Yka Katori

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Interception - Data Miner (1 of 2)

Mission briefing Gurista High Command has tasked me with a very important assignment. Our intelligence reports that a Caldari Navy convoy is headed out here, bearing arms, supplies and equipment for Navy forces in the area. We intend to intercept this convoy and re-route the cargo to our own complex in Otitoh, but we need to do it covertly so contracting non-Gurista operatives such as yourself is a necessity.

The convoy has an undercover scout headed through this system. What I'm gonna need you to do right now is find and intercept this scout, then bring me back the convoy disposition file so we can tell our strike force what they're up against. The scout, Huriki Vunau, is known to be at a rendezvous point with an associate in the contested mining facility complex in system. Find him, kill him, and report back to me with the file.

This offer expires at 2020.10.25 05:31

Interception - Data Miner (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	0.5 Katori's Cormorant in Friggi.	
		Item	1 x Caldari Navy Convoy Disposition File (0.1 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 468,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours and 54 minutes: 484,000 ISK

Item is found in the contested mining facility in the contested plagioclase field off Huriki Vunau.

Interception - The Messenger (2 of 2)

Mission briefing Our intelligence operatives have compiled the information you brought, along with information provided by others, in a dossier which should give our strike force all it needs to intercept that convoy and grab whatever goodies they're carrying. They'll never know what hit them.

I need you to take the dossier to a station in Otitoh and leave it in your hangar there. One of our agents from the outpost in Otitoh will get to it, hopefully in time for us to make the strike as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you can do this quickly, I'll throw in an extra reward for you. Good luck.

This offer expires at 2020.10.25 05:31

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Interception - The Messenger (2 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Transport Objective Transport these goods: Pickup Location 0.5 Friggi

	 	Drop-off Location	0.5 Otitoh IV - Moon 1 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory	
		Cargo	1 x Encoded Gurista Intelligence Dossier (0.1 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 19,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 5 minutes: 1 x 'Noose' Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (3 runs, copy, material level: 15, time efficiency: 6)

Collateral Prior to accepting this mission, the following must be provided by you as collateral, to be returned to you upon successful completion of the mission:

	480,000 ISK	
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