User talk:Elan Vital/Draft

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Feedback about the guide

Hi Elan! :) I'm super excited to have another guide appear on the Wiki :) I believe the Wiki is an excellent publishing platform and will give you plenty of support to prepare the guide for publishing :) I've asked my good friend User:Chris Halsky who is an expert mission runner to review the page and give feedback. Arin Mara (talk) 19:57, 27 April 2022 (UTC)

Hey! I am not someone to ask about mission-running, but I'm very happy to have a go at copy-editing / proof-reading this at some point when that would be helpful (I won't dive in and intervene unprompted, because I don't want to mess up work in progress). Message me if you'd like me to do this at some point! Uryence (talk) 23:46, 27 April 2022 (UTC)

Awesome! :) Thanks Uryence! :) Let's have Chris give their feedback first and then I'll contact you about additional guide enhancement ;) Arin Mara (talk) 08:16, 28 April 2022 (UTC)

Chris Halsky (talk) 16:56, 28 April 2022 (UTC) o/

I'll go through whole article, I'm sorry for wall of text, and that it seems like nitpicking a lot

1. General - mentions of Eve Uni specifically. I would move it to the end - to have guide first, Uni-specific topic later

1.1 - EVE University Mission Community - move it to the end. And I find that name weird - we do nto have anything recognized as such community (name suggest it's similar to Incursions Community). Personal nitpick - does it include JPNS or Ghad, or is it 'part' of Uni?

1.2 - Why Run L4 Missions with a Fleet? - good, I could see a link to Security missions there

1.3 and 1.3.1 - unnecessary level of ToC; Regarding experience - I would assume that basic knowledge of missions is nice to have. I doubt that any L4 fleet could accomodate day 1 pilot with 0 knowledge. Regarding "or whether you own a suitable ship" - depends on FC, as in Uni we generally do not take anything smaller than a Cruiser to fleet due to risk. Some FCs do, some don't, but generally - Cruiser and up.

1.4 and 1.4.1/1.4.2 - is that deep ToC necessary? Regarding "You are welcome to bring any PvE-fitted ship that you feel like flying" - not true for all fleets, as above. "though tanky cruisers may work in some situations" - in general the requirement always was Cruisers and up, and Cruiser do work in fleets. "message a member of the L4 Mission Community team" - what's that community? "For more information, contact <somebody>." - unfinished

1.5 Where, When, and Who - You mention Fridays and Sundays, but not Mondays. Also - if fleet times are posted on Wiki, it's another obligation to fix. I would change it to "Check on clendar and Events forum to find details of next L4 fleet" or similiar, not 'just in case'. Where - Hotel doesn't exist. And not necessarily in Amy, and again it's obligation to keep it up to date. Who - no who part?

1.6 - Mission Fleet Basics for New Players - Personal nitpick - always mention rule 0 if meking up any rules - newbros need to be educated about it.

1.6.1 - From Joining Fleet to Fleet Operations: Checklist-ish? - That's unnecessary to be under 1.6, and I think it deserved to be it's own point, maybe subdivided, on top of the article - it's a very good guide, probably useful for wider audience, if stripped from Uni-specific terms (Mumble, HSC, etc.). Anomics are mentioned - half true, as a fleet of 4 can wreck teams in dirt cheap Kestrels. "FC will take care of organizing looting and salvaging" - that suggest that fleets always have dedicated salvagers, which they don't. Regarding re-boxing - "If you did not align, now is not the time" - this might be misunderstood - like, if you are not aligned, stay on grid.

Sorry for picking such small stuff :) In general it's very good to have such guide.

Side question - similiar thing for FCs would also be useful.