User:Chris Halsky

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The Ploy

ChrisHalsky AfterPloy.png

Super Simple Salvage Split Solution

  • If dedicated salvager runs during fleet - they get double share for all missions
  • If dedicated salvager stays after fleet is finished - they get double share for all missions
  • If someone runs missions, and then goes salvaging - they get double share for all missions
  • If no dedicated salvager - bookmarks are donated to shared folder, at least 30 minutes before despawn

Evergreen Skill Plan


Evergreen Skill Plan is my take on skills that you should train in the beginning. Feel free to modify it according to your taste - I find it a bit better than Pyramid Skill Plan - it covers more or less the same skills, but in different order.

My general recommendation is to train Short Skill Plan, then Root skills. After that select your tank type and main weapon system, put both skill lists into queue, and start training from shortest skills - starting from short skills gives you the most gain in short time, and you'll gradually improve tank/weapon skills. You can also include Support skills list into that if you wish - I trained it after T2 tank. Later you can finish with T2 weapon support skills, and add Drones - for majority of ships at BC+ size drones are useful to have.

What these lists do not include, are skills for specific weapons - train them up to lvl III if you need them, to lvl V + Specialization if you really love them and they will become your main weapons. Don't be afraid to test different weapons systems - you might find that you prefer one over another. I also did not include ship skills - train them when you feel like flying different ships :)

Root skills are almost the same as pyramid base - these skills are universally useful, I highly recommend training them first. I know that CPU/PG Management V are long trains, but this really opens up your fitting possibilities.


Root Skills - a must for every pilot
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Thermodynamics I
Thermodynamics II
Mechanics III
Jury Rigging I
Jury Rigging II
Jury Rigging III
Weapon Upgrades III
Shield Upgrades III
Thermodynamics III
Weapon Upgrades IV
Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
Shield Upgrades IV
Thermodynamics IV
CPU Management V
Power Grid Management V

T2 Tank skills - you don't need to train both types of tanks in the beginning. If you focus mainly on one type of tank, feel free to ignore the second one, and train it later. T2 tank skills are very useful - I recommend having them trained when you start flying in BCs.

T2 Shield

Skills for T2 Shield Tank. If you fly mainly shield tanked ships - it's a must
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Shield Rigging I
Shield Rigging II
Shield Rigging III
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Shield Upgrades II
Shield Management II
Tactical Shield Manipulation II
Mechanics III
Shield Operation III
Shield Compensation I
Shield Compensation II
Shield Upgrades III
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Shield Compensation III
Shield Management III
Tactical Shield Manipulation III
Mechanics IV
Shield Operation IV
Hull Upgrades IV
Shield Upgrades IV
Energy Grid Upgrades IV
Shield Compensation IV
Shield Management IV
Tactical Shield Manipulation IV

T2 Armor

Skills for T2 Armor Tank. If you fly mainly Armor tanked ships - it's a must
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Armor Rigging I
Armor Rigging II
Armor Rigging III
Repair Systems I
Repair Systems II
Mechanics III
Armor Layering I
Repair Systems III
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Mechanics IV
Repair Systems IV
Hull Upgrades IV
Energy Grid Upgrades IV
Mechanics V
Repair Systems V
Hull Upgrades V

T1 Weapon systems - again, at first you do not have to train everything. If you choose one weapon system you like the most, train support skills for that system first. For Launchers and Turrets you also need to add specific skills - I have not included them here, since that depends a lot on your preference and play style.

T1 Missiles

Support skills for missiles launchers. Good for start.
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Missile Launcher Operation II
Rapid Launch I
Target Navigation Prediction I
Missile Bombardment I
Missile Bombardment II
Rapid Launch II
Target Navigation Prediction II
Missile Launcher Operation III
Missile Projection I
Missile Projection II
Missile Bombardment III
Rapid Launch III
Target Navigation Prediction III
Missile Launcher Operation IV
Guided Missile Precision I
Warhead Upgrades I
Guided Missile Precision II
Warhead Upgrades II
Guided Missile Precision III
Warhead Upgrades III

T1 Turrets

Support skills for turrets. Good for start.
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Surgical Strike I
Controlled Bursts II
Surgical Strike II
Trajectory Analysis II
Motion Prediction III
Rapid Firing III
Sharpshooter III
Controlled Bursts III
Surgical Strike III
Trajectory Analysis III
Motion Prediction IV
Rapid Firing IV
Sharpshooter IV
Controlled Bursts IV

T1 Drones

Drone skills. Basic skillset useful for everyone
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Drone Avionics II
Light Drone Operation I
Light Drone Operation II
Drones II
Drones III
Medium Drone Operation I
Medium Drone Operation II
Drone Avionics III
Light Drone Operation III
Medium Drone Operation III
Drones IV
Drone Navigation I
Drone Durability I
Drone Navigation II
Drone Durability II
Drone Navigation III
Drone Durability III
Drone Avionics IV
Drone Navigation IV
Light Drone Operation IV
Medium Drone Operation IV
Drone Durability IV
Drones V
Drone Sharpshooting I
Drone Interfacing I
Heavy Drone Operation I
Drone Sharpshooting II
Drone Interfacing II
Heavy Drone Operation II
Drone Sharpshooting III
Drone Interfacing III
Heavy Drone Operation III

Support skills. This list might grow, but in my opinion that's minimum of support skills you need - they are useful for all different ships and tasks, and having them will be beneficial.


General support skills
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Capacitor Management IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Acceleration Control I
Acceleration Control II
Acceleration Control III
Evasive Maneuvering II
Evasive Maneuvering III
Fuel Conservation I
Fuel Conservation II
Fuel Conservation III
High Speed Maneuvering II
High Speed Maneuvering III
Navigation IV
Warp Drive Operation III
Astronautics Rigging I
Astronautics Rigging II
Astronautics Rigging III

T2 Wepons support skills - if you have found your favourite weapon system, train specific weapon skill to V, and then specialization - you will be able to use T2 variant of such weapon. Additionally, finish training support skill to lvl V. Below skill list do not contain every support skill - train to V if you wish :)

T2 Missiles

Missiles support skills. Train these if you go towards T2 launchers
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Missile Bombardment IV
Rapid Launch IV
Missile Launcher Operation V
Launcher Rigging I
Launcher Rigging II
Launcher Rigging III

T2 Turrets

Turret support skills. Train these if you go towards T2 turrets
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Surgical Strike IV
Gunnery V
Trajectory Analysis IV
Energy Weapon Rigging I
Energy Weapon Rigging II
Energy Weapon Rigging III
Hybrid Weapon Rigging I
Hybrid Weapon Rigging II
Hybrid Weapon Rigging III
Projectile Weapon Rigging I
Projectile Weapon Rigging II
Projectile Weapon Rigging III

T2 Drones

Drones skills. Train these if you fly drone boat.
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Drone Sharpshooting IV
Drone Interfacing IV
Heavy Drone Operation IV
Light Drone Operation V
Medium Drone Operation V
Drones Rigging I
Drones Rigging II
Drones Rigging III

Is that plan good? I don't really know. I find split for 2 different tank types and T1/T2 split of weapon systems to be eaiser to manage than pyramid. It's not complete - it does not include every skill (byt the time you are at that point, you should have good feeling what to train) and does not have EWAR/Tackle/Logi skills - by design, as I find their inclusion in basic skill plan for new players to be mistake. These skills are important - but I've seen new players training EWAR, because it's in the pyramid, before training any weapon skills - which is a mistake. If you want to specialize in these roles - Pyramid Skill Plan is your friend.