Ikimara Hochi

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Ikimara Hochi is a level 3 agent in Caldari COSMOS located in Sakkikainen Settler's Waystation.

Banker's Stash - Stolen Goods (1 of 3)

Mission briefing
A few days ago, I was entrusted with guarding the freighters transporting Jedon Hekkiren's belongings to a vault in the Vahunomi system. All went well at first, until we were beset by pirates while traveling through Otomainen. Led by a nefarious criminal, Zaphiria Oddin, they managed to overpower my team after a brutal fight. I lost some very good friends that day.

Fortunately, or should I say unfortunately, I managed to escape with my life and with most of the crates containing Jedon's belongings. If I don't get the rest of the crates back, though, Jedon will have my head! I fear his wrath even more than I fear the Guristas. But without the rest of my escort team, I don't have a chance of defeating Zaphiria and her henchmen.

She is probably holed up in the Guristas Outrider Post within Otomainen, near where they ambushed us. The last I heard, she was inside the Guard Outpost of the deadspace complex.

Transport 300 x TX-890 Polytextile Fabric (300.0 m3) from Sakkikainen VI - Moon 1 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Publicsher to agent.

Infiltration - Molding Character (2 of 3)

Mission briefing
I have just the thing you want.

First off - thanks again for the polymers. They will come in very handy. Our technicians have most things they need to complete the disguise now, but one crucial thing is still missing. In order to create certain facial characteristics required for the impersonation of one of the people we'll be, ahem, "replacing," we're going to need some silicon from one of the Lai Dai factories in the constellation.

Head out to Sakkikainen, get us that silicon, and we'll be one step closer to our goal.

Transport 7 x Crates of Silicon (350.0 m3) from Sakkikainen VI - Moon 1 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory to agent.

Infiltration - Kill the Messenger (3 of 3)

Mission briefing
I have just the thing you want.

We've just discovered that one of the operatives on our team was a double agent from the very gang we're trying to infiltrate! Just before he decamped, we managed to plant a homing beacon on his ship. We can give you a bookmark to the location of the beacon. When you activate the bookmark, the beacon shoots out from his ship to prevent you colliding with him straight out of warp.

He's probably at a rendezvous point right now, waiting for someone to give the information to. Move quickly, or all our work here will be for nothing! I want his head. I will reward you handsomely if you complete this job in time for our mission to be salvaged.

Provide 1 x Jerpam Hollek's Head (0.1 m3) to agent. You get that item from a special site, that the agent gives you access to.