H-PA Crew Crash Production Facility

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As one of the most well-organized and opportunistic outfits inside the Guristas, the H-PA Crew were not caught unaware when synth booster production and sale was legalized inside Empire space. They quickly finalized their own preparations and set out in small jump freighter gangs from the core Venal system where they had first earned a name for themselves. Their goal was to be the primary supplier in and around Caldari space for anyone seeking the enhanced form of the same Blue Pill and Crash boosters that were now flowing freely across all empire-sanctioned markets.

They figured that capsuleers and other spacefaring clients would likely want the improved versions once they realized the limitations of synth booster variants. Their estimation hasn't proved wrong and these days the H-PA narco-squads are very well funded.

H-PA Crew Crash Production Facility is a Level 4 Gas site than can be scanned down. It has no gas inside, but a number or rats and 5 Data/Relic containers.


Frigate 1 x Frigate Lieutenant Onoki Ekela
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate H-PA Guristas Crew Elite Frigate (Dire Pithi Wrecker/Plunderer
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate H-PA Guristas Crew Elite Frigate (Dire Pithi Saboteur/Despoiler Target Jammer
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser H-PA Guristas Crew Elite Cruiser (Dire Pithum Mortifier/Inferno
Battleship 3 x Battleship H-PA Guristas Crew Battleship (Pith Conquistador/Destroyer
Hauler 2 x Industrial H-PA Crew Transport Ship
Hackable Structure 4 x Shipping Crate
Hackable Structure 1 x Com Relay