T F (tackle Frigate)
      • X HT F (Heavy Tackle Frigate)
      • X T CR (Tackle Cruiser, most commonly also a Heavy Tackle)
  • More specific roles may be called (HICS, BS DD, etc.) but are less common.
  • Most commonly, Squad commanders will invite players who x-up into their squads, then into their squad chat channels.

Dropping fleet

You can always drop fleet at any time.

  • Real-life exists. No really, it does.
  • If in hostile territory, drop and dock at the nearest station (preferably one in which there's an Insta-Undock bookmark for)
  • If high-sec is nearby, it would be wise to try to get there before logging off (although be wary if you have a criminal or suspect timer).
  • During wartime, you may not be allowed to fly your ship back to Aldrat solo - check the WSOP for exact regulations.

Fleet movement and communications

E-UNI Fleet Commands

Movement Commands: (Link to funny photo of a/w/j)

Align (A)

  • FC will often ask you to align towards a gate or celestial in advance of being fleet-warped
  • Aligning enables all ships regardless of their size to enter warp at the same time, which has many tactical benefits.

Advance (ADV)

  • Jump through gate
  • Warp to next gate
  • Hold on next (out) gate

Break Break/Check Check

  • Clear comms for command/scout etc

Hold on Contact (HOC)

  • Also called “Gate is Red”
  • Automatically ogc on gate

Jump, Jump, Jump (JJJ)

  • Order to jump through a stargate or wormhole.
  • This command is always given in a set of 3 or more, in order to make it very clear and different from hearing “jump” in the middle of a sentence and accidentally taking it as an order.

Jump on Contact (JOC)

  • Also called “Gate is Green”
  • Usually given while in warp to a stargate.
  • Jump, jump, jump through the stargate upon arrival at gate.

Make best speed

  • Simply set your autopilot to a destination and warp yourself as fast as possible to target location


  • The poo has just hit the fan and you need to get out NOW.
  • Switch to pod saver and warp yourself to a random celestial.
  • After leaving warp, warp yourself to another celestial. This is called “bouncing”.
  • Continue the random warping until further instructions are given.


  • Lock broadcasted/called targets
  • Shoot in order instructed
  • Kill 'em

Warp (W)

  • Group Warp
    • Your SC, WC or FC will warp the squad/wing/fleet to the location of his choice once you are aligned
  • Ninja Warp
    • Your SC, WC or FC will warp the squad/wing/fleet to the location of his choice that you are not currently aligned to
  • Warp Yourself
    • You warp yourself to a target location.
    • Often used to make sure everyone in the fleet is “awake” and paying attention

Holding on gates

Gate Camp at Optimal Range

  • Used principally when defending a gate from enemy entry.
  • Warp to designated stargate at the optimal range for your ship. Tacklers warp to zero. EVERY ship should be orbiting the stargate.
  • If you are already at a gate or not at your optimal range on the gate, bounce off a nearby celestial to your optimal.
  • Launch drones

Gate Camp within Jump Range

  • Used principally when immediate movement through a gate is anticipated.
  • All ships are to be on a gate within the 2,500m jump range.
  • Less mobile BattleCruisers and larger ships sit stationary on gate. Mobile BattleCruisers and smaller ships orbit gate at ~1000m or closer, making sure their orbit never takes them out of the 2500m jump range.

Hold Cloak

  • After jumping through a stargate, you have 60 seconds of invisibility and invulnerability.
  • You cannot be decloaked during these 60 seconds by a nearby object or ship.
  • You are invulnerable to smartbombs during these 60 seconds.
  • If you move your ship in any way during this minute, your invulnerability and invisibility drops and you can now be seen by others on grid with you.
  • Standing orders in most University fleets is to hold cloak after jumping through a gate unless given an order otherwise.


Sitting in a safespot

  • Smaller ships (Smaller than Battlecruiser) orbit larger ships
  • Larger ships often align towards a common object

Rolling Safe

  • Fast Frigate or Interceptor manually burns off of their MWD on in a random unaligned direction. The rest of the fleet aligns to the inty or frigate and once the distance is => 150km, warps to them.
  • Repeat until told otherwise.
  • This is a form of protection against being scanned down with Combat probes.

Comms and communication skills

Mumble is a VITAL part of fleet operations. You must be listening; a microphone is required for scouts and leadership roles.

Types of “Comms”

Closed Comms

  • Scouts and Commanders are in a separate command chat and discuss intel, fleet direction and tactics in private. No chatting from non-command members is allowed, with a few exceptions.
  • Often the only thing the average fleet member will hear is warp, align and primary target commands.
  • Operational Security is at a maximum with this style of fleet. The main fleet is kept in the dark other than direct commands of what to do. There is little opportunity for spies to relay good intel.
  • This style of comms can lead to distraction and boredom with the main fleet if not handled properly. The FC should make sure to inform the main fleet of as much as possible without jeopardizing Operational Security.
  • Recommended for new FC’s so you can ask questions of your experienced WC or SC’s without sounding like a doofus to the whole fleet.

Open Command

  • Often confused with and called ‘open comms’.
  • The most common style of fleet comms in the university. Non-command, non-scout members still cannot speak on mumble, however, the intel gathering of the scouts and command chatter is over the main voice channel so the entire fleet can hear what is going on.
  • More chatter keeps the fleet members more entertained and aware of what is going on around them.
  • Spies hear all of your intel and where you and your scouts are going.
  • Recommended for non-wartime fleets where chances of having spies is reduced.

Open Comms

  • Fleet chat is a public chat room. Any and all members of the fleet are free to talk and chat at will; however, Comms Discipline is expected to be maintained when required.
  • Not recommended for PvP fleets, as chaos tends to ensue when everyone speaks up at once when encountering an enemy.
  • Default comms of choice for mining and missioning fleets

Communication Skills

  • The Message content is vital
  • Be concise and accurate
  • Only deliver facts
  • Deliver opinion only if asked
  • If reporting on a situation, remember to state your name, your system and your current location in system. E.G.: Admiral Silentbrick in Aldrat on the Eygfe gate
    • Then deliver the content of the message, such as: “2 flashy hurricanes 200km off the gate”
    • Sometimes you may need to deliver the corporation or alliance as well
    • This is called the “Triple W”: Who is reporting; Where are you; What is up?
  • The method of message delivery is also important
    • Don't Panic! (and always remember your towel)
    • Relax, Breathe and stay calm.
    • When excited, the volume and pitch of your voice will raise making it difficult to understand you.
    • Try to sound bored or uninterested, this will hold your voice steady and deliver a clear message.
  • Even if the language is not your first, try to pronounce words clearly and carefully. Speaking slowly and carefully will help reduce the influence of any cultural or regional accent.
  • Complete the message once you've started delivery. Try not to speak in fragmented sentences.
  • Avoid expletives, slang and colloquialisms (Y'all, gonna, wanna, “raining cats and dogs”). They clutter the message when dealing with a multi-cultural community.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat commands as an FC in order to assure comprehension.

Chat Channels

Sometimes it is just better to type in a message; In fact, most of the time it is better so that an FC can react in his or her own time.


  • Used for fleet-wide information
  • Everyone in the fleet can see this chat
  • Chat may be open for general chatter or restricted to vital information at the discretion of the FC

Command Chat

  • Used by the FC, his commanders and scouts
  • Used to link destinations to the SC's and for the SC's to relay vital information such as disconnects to the FC

Squad Chat

  • Used by Squad members to relay information to their SC
  • Info such as need to take a bio, request re-invite after a disconnect, or reasons why they are lagging behind the fleet.
  • A vital buffer to keep the FC from getting information-overload.
  • Squad Commanders will often relay commands as text (ogc, dgc, jjj, align, warp, etc.) for the squads

Other things to remember

Defensive mods MUST be HOT (turned on)

  • In Lowsec or Nullsec
  • When undocked during war, no matter the security status of the system
  • Remember to turn them on after decloaking on every jump. Make this a habit.

Time for the practical!

  • Form fleet in Alliance
  • Undock undock undock
  • Practice movement commands and comms in the Aldrat back pocket