Fair Play - To The Rescue

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This mission is a part of a mission chain Fair Play

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Kill pirate
Faction Rogue Pirates
Best damage to deal Explosive damage Ex
Damage to resist Thermal damage Th

Mission briefing
We're receiving a rather garbled transmission. We can't tell who it's from, but it is damnably close to a Navy distress call. It's not certain, but I'm not going to be the one sacked for not responding quickly to a call from our boys.

Fly out to these coordinates and see what's going on. Take out any hostiles.

Check Local
It always pays to keep an eye on the Local chat window. Not only is it a great place to send and receive warnings on incoming pirates and the like, but it is also a handy way to see just which capsuleers are in-system.

Single pocket, no gate.


  • (Pop-up message) "I knew one of you stupid newbies would fall for this. Now send me all of your ISK or I'll pod you."
  • (In local) "Lone Pirate: This isn't fair! I'm supposed to be winning!"


  • The smuggler's stargate drops about 50 scrap metal and some illegal drugs. Not worth destroying, as it has an obscene amount of HP.


Frigate 1 x Frigate Mercenary Rookie