User:Hespire malneant/ExploSandbox

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Important exploration skills

These are the skills needed for exploration sorted by complexity. Each skill has a short description of its benefits.

  • Basic exploration skills:
    • Racial Frigate: 7.5% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength (for the Magnate, Heron, Imicus, and Probe, as appropriate) per level
    • Astrometrics: +5% scan strength, -5% max scan deviation and -5% scan probe scan time per level
    • Archaeology: +10 virus coherence per level for relic sites
    • Hacking: +10 virus coherence per level for data sites
  • Intermediate exploration skills:
  • Advanced exploration skills:
    • Covert Ops: 10% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength, 20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement, 10% reduction in Survey Probe flight time per skil level
    • Cloaking: Skill at using Cloaking devices (allows the use of cloaking devices). 10% reduction in targeting delay after uncloaking per skill level.

The basic skills for exploration are now (as of Ascension) part of the starting skill set, and indeed cannot be trained further (except for Racial Frigate IV) without upgrading clone state to Omega. New pilots can now fit and undock in a basic exploration frigate, and begin probing and data-mining on day one of their careers.

Nonetheless, for pilots who do have Omega status, the rewards of additional training are considerable: additional training in the probing skills will greatly reduce the time required to scan down a signature, and the increases in virus strength and coherence gained by training the data-mining skills can make it much less likely that the pilot will fail a hack once the site has been reached. Training Cloaking allows the pilot to probe signatures in relative safety and (at level IV) to fit the Improved cloak and thus use the Cloak trick to increase the chances of successfully making it to market with the loot.